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24 of the best advertisement examples to inspire your next campaign

Ruth Eschenheimer

advertisement examples

There are tons of brands out there and new ones cropping up every day, with many of them competing for the attention of your audience. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. We’ve put together a curated selection of 24 of the most creative, unique and memorable advertisement examples to inspire your next marketing strategy and campaign.

All the hard work you put in when you build a website is a big step in setting your brand apart. But your site can’t do all the work alone. You’ll also need to advertise across the channels that your audience is paying attention to and position your brand front-and-center there.

Get to know the different types of advertisements

Advertising is a paid form of marketing. While it’s natural to associate advertising with the digital banner ads we see everywhere online nowadays, there are so many other types of ads you can follow to get the word out about your brand.

Let’s take a look at the four most popular ones and a few advertisement format examples for each of them:

Print advertising

Today, print ads appear in the form of:

  • Billboards

  • Flyers and brochures

  • Vehicle wraps and bus signage

  • Newspaper and magazine ads

  • Direct mailers

Print advertising is the oldest form of advertising we have, as there’s proof of advertising on wall paintings, papyrus, and amongst ruins from ancient civilizations in Egypt, China, Greece, and Rome. But in terms of modern print advertising that we’re familiar with, it began with the advent of print media in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Unlike other types of advertising that can quickly pass consumers by, print ads have the ability to stick around—especially the forms that people can hold and carry around with them.

Radio advertising

There are three different types of ads that appear on the radio, audio streaming services, and podcasts:

  1. Short commercial breaks

  2. Sponsored content and promotions

  3. Interstitial and banner ads

Traditional radio commercials began to appear over the airwaves in the earlier part of the 20th century. While nowadays it might not be as popular a medium as it once was, it can still be an effective and cost-effective way to introduce a national brand to an audience and keep it top-of-mind with existing customers.

Podcasts, of course, provide a new opportunity to reach listeners. With sponsored content, in particular, brands can reach a highly relevant and engaged audience if they partner with the right show.

Television advertising

The first TV commercial aired in 1941 in the United States and took place in the middle of a baseball game. The main selling point about this type of advertising is that it combines the visual attractiveness of print ads with the captivating sound from radio. So, it’s really the best of both worlds.

Like radio, TV now has a digital counterpart, so there are more ways to advertise on TV than just the traditional mid-show commercial break. Thanks to digital streaming platforms like Hulu, video ads can appear before, during, or after some of the hottest movie and TV releases.

Online advertising

Online advertising is the youngest form of advertising, yet it’s older than you may think. It has origins before the internet was launched—in the form of email back in the 1970s. The first banner ads, however, appeared after the internet went global in the ‘90s.

There are many different ways to advertise online:

In fact, online advertising is not too far from the different types of content marketing. The only difference between the two is that the latter is commonly done in self-owned platforms or free advertising sites.

Because of this versatile range of ad types and placements, online advertising has become the most powerful tool in a brand’s arsenal today. However, that doesn’t mean that other kinds of advertising should be forgotten. When all four are combined, it can be a truly potent combination for a brand trying to reach their audience wherever they go.

24 of the best advertisement examples of all time

If you’re looking for creative advertising examples to spark some inspiration as you design your next ad campaign, look no further.

Below, we’re going to look at 24 of the most popular ads across print, radio, TV and the internet. Even if you don’t see billboard ads or radio spots in your future, there are some really neat lessons about creativity to take away from each of these advertisement examples:

01. Apple Macbook's "Get a Mac"

The Apple brand launched its "Get a Mac" campaign in 2006, which effectively positioned the brand’s flagship laptop as a modern choice over the traditional Windows PC. Displayed against a white background, the advertisement features two characters. One, "Mac," appears casually dressed and approachable, while the other, a PC, is depicted as more formal and uptight. The campaign cleverly contrasts the Mac's superior design and functionality with the stereotypical 'nerd' image associated with PC and Windows users. By portraying the Apple Mac as a sleek, upgraded option, the campaign achieved significant success and reinforced the brand's premium status in the market.

Get a Mac campaign - best advertisement examples

02. KFC's “FCK” apology

The KFC “FCK” ad wasn’t really an ad at all. It was an apology in ad’s clothing that ran in 2018 after a provider switch that caused a week-long KFC chicken shortage in the UK.

Why would KFC go to the lengths of having ad agency Mother London put this campaign together? I mean, it’s just chicken, right?

Well, considering some customers called the police when they discovered the chicken shortage, it wasn’t a laughing matter to many of KFC’s customers. At least, not until the ad went out and the cheeky apology gave customers a reason to fall back in love with KFC.

kfc advertising example

03. IKEA's “pee on this”

You read that correctly. IKEA put agency Åkestam Holst and Mercene Labs to work in creating the first pee-stick ad in 2018.

Women were invited to pee on the ad instead of the pregnancy test pee-stick to find out if they were expecting. If the test revealed they were indeed positive (and, yes, it actually worked), they’d see the special discounted price of the advertised crib in the photo.

It’s a unique concept that not only gave mothers-to-be a free way to confirm their pregnancy, but also got people talking about the ad, the company and, naturally, the heavily discounted crib.

ikea advertising example

04. Absolut Vodka's "Absolut Bottle"

The "Absolut Bottle" campaign of 1980 by Absolut Vodka is a hallmark of creative ads in the alcohol industry. By placing the vodka bottle at the center of each ad, Absolut merges high culture with consumer goods. The campaign's simplicity and consistency in featuring the bottle with variations like "Absolut Warhol" and "Absolut Perfection" sets a new standard in visual storytelling and branding.

The "Absolut [Something]" tagline became synonymous with sophistication and creativity, making this campaign a standout example of timeless marketing excellence.

Absolut Vodka - best advertisement campaigns

05. Copenhagen Zoo's snake bus

This award-winning ad design was created by Bates Y&R. Peder Schack, who came up with the concept, told The Star it came from a desire to “make the most possible impact for a very small budget.”

The illusion proved pretty powerful, with some commuters refusing to ride the bus because of it.

This isn’t the only snake-inspired design created on behalf of the Copenhagen Zoo. The agency then went on to transform the inside of subway cars into full-on zoos with snakes writing around on the ground and monkeys hanging out of the windows.

copenhagen zoo snake advertising example

06. Audible's “There’s another way to get away”

It only makes sense that a company that brings audiobooks to the masses would run an audio (and companion video) campaign to promote its solution. This isn’t your ordinary ad for audiobooks though.

Fold7’s chief creative officer Ryan Newey told Marketing Dive how the fictional airline story could’ve only come about because of what happened in 2020:

“It fitted a moment that would otherwise never have existed. No other time can we play on the context of people wanting to be free to travel again. The message of traveling in the mind's eye would have technically worked before, but not really resonate in the way it does now.”

This is a great example of how a brand can deviate from its typical advertising strategy to capitalize on a moment in time.

07. Nike's “Just Do It.”

The Nike trademark “Just Do It.” was created in 1988 by the Wieden+Kennedy agency. Unlike the softer fitness-related campaigns of the ‘80s, Nike wanted a stronger, more inspirational approach and this proved to be the right one.

The slogan is attributed to the brand’s massive market share growth from 18% to 43% between ‘88 and ‘98. It also significantly increased its reach thanks to how many languages it’s been translated into, including Braille.

To this day, “Just Do It.” is still part of Nike’s advertising efforts. However, Nike’s VP of Global Brand Marketing, Davide Grasso, doesn’t see it as just a slogan:

“Instead, what we’ve found to be most effective is inviting people to join us in what we believe in and what we stand for. And what we stand for is to serve and honour athletes. I think that’s why ‘Just Do It’ has had such an impact over the last 20 years and continues to. It’s genuine and speaks to our core mission.”

08. Old Spice's “The man your man could smell like”

Wieden+Kenney is the agency also responsible for the Old Spice “smell like a man” ads. But why would they promote men’s body wash with an ad clearly targeted at women who would lust after spokesperson Isaiah Amir Mustafa?

According to the agency, data revealed that 60% of men’s body wash buyers were actually women. So, they launched this hilariously memorable ad during the Super Bowl when they knew men and women would be watching it together.

The ultimate goal of the campaign was to increase sales by 15%. Their targets were way off though. Just four months after the Super Bowl, sales were up by 60%. By July, sales had doubled. In addition to raking in the dough, Advertising Age also named this campaign one of the best of the 21st century.

09. VW and Stephen Hawking

What better way to get radio listeners’ attention than by using an instantly recognizable voice in your ad?

For about 20 seconds, Stephen Hawking talks about physics and the universe before musing about how the VW up was so cheap. As you can imagine, the ad got a lot of attention and not all of it was positive.

Designer Paul Randall called it “wrong.” Commenters seemed to be split on the matter. Some thought it was a really clever way of getting their attention. There were others though who thought it exploited Hawking’s voice or was an insult to disabled people.

However, the agency behind the ad let Randall and all those concerned know that Hawking did indeed give his consent to be part of the ad and was a good sport about it.

10. McDonald’s ad outro

This advertisement example isn’t for just one McDonald’s ad. It’s specifically for the "ba da ba ba ba 'I’m lovin’ it'” outro it’s now synonymous with and that helped reignite McDonald’s fledgling reputation in the early 2000s.

Now, it’s not like McDonald’s is the first brand to use a catchy jingle in its ad campaigns. However, this one caused a lot of talk because of where it came from - or, rather, who it came from.

Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams, and Pusha T have all claimed credit for creating the jingle. Although Timberlake and Williams collaborated on a song called “I’m Lovin’ It” for the ad campaign, the original creators of the jingle are ad agency Heye & Partner and Mona Davis Music.

11. Snickers' “Hungry Betty White”

Everyone loves Betty White, so it’s no surprise that this 2010 Super Bowl commercial, created by BBDO for Snickers, caught the attention of everyone.

Not only did this ad cement Betty White’s position as “a national treasure,” but it also immortalized the slogan, “You’re not you when you’re hungry.”

It was the first in a long series of hilarious commercials that aired in 80 countries around the world and featured celebrities like Steve Buscemi, Liza Manelli and Willem Dafoe.

12. Herbal Essences “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Beauty historian Lisa Mulvany explains how Clairol was floundering in the ‘90s. In response, it added an “s” to the end of its Herbal Essence(s) line, switched up the formula for natural ingredients, and gave each shampoo an intoxicating smell. The resulting ad campaign is what got people to pay close attention to the new product line.

Essentially, Herbal Essences compared its shampooing experience to climaxing. The commercials were polarizing (for obvious reasons), but they were effective.

To this day, people still equate the hair care line with women screaming “Yes!” in the shower. Considering how strong of a connection there is between memory and the senses, this was a brilliant choice for the brand’s success and longevity.

13. Dunkin’ Donuts' “American runs on Dunkin’”

In 2006, Dunkin’ Donuts—with the help of Hill Holliday—launched this ad campaign in an attempt to reposition and revitalize its 50-year-old brand.

From radio to TV, and outdoor billboards to internet ads, Americans heard all about how Dunkin’ Donuts coffee was powering their lives. It also came with a special interactive component on the website.

What’s interesting about this long-running ad campaign is that it’s been repurposed in recent years due to a change in brand goals. The “America runs on” is still around, but it’s definitely more product-focused than brand-focused now.

14. ASPCA's “In the Arms of An Angel”

At the time, this ASPCA ad was referred to simply as “The Ad.” It had a potent combination of Sarah McLachlan’s “In the Arms of An Angel,” homeless animals shaking and crying in shelters, and the singer herself calling for you to help support these animals.

Within two years, the ASPCA raised over $30 million from this fundraising effort. Why was it so effective? According to the spokesperson: “It was brutal doing those ads. It was like, ‘Can you just be a little sadder and a little more this and little more that.’ [And now] I can’t watch them, it kills me.”

15. Anheuser-Busch's "Whassup?" Budweiser Campaign

This "Whassup?" campaign first aired in 1999 and ran until 2002, quickly becoming a pop culture icon with its memorable catchphrase. It captured the essence of friendship in a humorous and relatable way, resonating personally with many. The advertisement showed friends checking in on each other, finding everyone relaxing at home, watching the game, and enjoying a “bud.”

The simple "Whassup?" greeting turned into a cultural phenomenon, demonstrating Budweiser's knack for creating lasting moments beyond traditional ads. This campaign successfully connected with consumers by evoking feelings of familiarity and unity, making it a classic, memorable advertisement example.

Budweiser Whassup campaign - best advertisement campaigns

16. Oreo's “Dunk in the dark”

Oreo’s 2013 Super Bowl tweet is one of the greatest examples of social media marketing.

The post wasn’t promoted. It was simply a tweet that happened in real time and Oreo instantly went viral for its quick-witted response to the power outage.

The tweet wasn’t some off-the-cuff response by Oreo execs though. The 15-person team from 360i, Kraft, and MediaVest had been doing war room strategies for two years leading up to the event. They tell the story about how that tweet came to be here.

oreo advertising example

17. Taco Bell’s “Routine republic”

Considered by some to be an ad “fail”, Taco Bell’s 3-minute, Hunger Games-like ad got people talking.

This mini-film depicted a breakfast routine republic where everyone is encouraged to eat the same breakfast every day, which looks eerily similar to McDonald’s breakfast menu. If the comparison wasn’t clear enough, the clown dictator and lookalike minions, yellow slide and ball pit made sure that consumers draw the comparison.

Why would Taco Bell take such a clear dig at McDonald’s? Because it had recently launched a new breakfast menu and this was its way of trying to chip away at the golden arches’ dominance in that arena.

18. Motel 6 and Tom Bodette

Motel 6 might not be a glamorous hotel chain, but that’s exactly what made this ad campaign so perfect for the brand.

The agency behind the campaign—The Richards Group—did extensive user testing and discovered that the reason people stay at Motel 6 properties is because of how cheap they are. And so they decided to lean into this promise.

The ads featuring spokesperson Tom Bodette talking about mundane things (like lost keys) were a huge hit and won the brand and its agency “Best of Show” at the 26th Annual Radio Mercury Awards.

19. Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?”

In Wendy’s 1984 jab at fast food giants like McDonald’s, three old ladies complain about the giant bun and teeny-tiny beef patty.

The now-famous tagline was created by Creative Director Ben Colarossi in an attempt to set Wendy’s fresh meat patties apart from the competition. The TV ad gave it a whole new meaning and became a household phrase.

Although it was originally made popular in the ‘80s, Wendy’s has revived it twice since—in 2011 and in 2020.

20. “Dumb Ways to Die” PSA

The McCann Erickson-created “Dumb Ways to Die” song and accompanying video aren’t technically an advertisement. They were a public service announcement created for Metro Trains Melbourne in 2012.

The original intention of the ad was to draw attention to rail safety in a fun and funny way. However, the catchy tune and reckless bean characters quickly took on a life of their own.

The song ended up on the iTunes Top 10 and the YouTube video has been watched by hundreds of millions of people. Its game and its sequel performed just as well as the song. It also won two Grand Prix awards at the Cannes Lions Festival.

21. The Dollar Shave Club's intro video

Dollar Shave Club’s YouTube video is one of the best examples of how to translate a viral video into a successful brand.

Originally shot for $4,500 and starring founder Michael Dubin (who came up with the concept, too), the YouTube video sent shockwaves through the startup. The ad crashed the company’s website the day after it went live and they had 12,000 orders to process 48 hours later.

Today, Dollar Shave Club is a billion-dollar company and has expanded far beyond selling razors. But this viral ad is one that consumers will never forget for being “f**king great."

22. Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke"

Coca Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign, launched in 2011, revolutionized personalized marketing by replacing its logo with popular names, encouraging consumers to share a Coke with friends and family. This innovative approach to customization and inclusivity resonated strongly with consumers, leading to increased engagement and brand loyalty. By creating a sense of connection through personalization, Coca Cola effectively turned a simple act of sharing a drink into a powerful marketing strategy.

The "Share a Coke" campaign not only boosted sales but also created lasting emotional connections with consumers, showcasing Coca Cola's commitment to fostering meaningful interactions through its products.

Coca Cola's "Share a Coke" - best advertisement campaigns

23. Dove's "Real Beauty"

Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign set a new standard for inclusivity and representation in advertising. Launched in 2004 by Unilever, this groundbreaking campaign expanded the definition of beauty by featuring real women of various ages, body shapes and ethnicities instead of traditional models.

Through impactful advertisements, such as the praised “Real Beauty Sketches,” Dove encouraged women to see themselves in a more positive light. The campaign resonated deeply, sparking global conversations about self-esteem and beauty standards while reinforcing Dove’s brand mission of celebrating natural beauty.

24. Dos Equis' "The Most Interesting Man in the World"

Dos Equis struck marketing gold with their iconic “The Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign, which ran from 2006 to 2018. The ads featured a suave, silver-haired man recounting his wildly thrilling adventures, embodying the brand’s persona with wit and charm. Each ad closed with the memorable tagline: “I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.”

This clever blend of humor and sophistication gave the brand a unique identity—both refined and relatable—that propelled it into pop culture. The campaign, crafted by ad agency Euro RSCG (now known as Havas Creative), not only drove impressive sales growth but also cemented Dos Equis as a standout player in the fiercely competitive beer market.

What makes an advertising campaign successful: key takeaways from these examples

All of the best advertisement examples share some common traits in that they all resonate with their target audience and in some instances this audience may be large and broad. They all clearly communicate an effective brand message and drive those targeted to take action.

They also all share:

  • A compelling creative concept, that's often unique and the first of its kind

  • Distribution via relevant channels and in some instances across multiple ones, giving it large reach

  • Being data-driven with clear objectives and measurable results

Different types of advertising campaigns

Ad campaigns are powerful tools to connect with your audience and achieve your marketing goals. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right approach:

  • Informative campaigns: Educate your audience about your product or service. Show them how it works and highlight the benefits. These campaigns are perfect for building trust and awareness especially for new offerings. Think tutorial videos or detailed product posts.

  • Persuasive campaigns: Motivate your audience to take action—whether it’s making a purchase or signing up. Use emotional appeals and clear calls to action to inspire conversions through time-limited offers or testimonials.

  • Reminder campaigns: Stay top of mind with existing customers. Encourage repeat engagement with tools like email nudges, seasonal promotions or retargeted ads.

  • Reinforcement campaigns: Strengthen customer loyalty after a purchase. Follow up with tips, testimonials or support to reassure them they made the right choice.

  • Brand awareness campaigns: Focus on building recognition and a strong brand identity. Use storytelling, eye-catching visuals and consistent messaging to connect your brand with values that matter to your audience.

  • Retargeting campaigns: Reconnect with visitors who didn’t convert. Use personalized ads to re-engage them—whether it’s showcasing products they viewed or offering a discount to close the deal.

What is a prankvertising ad example and why did it work?

One notable example is TNT's Push to Add Drama campaign in Belgium. TNT placed a big red button in a quiet town square with a sign saying 'Push to add drama.' When pressed, it triggered a series of staged dramatic events, creating an action movie scene in real life.

This ad worked because:

  • It created a genuinely surprising and entertaining experience for participants and viewers.

  • The content was highly shareable, generating millions of views on YouTube.

  • It perfectly aligned with TNT's brand promise of drama and excitement.

  • It engaged people in a physical, memorable way that traditional ads couldn't match.

What's an example of a successful long-form advertisement and why it worked?

Patagonia's Worn Wear film is one excellent example of long-form advertising. Their 27-minute documentary showcases stories of Patagonia customers and their well-loved, long-lasting garments. The extended format worked for them so successfully because:

  • It allowed for deep storytelling that reinforced Patagonia's brand values of sustainability and quality.

  • The documentary format felt authentic and less like a traditional advertisement.

  • It provided valuable content to viewers, educating them about sustainable consumption.

  • The length allowed for multiple customer stories, appealing to a wide range of audience segments.

  • It perfectly aligned with Patagonia's Buy Less, Demand More campaign, encouraging product longevity over constant consumption.

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