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31 job boards for landing your new freelance work

Wix Team

Chasing clients? Forget about it. The modern freelancer has so many options to find work online (see our guide on what is freelancing). On these following job boards, the digital creative can access leads to dozens of open positions. These boards are especially designed to fit the needs of the self-employed. Some display listings for all kinds of different professions, while others focus on a specific field (such as Wix Designers).

If you’re looking to expand your clients’ base and to increase monthly revenues, browsing through these boards is a great way to land more gigs regardless of whether you're just working from home or as a digital nomad. If you know more sites that can help the freelance community, feel free to share in the comments! And of course, another great way to turn your freelance ideas into gigs is to learn how to create a freelance website (or how to start a service business).

General Job Boards

Job Boards

Design, Animation, Art


Blogging & Content


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