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17 ways to promote your blog and attract more readers

Emily Shwake

17 ways to promote your blog

Whether you’re planning to create a blog or have been producing content for some time now, promotion is the key to getting more eyes on your beautifully crafted words. Why does that matter? Well, your blog might be your main endeavor or just a part of it when you plan how to make a website. Either way, blogging is a tool for establishing your expertise in a specific area, driving more traffic to your website via SEO and engaging with your audience.

What to do before you start promoting your blog

Before you can start spreading the word about your blog, there are a few things you need to get right first. Make sure your blog infrastructure comes with reliable web hosting and enterprise-grade website security. If you plan for your blog to go viral, make sure your blogging platform can handle your traffic. This also means getting your website performance spot on—making sure your content loads fast in line with your readers' expectations.

Ready to get blogging? Get started with Wix today.

17 ways to promote your blog

Getting your blog noticed involves being active and advertising on social media, modifying content to meet your audience’s needs and learning the best SEO strategies. Below, we’ll walk you through 17 unique and highly recommended tips on how to promote your blog:

01. Get active on social media

Promoting your blog on social media will help you reach a wider audience and increase blog traffic. Many people use social media platforms to discover new content and connect with others who share their interests.

These platforms also provide a variety of tools and features to promote your blog more effectively—one strategy is microblogging. For example, you can use hashtags to make your content more discoverable, share links to your blog posts on your social media profiles and interact with your followers to build an active community around your blog. You can also use a link in bio tool like to gain exposure to your blog and other digital brand assets from your social media bio all from one link. This means that your followers can quickly and easily find the specific content you're promoting such as another social media profile, a product coupon, a specific service and more.

Luckily, you don’t need professional-quality content to get noticed on social media anymore. In fact, your content might even perform better if you keep production costs low. According to social media insight platform Dash Hudson, lo-fi video performs better than hi-fi video across the board.

Here are some of the best popular social media platforms for promoting a blog:

  • Instagram: With static posts, interactive Stories, live streams and video Reels, Instagram has the most variety in terms of what type of content you can create. This platform is best for blogs with lots of imagery.

  • Pinterest: To build a Pinterest marketing strategy, take into account that the platform functions as a searchable database rather than a live feed. Because of this, it's a great place for evergreen content that’s more informational than flashy. As an imagery-focused platform, it’s a good fit for blogs that feature original photography, graphic design or cool videos. Pinterest users are predominantly female (77%), so it’s a better fit if your target audience is women. To learn more, see our guide on how to use Pinterest for blogging.

  • Twitter: Because 38.5% of its 329-million user base are Millennials, Twitter is a great place to reach 25- to 34-year-old consumers. Since over half of Twitter users regularly get their news from the site, it’s best for timely, trendy or current-event-related content. That stat also suggests that many viewers use Twitter for education. Therefore, it’s a good place to offer your expert advice and link to your blog so they can learn more.

  • Facebook: When promoting your blog on Facebook, you can keep things simple with just the link and a caption. Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes engagement when determining a post’s place in the Feed, so do your best to write captions that prompt reactions and conversation.

  • TikTok: TikTok had 4.1% more Gen Z users than Instagram, so it’s a good place to reach younger audiences. Generally, the vast majority of users are under 34 years old. The best way to get attention on TikTok is simply to be as genuine as you are on your blog. Simply adapt a blog post to fit the short video format (either by giving the highlights or giving the visual side of the story), then tell viewers to click your link in bio to learn more.

  • LinkedIn: Since people are typically in business mode when visiting LinkedIn, educational or career blogs will perform best on the platform.

  • Reddit: To promote your blog on Reddit, find relevant subreddits related to your niche, contribute genuinely to discussions and share your content when appropriate. Craft compelling titles and engage with the community by responding to comments. Avoid overt self-promotion and follow each subreddit's rules. Build a positive reputation before sharing links and use Reddit advertising sparingly. Regularly participate in discussions and offer value to establish credibility and drive organic traffic to your blog. Learn more: Blogging vs Youtube

Tip: With designer-made templates and vector images, Wix’s social media graphics tool makes it easy to create eye-catching imagery.

02. Participate in online forums

Forums offer excellent opportunities to reach an audience that’s interested in a particular topic. When you find a relevant community, you’ll have a greater chance of targeting quality readers and ensuring you’re not spamming anyone.

If you choose this route, post sparingly, engage with other people’s posts and make sure the content you share provides value. You don’t want to be that person who always posts in the group without a clear intention, because that will devalue your work.

Another place to find your community and drive traffic to your blog is through content and information-focused types of sites, like Reddit and Quora. The threads within these platforms are conversational, so avoid making your language too promotional. Posts on these platforms work best when you come off as a natural and relevant authority. For best results, try coupling your own post with posts from other media sources that you trust, so that not all of your content is self-promotional.

03. Continue the conversation in your newsletter

It may be one of the oldest forms of online promotion, but email marketing is having a new moment. With a newsletter, you can consistently share your content with subscribers who can enjoy reading it with their morning coffee or post-lunch break.

To become the email that your readers look forward to opening, you'll need to grow through multiple stages. First, you’ll want to build your mailing list by drawing attention to it on your blog site with a lightbox or a custom online form. Once they sign up, greet newcomers with an automated welcome email to your blog promoting a few posts, giving them a taste of what they’ll get. Only then can you start sending them your weekly (or bi-weekly, or monthly—that’s up to you) dose of blog posts via your regular newsletter.

To create your own, utilize Wix's custom email templates that are integrated with your blog’s site and contacts to save time and allow for an intuitive promotional process.

Expert tip from Dor Cohen, Content Distribution Specialist at

"Analyze your audience data and buyer personas to identify their pain points, interests, and needs. Then curate a content mix that provides relevant solutions, insights and value propositions tailored to these factors. Supplement promotional content with educational pieces that establish thought leadership and nurture leads through the funnel."

Wix's email marketing template for promoting your blog through newsletters.

04. Optimize for SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of helping your content get found on Google once you've made your site. To do that, you’ll want to devise a blog SEO plan. As a first step, aim to rank high in search results for particular keywords, or short phrases commonly searched by Internet users you’re targeting. For example, “entrepreneur blogs” or “Moroccan lentil stew recipe.”

To identify which phrases are the best to target, you’ll want to perform adequate keyword research. Use top keyword research tools, such as Ahrefs and SEMrush. Once you’ve determined which keywords to use, sprinkle them throughout your content, from your paragraph text to titles and descriptions—we’ll point you to a few places in the following tips.

  • Optimize meta tags: When we refer to meta and title tags for your blog, it includes the description, title, and URL for the blog as a whole, and each of the pages, or blog posts within. Meta tags appear in search engine results for your blog publication. To optimize these components, put your keyword research to use by including your number one keyword choice in titles, descriptions, and URLs. You can customize your meta tags from directly within your Wix site’s dashboard and from within each individual blog post.

  • Write alt text: Alt text, also known as alternative text, is a written description of an image that’s not visible on the front end of your blog. It’s one important web accessibility factor in making your site usable for people with disabilities via screen readers. On top of that, it also helps search engine algorithms understand your image's contents. Search engines will use this as part of their ranking process for results’ pages, so use your keywords here, too.

  • Include internal links: Another linking strategy is to promote one blog post with another. Throughout your writing, you’ll find opportunities to talk about the content you’ve already written. For example, an article about blog promotion could lead us to link to a different post about blog examples. (See what we did there?) Since your blog is focused on one or a few topics, you’ll find that this promotional tactic can be implemented quite naturally.

  • Add schema markup: This and the following step are two of the methods that Google recognizes to gather information and display search results in the most user-friendly manner. Schema markup is code used to help Google understand the structure of your blog, so that it may be eligible for “rich (or featured) snippets.” These featured snippets include things like ordered lists and carousels. To add schema to your blog, you can simply turn on “enable schema” from your site’s dashboard.

  • Learn from competitors: It’s always important to check out the competition. Do so by typing the keywords your blog targets into Google and taking note of which publications’ articles show up first. The first page of search results is where you want to be, so pay close attention to what’s currently up there: which topics are covered, how the article is structured, the length of content, SEO title on the SERP and the title in the article itself. Combining your own expertise with a mixture of insights from the best articles in your competition will give you a good chance of ranking high and help your promotion efforts.

05. Become a guest writer

Getting your voice heard outside of your own publication can allow you to access an even bigger crowd of potential blog subscribers. Guest blogging is the process of writing blog posts for external publications to tap into other audience bases.

External links can direct users to your site from other online sources. It’s one excellent method for boosting your site’s SEO, as search engines deem your site more relevant if reputable sources care about your content, too. To get started, use strategies like guest blogging or submitting your site’s URLs to directories.

Begin by searching for publications that accept guest bloggers to write about your expertise. Also, consider writing for widespread publications that are more available and accepting of guest bloggers, such as BuzzFeed or Freelance Writing.

If your stories make it to the pages of these publications, it can likely result in either backlinks (links that lead back to your blog) or a chance to leave a short bio at the end of your post talking about your blog. Either way, you’ll experience some form of publicity boost.

06. Create cool visuals

Text and images are the norm of blog posts, but if you want to stand out you’ll need to get creative. Depending on what you’re writing about, infographics, illustrations or charts can improve your content. So, if you have some basic graphic design skills and content worth sharing, consider switching up your content with this creative outlet.

Using multiple sources of media can help promote your blog across platforms, reaching people with varying interests. In addition to blog posts, different visitors prefer to consume their content in different ways throughout their day. For example, some people might prefer podcasts while commuting to work, others may be more visual and engage better with a slideshow of photos or video content.

Start with two types of media per post to not overwhelm yourself (or your readers). If you’re interested in hopping aboard the podcasting trend, we have a comprehensive guide to starting your own. And if you want to explore vlogging, Wix Video has everything you need to make the most out of this media. Lastly, a professional media gallery is an excellent way to show off a combination of images on your blog in different layout options.

07. Translate your posts to other languages

Are you fluent in more than one language? If so, put your skills to good use for your blog. You can target a larger audience by translating your content into other languages. Make this part of a complete multilingual site and you’ll expand your reach. When doing so, be sure that the posts are relevant globally, as some cultural references and topics are harder to grasp across cultures and require localization.

08. Make your blog shareable

Here’s one hack to allow your current readers to do the promotion for you: make it as easy as possible for them to share your content online. Since social media is where most Internet users spend their free time, you’ll want to give current blog visitors the ability to easily repost your content on their own feeds.

To achieve this, add social share buttons to your posts. For bloggers who utilize the Wix Blog product, social share buttons are automatically embedded at the bottom of articles therefore, you can already check off this promotional technique before you start writing.

09. Build a member’s area

If you’re blogging on Wix, you’ll find that the Member’s Area is a valuable place for engagement. That’s not only because it’s the home to your number one fans, but also because a Member’s Area keeps them coming back to your blog. It'll notify them of your latest posts via email. It will also give members permission to comment and like your posts, and become guest writers upon your approval.

On your side, you can see what conversations they’re participating in, what posts they interact with, and which topics they like to follow. Use a member's area to get to know your community on a deeper level and expand your marketing efforts in the right way, to the right people.

10. Speak at events

We often underestimate the power of face-to-face marketing efforts. However, brands are gradually becoming more personal in their marketing tactics to meet customer needs.

Be that inspiring voice that catches your audience’s attention through guest speaking at events around town. The in-person interactions create more opportunities to network, catch your audience's attention and get to know your following. As a bonus, mention your blog and hand out business cards that include your website on them.

11. Link to the blog in your email signature

This is potentially an easy way to attract more visitors to your blog. To get you started, here are a few ways to create a professional email signature. And if your blog is a big part of your personal brand, make your email signature just a starting place. Imagine the other opportunities you have for linking your blog posts, such as your social media accounts and while engaging with users’ posts.

12. Include powerful CTAs

Calls-to-action are short phrases that link to strategic pages on your website and prompt readers to take immediate action. For example, to subscribe to your blog’s newsletter, share a post, shop your online store, etc. To encourage more readership on your blog, use this method throughout your site to bring readers directly to new or relevant posts.

13. Write an eBook

An eBook can show off the full scope of your expertise in the field, offering more comprehensive information than a standard blog post. If you’re an Italian chef and blogger, for example, you can upload a guidebook to perfecting homemade pasta on your restaurant website.

A guidebook includes a table of contents, chapters or sections, an intro and a conclusion. Deciding to take on this task won't be a walk in the park, but it will promote your blog and knowledge to bigger crowds. Additionally, you can sell your ebooks to monetize your blog.

Ways to promote your blog with paid advertising

Blog promotion is an essential aspect of running a successful blog, as it helps you attract more readers and increase revenue through advertising or sponsored content. While there are many ways to promote your blog for free, paid promotion can also be an effective strategy, especially if you want to reach a larger audience or target a specific demographic. Here are a few options for paid blog promotion:

Free blog promotion ideas: social  media, online forums, newsletters, SEO, guest writing, cool visuals, translation, shareable posts, member's area, discuss at events, email signature, CTAs, eBooks. Paid ways to promote a blog: Google advertising, influencer partnerships, social media advertising, native advertising.

14. Google advertising

Google Ads allow you to reach potential readers through the Google search results page and other websites on the Google Display Network. By targeting your ads to specific demographics, locations and interests, you can reach the people most likely to be interested in your blog.

Because Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, you'll only be charged when someone clicks on your ad. Since you can set a bid amount that fits your budget and goals, this can be a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your blog.

15. Influencer partnerships

Influencers already have a strong relationship with their audience, and influencer marketing is the way other brands can leverage it. As a blogger, you can seek out endorsements from social media accounts with dedicated followers—relying on that trust to promote your blog.

This type of paid blog promotion is helpful for building up a specific audience. You can work with influencers who align with your brand and target demographics, helping you reach the likely interested readers.

Influencer marketing can also be a cost-effective way to promote your blog. In some cases, you can negotiate a mutually beneficial collaboration with the influencer in which you offer them a guest post on your blog in exchange for them promoting it on their channel.

16. Social media advertising

If you’re only just starting to build up your blog’s social media presence—or you don’t have enough followers to make much of an impact—consider investing money into social media advertising. Because social media ads come from your accounts, they can have the double impact of helping to increase your follower counts and driving traffic to your blog.

Let’s review the most popular social media advertising platforms to help you decide which is best for promoting your blog:

  • TikTok: TikTok Ads offers a variety of formats, including in-feed ads, brand takeover ads, and hashtag challenges, which can help you reach audiences in creative and engaging ways. The study shows that TikTok Ads may garner a more positive attitude toward the advertiser than other forms of social media ads.

  • Facebook: Facebook Ads is one of the most popular social media advertising platforms, with a large user base and a range of targeting options. In fact, 26% of marketers believe Facebook Ads have the best ROI of all social media advertising platforms. You can use Facebook Ads by Wix to reach specific demographics, locations and interests, and choose from a variety of ad formats, including sponsored posts, carousel ads and video ads.

  • Twitter: Twitter Ads allows you to reach a highly engaged audience through sponsored tweets, video ads and website cards. Keep in mind that Twitter has a fast-paced environment and viewers may only see your ads for a short period of time. Still, Twitter Ads has the lowest CPM (cost per thousand impressions) of all platforms at $6.46. Consider using this platform for microblogging so you can test burgeoning ideas to see if any of them capture any attention.

  • Instagram: Instagram Ads allow you to reach a young, visually-driven audience through sponsored posts, carousel ads and Reels. Instagram Ads can be a powerful tool for promoting your blog, especially if you have visually appealing content.

  • LinkedIn: Because LinkedIn Ads allow you to target people based on their job titles and their interests, they’re useful for blogs with a professional bent. Your ads can take the shape of sponsored content, text ads, dynamic ads or even sponsored direct messaging.

  • Pinterest: Because of its nature as a visual search engine, Pinterest as an advertising platform is going to be most useful to blogs with an emphasis on visuals. Pinterest Ads is more than twice as cost-efficient as other social media advertising platforms.

A brand called Void promoting a blog on design stories on Instagram.

17. Native advertising

Because native advertisements blend into the content of a website or platform, they appear less intrusive than a traditional ad, giving you access to substantial, tailored audiences. The inconspicuous nature of native ads allows you to capitalize on the trust and credibility that a site has established with its audience. For example, native advertising platform Taboola has a network that includes media outlets such as Insider, NBC News and Bloomberg.

How to promote your blog FAQ

How do I attract viewers to my blog?

  • Write high-quality content: Your blog posts should be informative, engaging and well-written. Make sure to proofread your posts carefully before publishing them.

  • Optimize your blog for search engines: Use relevant keywords in your blog posts and titles. You can also use Google Search Console to submit your blog to Google and get it indexed.

  • Promote your blog on social media: Share your blog posts on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. You can also join relevant social media groups and communities to promote your blog.

  • Run contests and giveaways: This is a great way to attract new readers and generate excitement around your blog.

  • Collaborate with other bloggers: Write guest posts for other blogs in your niche. You can also interview other bloggers or create joint blog posts with them.

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