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18 beautiful fashion websites created with Wix

Wix Team

Beautiful Fashion Websites Created with Wix

Fashion lovers all over the world are excited about the New York Fashion Week which is kicking off tomorrow. It’s one of the most anticipated events of the industry, with tons of catwalks, shows, displays, workshops, performances, parties and other hyped and exciting things that are going on in the Big Apple.

Believe it or not, Wix has a thing for all things couture. In fact, we consider ourselves the fashionistas of website builders. That’s why we want to greet the New York Fashion Week in two wonderful ways:

The Catwalk//Sidewalk exhibition at the Wix Lounge

Catwalk//Sidewalk Exhibition
From the Catwalk//Sidewalk exhibition at the Wix Lounge NY

Fashion photographers Liam Alexander and Galo Delgado are exhibiting their fascinating work in the Wix Lounge New York until March 1st, 2013. This exhibition aims to juxtapose images from urban scenery with inside photos from the fashion industry. They explore the boundaries between the catwalk and the sidewalk—where does one start and the other end? If you’re in New York sometime this month, be sure to visit the lounge and check it out!

Website showcase: beautiful fashion sites

Fashion websites are by far one the most creative groups of sites we see on Wix. We have a large variety of fashion templates and logo options in our Clothing Logo Maker, and we constantly come across inspiring websites that were created with them. Just like in real life, when you see fashion designs that really catch your eye and just don’t let go, great fashion websites have a way of popping out of the screen and leave a truly stunning impression. They are daring and unique, and we love them for it! So in honor of the New York Fashion Week, here are 18 examples of fashion websites that are totally en vogue.

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix


Beautiful Fashion Websites created with Wix

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