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Download as CSV
By The Wix Wiz
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Download as CSV

By The Wix Wiz
From CMS Collection to CSV at a Click
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Download as CSV overview

    Easy setup and connection
    Flexible access and permissions
    Include only necessary fields
Download as CSV is an innovative widget that enhances your website by enabling users to directly download CMS collection data as CSV files. This tool seamlessly integrates with your site, facilitating a user-friendly experience where visitors can access data with just a single click. Once installed, the widget allows you to easily add it to your site. A straightforward dropdown menu lets users select the CMS collection they wish to export. They can customize their download by choosing specific fields from the collection, ensuring they receive exactly the data they need. Additionally, you can set permissions on each collection, such as allowing only logged-in members to download, thus keeping your data secure and ensuring it’s accessible only to authorized users. Download as CSV is a valuable addition for any site looking to empower its users with easy data access. It's particularly useful for site managers, content creators, and e-commerce store owners who need to provide their audience with a simple way to download important information. By implementing this widget, you increase data transparency, enhance information sharing efficiency, and make your site more interactive.
Availability:This app is available worldwide.
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You can translate all app content displayed on your site into any language.
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