WIX.COM - Content Guidelines
Wix.com content guidelines are comprised of 3 basic pillars:
Wix is a powerful tool that allows anyone the freedom to create, express themselves and publish the most diverse content through the internet.
At Wix, making sure that our employees, Users, Users of our Users,and Partners feel safe is our first priority.
Customers should be treated equally under our policies.
As a platform serving millions of users around the world, websites built on Wix reach a wide audience across many countries, different cultures and multiple languages.
We recognize the importance of our Service that provides each of our users with their own place to express themselves. Wix strongly believes in freedom of speech. We also recognize that certain categories and types of content are objectionable and should not be allowed in our house. That's why we created this set of guidelines that define what content may or may not be allowed on Wix.com (“Content Guidelines”).
Wix does not pre-approve customer sites and only monitors them for security or safety reasons. However, if we receive a valid notice justifying a site's removal or decide that User’s content is not in compliance with our Terms of Use and/or our Guidelines — we reserve our right to act upon it and remove any illegal and/or non-compliant content immediately, with or without prior notice to the customer, as appropriate and required by law.
Users agree and understand that these are a set of general guidelines — we reserve our right to update and modify them as required and to interpret it in our sole discretion. These Content Guidelines are not definitive or absolute and are subject to updates from time to time.
These Guidelines form part of the Wix Terms of Use and any other applicable Wix terms governing the use of our Services (collectively, the “Wix Policies”). Any capitalized term not defined herein, shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Wix Terms of Use.
Content Guidelines:
By using our Services, Users accept all our terms, policies, and guidelines (collectively, the “Wix Terms"), including these Content Guidelines, which list and define the types of restricted content, conduct and behavior that are not permissible on our platform. Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content or otherwise use our Services for any illegal purpose or for conducting or promoting illegal activities, or in any other way contrary to the Wix Policies.
1. Intellectual Property infringements
Wix.com opposes all infringements of intellectual property.
By uploading the content to our Service, Users have to be sure to have the right to do so. We’re committed to helping individuals and organizations protect their intellectual property rights. As per our Content Guidelines, we may take actions as outlined in section 10 of these Guidelines on reports of alleged infringement in compliance with applicable law.
So just to be sure we’re aligned:
Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content that violates the rights of Wix or any third party, including any intellectual property rights
For cases associated with copyright infringements, in addition to these Content Guidelines please also refer to the Wix Policy for Repeat DMCA Infringements here.
2. Adult and Sexually Explicit Content
We do not impose a general ban on adult and sexually explicit content. We understand that this may be lawfully shared for a variety of reasons, including, educational, medical, artistic or in protests.
Like any other website in the world, a website created with Wix is subject to international and national laws. If laws applicable to User or to us prohibit such content and it comes to our knowledge — we may be required to remove it. If the law applicable to Users requires that minors be restricted from accessing Users Content or parts of it, it is User’s responsibility to implement the required restrictions or not to share such content.
Important: We have zero tolerance for child sexual imagery abuse (CSAM), grooming and exploitation, as well as Non-Consensual Content (NCC). As soon as we become aware of any such Content, we will remove it and report it to the responsible law enforcement authorities. We may also take further action as set out under section 10 below.
3. Spam/Phishing
We believe in an internet free of phishing, spam, or inappropriate and unethical messages.
Users should not use any of Wix’s Services and/or User Platform in connection with any form of spam, unsolicited mail, fraud, scam, phishing, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” or similar conduct, or otherwise engage in unethical marketing or advertising.
4. Content that may include harmful technology
We believe in the safe use of the internet.
Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content or otherwise use our Service to use any “robot”, “spider” or other automatic device, program, script, algorithm, or methodology, or any similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of Wix’s Services (or its data and/or content), or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of any of the Wix Services to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents, services or information through any means not purposely made available through Wix’s Services.
Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content or otherwise use our Service to design, develop, distribute and/or otherwise transmit or execute, any virus, worm, trojan horse, time bomb, web bug, spyware, malware or any other computer code, file or program that may or is intended to damage or hijack the operation of any hardware, software or telecommunications equipment or any other actually or potentially harmful, disruptive or invasive code or component.
5. Privacy and Impersonation
Privacy is a fundamental human right recognized by international law and protected by many regulations worldwide.
Users shall not publish or post Content with other people's private information without their express prior consent.
Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content or otherwise use our Service to:
impersonate any individuals, deceased people, or entities or provide false information on the Wix Services and/or User Platform, whether directly or indirectly, or otherwise perform any manipulation in order to disguise Users’ identity or the origin of any message or transmittal Users send to Wix and/or any end customers, including using someone else's appearance or voice without consent.
To falsely state or otherwise misrepresent the affiliation with any person or entity or falsely express or imply that Wix or any third party endorses Users, their User Platform, Users business, Users-of-Users Products or any statement Users make.
To share synthetic, manipulated, or out-of-context content (including images, videos, audios, gifs, and URLs hosting relevant content) that may deceive or confuse people and lead to harm by including Content that is significantly and deceptively altered, manipulated, or fabricated, or that is shared in a deceptive manner or with false context, and is likely to result in widespread confusion on public issues, impact public safety, or cause serious harm.
HIPAA Disclaimer
Currently, Wix Services do not comply with the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”).
If Users are subject to HIPAA as a Covered Entity or Business Associate (as defined in HIPAA), they must not use our Services to collect, upload, transmit, publish or otherwise process any protected health information that is subject to HIPAA.
6. Bullying/Harassment and Defamation
We do not always remove content that contains negative or accusing language or commentary, including negative feedback and reviews given to both individuals and companies.
We believe that we’re usually not in a position to evaluate and judge the accuracy of certain statements, reviews, feedback or other specific content that was published on our platform. For this reason, we require either a valid court order or a sufficiently substantiated takedown notice in cases of content removal requests targeting allegedly false, inaccurate, slanderous, or otherwise infringing statements.
We believe that bullying and harassment are more than just criticism or differences of opinion. Wix was not developed to allow people to target specific non-public individuals.
Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content or otherwise use our Services with the purpose of portraying or humiliating any individual in a negative or disparaging light, without their prior explicit approval.
Reviews within our Service
If Users review a Wix User work or product anywhere on our platform, such a review should honestly reflect a genuine experience and should not be posted to manipulate Wix customers’ ratings. Please avoid posting fake and untrue content, avoid posting the same content multiple times or on multiple accounts and avoid including in the reviews any content that is prohibited under these Content Guidelines. Equally, we do not permit any reviews on our platform that have been created, edited, or removed, as the case may be, in exchange for payment or any other type of compensation, including discounts, free products and free services.
7. Violence and Hate Speech
Freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental pillar of our company. As a platform that allows individuals to upload their own content, customers might use our Services against our intention for transmission of inappropriate content — including content propagating violence and hate speech.
In order to balance this line between being a place for freedom of expression and the desire to prevent objectionable content, we strive to define the exact point where specific opinion/content crosses the line between what is permissible and unacceptable. And that's a very tough task.
In the case of “hate speech”, for example, the definitions of this differ substantially in regulations worldwide. In some cases, it is very easy to identify a speech as a form of hate. Usually, it includes a direct and credible call to violence against an individual or a specific group of people.
But sometimes, it is not so easy to find a unanimous answer. Depending on the context, the meaning of words can be vague, ambiguous, or unclear.
Most of the time, the “speech” is measured by the level of tolerance one has for specific content. Each individual will apply some level of subjectivity when judging content flagged as "hate speech".
That's why we ask for our Users understanding: no matter how much effort we put into handling these cases, it is possible that our decisions in enforcing these Content Guidelines may differ from Users views.
That being said:
Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content or otherwise use our Service in a context that may be related to or be deemed as defamatory, libelous, obscene, harassing, threatening, incendiary, abusive, racist, offensive, deceptive, fraudulent, or encouraging criminal or harmful conduct, related to or deemed as hate speech, where based on our good faith and judgment, the content promotes credible calls to violence in general or specifically against individuals or groups of people.
8. Terrorist / Violent & Hateful Entities
Wix does not allow violent organizations, including terrorist groups, violent extremist groups or individuals who support and promote illegal activities. These groups and individuals pose a threat to the safety and well-being of others through their violence or promotion of violence.
Our evaluation of these organizations is based on national and international terrorism designations and our criteria for violent extremist groups and organizations do not necessarily match the definition established by other organizations. We will not tolerate threats or promotion of terrorism or violent extremism on our platform. We also consider groups that identify as extremist and use or promote violence, and groups that systematically target civilians with violence, as violent organizations. We may evaluate a group's activities on and off our platform to determine if they meet these criteria.
9. Illegal and Regulated Goods and Services
Users shall not transmit, display, upload, publish or otherwise make available any content in relation to illegal goods and services, or content that violates any laws in relation to regulated goods and services. This includes offering, selling, buying, or facilitating transactions in such illegal or regulated goods or services.
Goods and services covered under this policy include, but are not limited to:
illegal drugs and controlled substances;
human trafficking;
products made from endangered or protected species;
illegally obtained materials;
illegal sale of weapons, including firearms, ammunition, and explosives, and instructions on making weapons; and
Illegal online casinos and gambling, sports betting, bingo, pyramid, and Ponzi schemes.
10. Self-harm
Wix.com cares deeply about the safety of people using our services. As the health and well-being of our users is our top priority, we constantly try to review and update our policies concerning self-harm related Content. With that being said, we do not allow websites that encourage self-harm, including the Content which aim to shock, disgust, or pose a significant risk to site visitors. As soon as we become aware about the following Content hosted at Wix, we will apply the relevant measures outlined in section 10 of these Guidelines:
Content promoting or glorifying suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders;
Instructions on how to end life by suicide, get involved in self-harm, or participate in eating disorders (including how to conceal them);
Suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders Content targeting minors;
Fictional Content of self-harm or multiplication illustrations (anime, memes, cartoons etc);
Videos showing the lead-up to a suicide, or suicide attempts and suicide rescue footage without sufficient context
Content describing instructions on how to participate in suicide and/or self-injury challenges
Content that encourages anorexia (“pro-ana”) and other eating disorder movement sites.
Of course we will always take into account site context and will not remove the websites trying to raise awareness regarding the issues of self-harm.
If you're feeling depressed, having suicidal thoughts, engaging in self-harm, or struggling with an eating disorder, please understand that assistance is available, and you're not facing this alone. Many individuals encounter these challenges while dealing with distressing emotions. Seeking support from a mental health professional can aid in recognizing whether you're dealing with a mental health condition that requires attention. Moreover, it can guide you in discovering constructive coping mechanisms and acquiring the skills to navigate through challenging emotions. Please refer to the list of crisis lines available here to find necessary support resources in your country.
If you believe a certain Wix user is promoting self-harm or may be in danger please get in touch with the local law enforcement agencies for help and report the website via Wix support channel. We will cooperate with the law enforcement agencies upon receiving relevant requests for assistance.
11. Actions We May Take against Illegal Content and Violations of the Wix Terms
Proactive measures
Based on the "Good Samaritan" provision outlined in the DSA, Wix undertakes voluntary investigations aiming to identify and act against illegal content. We do this by applying a combination of automated tools and human review to proactively moderate content on our platform. These automated tools are in some cases supported by AI to detect content prohibited by law or under our Terms of Use, Wix Payment Terms of Service and/or our policies. Prior to removing such detected content, we will hide it and will notify the affected user.
Our automated tools are designed to make our best efforts in trying to identify specific illegal content, or content that violates our terms and policies, such as:
Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM): Once identified, our team of trained moderators reviews and, if necessary, takes action on suspicious content.
Phishers and Fraudster Behaviour: Based on specific patterns, we strive to identify accounts that have the primary purpose of conducting any form of web forgery. This includes publishing malicious websites or tricking visitors into giving up sensitive information such as passwords, account details, or credit card numbers.”
Reactive measures
In addition, Wix employs the following reactive measures:
Communication channels: Wix offers channels allowing both individuals and law enforcement agencies to report content that allegedly violates the law, and/or our terms and policies.
Moderation: We provide ongoing training and support to ensure that our moderators have the necessary skills and knowledge to moderate content effectively.
If Users upload any Content that violates the applicable law, these Content Guidelines, any other Wix Terms, or any other agreement between Users and Wix that governs their use of any Wix Services, we may, as appropriate and necessary, with or without notice:
warn the user;
restrict the visibility of any infringing or violating content, including removal of ordisabling access to such content;
suspend, terminate or restrict monetary payments;
suspend or terminate the provision of the Wix Services in whole or in part; and/or
suspend or terminate User Account.
Wix has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor or investigate any content and the use of the Wix Services at any time for compliance with these Content Guidelines and the other Wix Terms, and with any other agreement between Users and Wix governing the use of the Wix Services.
We may take these actions against content that was generated by AI tools and service, even if these tools and services were offered on the Wix platform.
As a general rule, we will base our assessment and decision-making for content moderation on the specific content Users have made available on our platform, including information contained in any notices we receive. However, where appropriate, we may also consider actions and statements made outside of our Services in order to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all our customers and our users’ users.
12. Internal Complaint Handling System
If Users find any content or behavior on our Services that Users consider to be illegal or in violation of these Guidelines or of any other Wix Terms, please report it here.
Wix offers the above-mentioned reporting forms in order for you to flag the content hosted by us that you think violates Wix Terms of Use, these Guidelines, our policies and/or local law. Our Policy Team will review your report and take relevant action in a timely manner. By using these forms, you consent to submit inquiries in good faith and not misuse any reporting or appeals channel by making baseless reports or appeals.
In order to process Users requests submitted via the abuse forms, the reporters are asked to provide as detailed information as possible and clearly define the reported content by providing direct links of site pages where such content is located. Additionally, reporters are expected to provide statements of reason why they believe Wix is required to act on a certain content.
13. Information on EU Digital Services Act redress possibilities
You can appeal a decision we take about your Wix site or account if you disagree with it. Please note that the following redress possibilities are available:
Contact us at appeals@wix.com from the email address associated with your Wix account where the reported/detected content is located within 6 months after the notification. Please add an explanation as to why you believe the decision should be reversed.
If you want to appeal the removal of your app or Wix Partner account, you can contact one of the certified settlement bodies under the Digital Services Act (Regulation EU 2022/2065, DSA).
Under the applicable laws of your country, you may also have the right to seek judicial redress.