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Google Workspace – Customer Agreement

By clicking the "Submit Purchase" button and/or purchasing Google Workspace yand/or any add-ons to Google Workspace as offered by Google (“Add-ons”, and each a “Service” or, in plural, “Services”) you approve your consent to the following terms and conditions that constitute an agreement between you and Wix (“Agreement”):

1. Provision of the Services

The Services are provided, maintained and operated by Google and not by Wix. Google has appointed Wix to perform certain administrative actions in relation to the Services including collection of the subscription fees. In addition, Google has delegated to Wix certain administrative access to Google application accounts purchased through Wix.

In order to ensure that you do not experience any interruption or loss of Services, the Services are set to automatically renew, by default. Unless you turn-off the auto-renewal option of a Service you want to discontinue, such Service will automatically renew upon the end of the applicable Service period, for the same term then-currently in place for the Services, and at the then-current price for the Services (which may be higher or lower than the previous price for the Services). To learn how to disable he auto-renewal option, please click here:

Wix will attempt to charge your payment method on file, for the renewal fee payable for a Service, within up-to 30 days prior to the expiration date of the relevant yearly Service, and extends the Service period for an equivalent period as the original period. Wix will also endeavor to provide you a notice at least 30 days prior to the renewal date.


In the event of failure to collect the fees owed by you for a Service, we may in our sole discretion (but shall not be obligated to) retry to collect such amount at a later time, and/or suspend or cancel your Service, without further notice. In the event that Wix is unable to charge all fees through your provided payment method or if Wix receives notification of a chargeback, reversal, payment dispute, or is charged a penalty for any fee it previously charged to your selected payment method, Wix may pursue all available lawful remedies to obtain payment, including immediately suspending or canceling he Services provided to you. Automatic renewal of a Service will not be effective until applicable payment is final.

You are solely responsible for ensuring that the payment method you have on file with Wix is current and valid. By entering into this Agreement, You acknowledge the automatic renewal terms of your Service as indicated herein and you authorize Wix to charge the applicable fees to your authorized method of payment until you disable the auto-renewal option.

You understand and agree that if Wix is not able to charge you for the Google Workspace services, then Wix will have the right to suspend or cancel your use of any Add-on Services, and it may provide you a pro-rata refund based on your actual use up to such time for the remaining period of the subscription.



2. Commercial Terms of Service

The commercial terms for the use of the Services, including the fees, the payment terms and the refund policy shall all be as set forth on the Wix website. Such terms may change from time-to-time. You are recommended to review the terms before any renewal of the Service.

Without derogating from the above, the commercial terms for the use of the Google Add-ons, include a 30-day free trial which starts when you purchase the Add-on and ends when the free trial period is completed. If you do not actively cancel the free trial through Wix prior to the end of the free trial period, the Service will be charged and renewed for the term that was set by you upon the purchase of the Service.

The foregoing terms may be amended or updated by Wix from time-to-time. You are recommended to review the terms before any renewal of the Service.



​​3. Compliance with Policies

The use of the Services is subject to the standard Terms of Service of Google and the Google  Workspace &Cloud Identity Acceptable Use Policy (together the "Google TOS"). Upon your first log in to the Services, the Google TOS shall be presented to you. Please read them and make sure you fully understand their terms. By accessing and/or using any of the Services, you approve your full consent to the Google TOS.

You understand that if you violate any of these terms or if you do not timely pay for the Services (or any renewal period), Wix or Google may suspend or terminate your account whether or not you are in good standing with Wix.

In addition, as any other service or application offered by Wix to its users, the use of the Services is governed by applicable Wix policies, including the Wix Terms of Use and its Privacy Policy ("Wix Polices"). In the event of any contradiction between this Agreement and the Wix Policies or the Google TOS, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.


4. Support Services

The support services provided to you by Google in relation to the Service shall be in accordance with the standard Google Workspace Service Level Agreement (“SLA”). The SLA may be updated periodically by Google. You are aware of the fact that Wix shall not provide you any support or maintenance services in relation to the Service.



​​5. Back-Ups

You acknowledge that Wix will not back up data stored on any Services (or any other independent applications), and that Wix will not be able to restore or recover any data or documents that are deleted from such applications. You are recommended to maintain the integrity of your data files, including performing regular back-ups. You should not rely on Google or Wix to back-up your data.



6. Delicate Information

You shall not send or store confidential or restricted information through the Service. Neither Wix nor Google shall have any responsibility for a leak of such information stored or sent via the Service.



7. Suspension of Account

In event or if you are in violation of any Wix Policies or if for any other reason your account with Wix is suspended or terminated, your account with Google for the Services may be suspended and/or terminated as a result. In such event you shall be provided the ability to continue the use of the Services by engaging with Google (or any other Google reseller) directly, if possible. In such an event, Wix shall not have any responsibility for any loss of data stored by you on the Service.



8. No Liability

​You acknowledge that Google is responsible for the provision of the Services to you. Wix shall have no responsibility or liability in relation to the provision of the Services by Google, the quality or functionality of the Services, its availability, the support services provided by Google and/or any other aspect of the Services or its provision to you other than Wix's responsibility in relation to the technical billing actions conducted by Wix on behalf of Google.



9. Modifications

This Agreement, the Google TOS, the SLA and the Wix Policies may be changed from time to time without notification. You should review this Agreement (as posted on the Wix website) and all of the policies periodically to ensure you remain in compliance. is proudly created with Wix. Try it yourself​.

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