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7 apps to drive insane traffic to your website

Wix Team

7 Apps to Drive Insane Traffic to Your Website

Whether you’re just about to create a website for the first time or you’re putting the finishing touches on your stunning page, you deserve to get massive exposure from the get-go. The Wix App Market and Wix marketing integrations are chock full of features to help drive traffic to your website and keep your visitors coming back for more.

We’ve compiled the top seven apps you need to know about to flood your site with new fans.

7 Apps to Drive Insane Traffic to Your Website


Driving traffic to your website is the obvious goal, but just because you have a website doesn’t necessarily mean it’s being found by the right people. Site Booster gets your website listed in all of the places that matter, allowing you to rank higher in the top directories and in the most popular search engines like Google and Bing.


It’s essential that you encourage social engagement with your users through your various social channels. However, inviting a visitor to check out your Facebook or Twitter page re-directs them away from the website you’re working so hard to drive traffic to. Smart Social Icons allows your visitors to browse your social channels while keeping them on your website. Each social icon opens up right on your website, allowing your users to engage and connect while still remaining inside your website.


Pay-per-click advertising, (or PPC in the halls of a marketing department), is a great way to attract more site visits from your target audience. Never heard of it? No problem. Let’s say you’re using a program like GoogleAdWords. You choose a series of words that represent your business and “bid” on them. Then when someone searches for those words on Google, your website will show up at the top of the list. As you might have guessed, the best part is you only pay per click.

To many a small business owner, PPC can be an intimidating term. You want to choose your search words, define your right audience and expand your reach, even when your budget doesn’t exactly compete with that of the big guys. SearchBoost does the job for you by developing custom ads for Google and Bing while targeting the most relevant audience for your business. In other words, you’ve now got a PPC specialist in-house working around the clock to bring in the most targeted traffic straight to your website.


We’re living in a serious social revolution so if you want to keep up with your competitors, it’s essential that you have a presence on social media. Gone are the days where it’s enough to post on your personal Facebook in hopes that your aunt in Connecticut spreads the word of your new biz to her book club. While organic posts are still essential, it’s time to include social ads in your marketing strategy.

SocialBoost creates custom Facebook advertising campaigns for you based on your audience and your budget. Not only will your favorite aunt see it, but people you’ve never heard of will be viewing your stunning site inside their newsfeed.


Google and Facebook aren’t the only networks that will bring you business. Sometimes it pays to know somebody, and in this case that somebody is the GetTraffic app. After snagging the app just select your industry, which countries you want your ad to reach and write compelling text. Then voila, you can sit back and let GetTraffic do the work for you.

Once you create the ad and set up the campaign, your ad will appear on websites that are related to your business. This way you get the most targeted traffic and more bang for your buck!


Let’s say your business has a killer promotion coming up and you’re looking to get the word out fast. Lumifish Pop-Up allows you to create a message that will capture your visitors’ attention upon arriving to your website. Whether it’s the latest sale or a new arrival, this application drives your customers to a specific page within your website and engages your users from the moment they arrive, encouraging them to act on the promotion almost immediately.


So you’ve driven an insane amount of traffic to your website, but now you need to monitor it. You want to know who your visitors are and what they’re doing once they’re inside your website in order to improve their experience. Visitor Analytics is an easy-to-read tool that allows you to get the deets on your users and how they’re moving within your site. You can track their behavior in real time and also receive daily, weekly and monthly overview summaries straight to your email. The info you get from Visitor Analytics allows you to stop playing a guessing game and improve your website based on what your visitors are really up to.

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