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Trademark Infringement opposes any infringements of trademarks. As per our policy, we take action upon reports of alleged trademark infringement.

Before submitting a report you may wish to reach out to the website owner directly to address the content that you believe infringes on your trademark rights. Please note that submitting this report may involve a legal process.

All data provided herein will be maintained in accordance with Wix's Privacy Policy.

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Are you the trademark owner or authorized to act on the owner's behalf? 

Please note: only people with a registered trademark may submit a report.

Anchor 1

Note: All fields are required

Name of the trademark owner 

Organization or client (if applicable)

First name 

Last name 

Provide a link (URL) to your organization or the trademark owner´s website:

Email address

Confirm email address

Enter a valid email address


Phone number

Additional phone number (optional)

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Enter a valid URL

Anchor 2

Trademark Information

Provide details on the infringed trademark:

Is your trademark registered? 

Please note: only people with a registered trademark may submit a report.

One or more fields are invalid


Where is the trademark registered?

What is the trademark registration number?

Provide a link (URL) to the trademark registration:

Enter a valid URL

Provide the (i) registration category under which the trademark was registered, and (ii) the description of the products and/or services protected by the trademark:

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Infringing Trademark

Provide a link (URL) to the specific page of the allegedly infringing trademark:

Enter a valid URL

Identify and describe the copyrighted content:

E.g., The words “My stunning website” that appear on the left side of the page are trademarked.

One or more fields are invalid


Upload a copy of the trademark registration certificate(s) or a screenshot of the registration on the website or database of the relevant national or community intellectual property offices.

Sworn Statements

I believe in good faith that the use of the trademark as described above is infringing upon my trademark rights as granted under the applicable law.

Confirm statement

I understand and agree that a copy of this report may be provided to the subject of the complaint.

Confirm statement


Signed on this date of:


Please note: By typing your full name above, you are providing us with your digital signature, which is as legally binding as your physical signature.

We may request additional information in order to resolve the issue.

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We received your abuse report and will respond within three (3) business days.

For additional help, please contact our Support Center.




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