Brielle Gordon

Apr 1010 min

How to make a florist website (with examples)

Updated: May 15

Get started by: Creating a website → | Getting a domain →

Floral businesses have always been synonymous with beauty and elegance and as they narrow in on eco-friendly practices like local sourcing and technological advancements with orders and deliveries— they are also leveling up their online presence.

A well-designed florist website allows you to grow your customer base, showcase your beautiful arrangements and accept online orders. But simply having a website isn't enough—your florist website needs to provide an exceptional user experience to truly capture customers attention and drive sales. As a florist, your online store has to convey the quality and artistry you put into each bouquet and floral design.

In this article, you'll learn the step-by-step process of how to make a florist website. We'll also look at examples of effective florist websites built with Wix's website builder to inspire your own designs. 

Ready to learn how to make a website? Use Wix’s website builder to put your floral business in full bloom

How to make a florist website in 6 steps:

1. Choose your domain and hosting

2. Select the right website builder

3. Design your florist website

4. Add eCommerce capabilities

5. Promote your florist website  

6. Manage and update content

01. Choose your domain name and hosting provider

Select your domain name 

Your florist website's domain is the virtual address where visitors can find and interact with your website. Your domain name should be short, relevant to your business and memorable. Furthermore, you should choose a domain extension like .com or .net for added credibility and trust. Wix has a variety of domain resources that can help you check domain name availability. Learn how to register a domain name and use a free domain name generator.

Tip: Wix has many other resources to help launch, grow and maintain your venture, learn more about how to start a business

Pick your hosting provider

Web hosting refers to the server where all the files that comprise your site are stored and served from. When evaluating a web host service take into consideration the storage, site-security, reliability and site performance made available to you as a user. Some hosting providers, such as Wix, offer free web hosting, as well as a free domain with a paid plan.

Learn more: Web hosting cost

02. Select the right website builder

Website builders can help you build a business website optimized for your audience—all without being (or needing) a tech guru, and can help minimize how much it costs to make a website

When picking a website builder, be sure to look for an intuitive interface and user-friendly tools, including customizable templates. In addition, a website builder that optimizes your florist website for SEO and offers mobile friendliness is key. 

Wix, for example, offers a no-code required drag-and-drop editor that can significantly reduce how long it takes to build a website. In addition, Wix has a suite of built-in marketing tools and eCommerce capabilities, so you’ll have the tools you need to manage and grow your florist business online all-in-one. 

03. Design your florist website  

Your florist website is only as useful as it is easy for your customers to navigate. Further, there are features that you can incorporate into your web design that will help you win, engage and keep customers. When designing your florist website, consider the following:

Site design

The look and feel of your florist website should represent your flower business through-and-through. The color palette you select, the fonts you use and the tone of your content all help reinforce your brand identity to your site visitors. Maintain consistency throughout your website that is aligned with your business.

A well-crafted logo also serves to convey your brand's essence and values to customers at a glance. If you are looking for help or inspiration designing a logo, Wix’s logo maker can help you design a logo with the icons, typography and colors that you feel best represent your business. 

Tip: Make sure to use the same logo and color palette on your website as you do on your social media channels, and within your packaging or physical storefront (if you have one). Keeping a cohesive brand identity on and offline helps build brand awareness and trust. 


If you are starting from a template, choose a visually appealing, mobile-responsive template that aligns with your overall brand aesthetic. Wix has a variety of pre-designed templates that include all the must have pages and features you’ll need for a successful florist website. Check out these website templates, all of which are totally customizable to suit your florist business needs.  

Site hierarchy

Organize the content of your site logically, and include a site menu that makes it easy for your customers to find what they are looking for. For a florist website, a menu that includes category pages such as bouquets by occasion, type of flower, product lines and special event services can help ensure smooth site navigation

Must-have pages

  • Homepage: Your homepage should highlight your most popular or seasonally relevant offerings (ex: ‘Valentine’s Day Roses’), with several strong calls to action (ex: ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Shop Now’).  

  • Service pages: If your florist business includes flowers for special events like weddings, make sure to include pages on your site that outline the services you offer, including pricing and customization options. 

  • Gallery pages: The beauty of your work speaks for itself.  Give potential customers an idea of your style and what you can do through pictures of your bouquets and arrangements. Be sure to use high-quality images to showcase your offering. Use an image resizer tool to make your images look their best on the page. 

  • About Us: Providing information about your business can help gain customer trust.  People are more likely to purchase products from a company that they feel a personal connection with. 

  • Online store: Make buying flowers as convenient as possible by enabling online purchasing from your website. Wix offers full eCommerce capabilities that enable you to build your online store, and receive orders and payments directly. You can customize your product pages with images that showcase your arrangements, and product descriptions that include keywords that can help your SEO efforts. 

  • Contact page: Having a designated "Contact Us" page adds legitimacy to your florist website and instills trust in visitors. It signals that your business is transparent and accountable, as it openly provides contact information for customers to reach out. Using a business email address customized to your domain name can further cement customer trust.  In addition, you can add your social media channels to your contact page to expand your reach and make contacting your business more accessible.

    Consider adding a contact form. In addition to listing your contact details, create a simple contact form that allows customers to reach out to you directly. Wix offers an online form builder that allows you to customize forms on your site to match your site design that can help you capture leads. 

Lead generation

While highlighting your floral designs and services is crucial, your florist website should also integrate lead generation features and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. These tools will help you to capture prospective customers' information and nurture those leads into loyal clients. Here are some lead capture tools to try out:

Newsletter sign-up form

Include a newsletter subscription option to collect email addresses from interested visitors and returning customers. This allows you to communicate regularly, and keep your customer base updated on your latest arrangements, services and promotions. Sending out regular, valuable content will help you maintain subscriber engagement.

Free consultation request 

Enable potential clients to submit a request for a free consultation regarding weddings, events or personal floral needs. Include fields to gather details like occasion, desired style, budget and dates. This provides an opportunity to follow up and book new business.

Online ordering and appointment booking

Offer online ordering and appointment scheduling to allow customers to purchase arrangements or book consultations directly through your site. Streamlining this process increases convenience and chances of conversion.  With Wix, you can set up local delivery, pick-up and shipping options in the way that works best for your business. When it comes to accepting customer's payments, having an array of options is key. It makes it easier for customers making online or in-person purchases, while also improving the process of accepting payments. Whether you use payment methods like online banking, direct debit, digital wallets or Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), Wix Payments accepts over 80 leading payment gateways.

Live chat

Live chat allows you to communicate with your site visitors in real-time, which builds rapport and satisfaction. You can customize a branded chat box with Wix Chat and connect your site to multiple chat platforms, so you can manage all your communications from your dashboard. 

04. Add eCommerce capabilities

Incorporating an online store to your florist website will equip you to reach far more potential customers than just those who visit your physical location. With an eCommerce website, your business can operate 24/7, which helps you capture sales opportunities that might otherwise have been missed. 

Having an eCommerce website for your floral business also offers an opportunity for personalization. You can leverage customer data and preferences to provide personalized shopping experiences. By tracking customer behavior and preferences, your floral business can recommend relevant products, offer discounts and send targeted marketing messages to enhance customer engagement and loyalty.

With Wix, you can build a user-friendly online store with the website infrastructure you need to sell online, including customizable product galleries, carts, checkout and more. 

Tip: Add a subscription option to your product offerings. Allowing customers to send flowers regularly on a monthly or bi-monthly basis is an easy win for your customers, and helps you in creating and maintaining predictable recurring revenue. 

5. Promote your florist website

Once you have your florist website up and running, promote it so you can grow your online presence. Here are a few tactics to promote your site:

Local SEO  

As a florist, many of your customers may be local to your business geographically. Use keywords related to your location throughout your website to increase its visibility in local searches. For example, use phrases like "flower delivery in [your location]" or "wedding flowers in [your location] to target prospective customers in your geographic area.

Content marketing 

Content marketing can help you keep customers engaged, as well as help boost your site’s SEO. A blog is an excellent content marketing tool to showcase expertise, educate customers and drive more traffic to your site through helpful, informative posts. Start a blog that you update regularly and that has content relevant to the florist industry. For example, you could write blog posts around floral arrangement ideas, holiday flower inspiration or floral wedding trends.

Social media 

Social media provides powerful marketing channels for you to promote and drive traffic to your florist website. By sharing beautiful photos of arrangements on platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, you can inspire potential customers, and link from these posts to specific product pages. Social media also allows you to provide customer service, share updates and deals and build brand awareness. 

Go one step further and ask happy customers to share their experiences on their respective social media channels. This provides your business with user generated content (UGC) while also establishing social proof. 

Online ads

Run targeted campaigns on platforms like Google and Facebook to reach your desired audience. Paid advertising allows you to showcase your floral designs and promote special offerings to local users who are actively searching for florists and floral services. With targeting options to define demographics, interests and locations, you can ensure your ads are delivered to the most relevant potential customers. Online ads provide an effective way to drive qualified traffic to your website and increase visibility for your floral business.

6. Manage and update content  

Like your bouquet arrangements, keeping your floral website’s content fresh and updated shows you are an active, thriving company and gives your visitors reasons to keep returning. Frequently updating your content can also help boost your search engine rankings, as search engines prioritize sites with updated content. 

To keep your site content relevant and engaging, you can use website management tools to:

Add seasonal collections and specials

Take advantage of holidays, wedding season and seasonally available flowers by creating and showcasing time limited special offerings on your website and through marketing channels. 

Post blog content regularly

Maintaining your business blog on a regular basis keeps your readers engaged, helps with SEO and allows you to establish your subject matter expertise.

Share events and promotions  

Are you running a sale? Doing a pop-up in your store? Make sure your customers know by highlighting special events on your site, social channels and with email marketing. 

Update portfolio photos

Keep your customers inspired by your work with regularly updated photo galleries. Flowers are beautiful to behold and in a business as aesthetically driven as the floral business, a picture is worth at least a thousand words. 

How to make a florist website with AI

Wix’s new AI website builder simplifies the site building process, enabling you to create a unique, business-ready florist website in record time. Start by chatting with the AI site builder and answering a few questions about your floral business, and what you’d like on your site. Then, watch as the AI website builder creates a site for you in minutes. Wix’s AI will suggest and add pages based on your florist business needs, such as scheduling, eCommerce and more.

You can continue chatting with the site builder to refine the design, text and structure of your site until you are happy with the results. Once you’ve created your site with the AI website builder, you can access Wix AI features through the Editor to support your web creation journey. 

5 florist website examples

We’ve gathered some gorgeous florist website examples that all have been built on Wix. 

Moonwake Meadow

Long Island, NY-based floral design company Moonwake Meadow has a website that catches the eye with its distinct logo, color palette and unique font choices. Stylized videos and carefully curated image galleries further exemplify this floral designer's authentic brand. Their strong aesthetic, creates an overall brand feeling that is genuine and original.

Moonwake Meadow founder, Nicole Oliveira pushes the aesthetic boundaries on her florist website. According to Nicole,

“People love to go onto a website and see a really clean canvas with a neutral background and very beautiful photos. But I love color and patterns, so I brought that in.”

Hillside Flower Co.

Hillside Flower Co’s simple home page keeps the focus on their beautiful arrangements. Their social channels are front and center to the top fold of all their pages, making it enticing for shoppers to get connected through their marketing channels. 

The Floral Academy

The Floral Academy uses a photo carousel on the top of their homepage to showcase their stunning work. Their site menu includes links to their service pages, including florist classes they offer regularly, in addition to private classes they offer as corporate events. 

TFG Florist  

TFG Florist does a great job of marketing to their local customers by including their location in the first fold of their homepage, as well as a map to their store. This site includes an FAQ which helps field questions and smooth the path to purchase for potential customers. 

Why a florist website matters

Having a florist website is crucial for establishing an online presence and reaching potential customers who are searching for floral services or products online. Here are a few more reasons for why you need a florist website:

  • Increase online visibility and brand credibility: A florist website makes it easy for local customers to discover your services through online search. A website serves as a virtual storefront for your floral business, and it establishes your digital presence and builds credibility for your business.

  • Generate more leads and sales: With eCommerce functionality, your website operates as a 24/7 sales channel, allowing customers to browse and order arrangements anytime.   

  • Showcase your best work: Your website acts as a digital portfolio to display your highest quality floral designs and artistic capabilities.

  • Stay competitive: Having a florist website gives you a competitive edge over others in your industry. A professional website sets you apart from competitors who may not have an online presence, allowing you to attract and retain customers in a competitive market.

Learn more about how to make a florist website and run your business: