General Abuse is opposed to all types of abusive content published by its users, and is committed to resolving all complaints.
That said, Wix is not responsible for site owners’ activities, or for any content they publish on their sites. We do not act as an investigatory or judicial body, or otherwise take any part in disputes between our users and any other third parties.
Before submitting a report, we recommend that you directly approach the person or entity that is the subject of your complaint, and request that they remove or alter the content that you believe to be infringing on your rights.
space management ... the user won't see it
Note: All fields are required
First name
Last name
Email address
Confirm email address
Enter a valid email address
What would you like to report?
Describe the abuse you’re reporting:
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Disclosure of unauthorized private information
You can only report unauthorized disclosures of your confidential information. Disclosures of publicly-available information is not prohibited.
What type of content is being disclosed?
Describe the content:
Provide links (URLs) to the specific pages of the content:
Enter a valid URL
Where does the content appear on the page?
Why should the content be removed?
Upload files supporting your report (optional):
One or more files were not uploaded.
One or more fields are invalid.
space... the user won't see it
We received your report and will respond within three (3) business days.
For additional help, please contact our Support Center.