Modsy's CEO Shanna Tellerman on Solving eCommerce's Choice Overload

Meet Shanna Tellerman, founder and CEO of Modsy, a groundbreaking interior design technology startup. Shanna’s exciting career evolution, from her studies at Carnegie Mellon University to entrepreneurial success in the tech world, made her the perfect guest for the Now What? Podcast. Modsy is an interior design startup that’s transforming how people reimagine their homes. The Now What? Podcast spoke to Modsy’s founder and CEO, Shanna Tellerman about what it’s like to build, grow and lead a cutting-edge 3D technology startup.
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Tellerman, who has vast experience in the world of VR, AR and 3D, spoke about her vision for the future when it comes to evolving technologies and data, and how they can improve upon the eCommerce experience. “The primary problem in eCommerce is really sorting through the noise, right? As a consumer, and even as somebody trying to sell, what you want to do is put the best possible thing in front of the customer. And to give them the information that is most likely to convince them to purchase it, right? That's what both parties actually want.
And I think that the world is headed towards personalization, which I know has been a topic for a long time. But I think that the data we have available and the way we use that data to really understand what the consumer is looking for and to put the right product in front of them is going to continue to have a lot of legs.”
After being forced to turn off costly paid marketing channels during the pandemic when marketing budgets were reigned in, Tellerman discovered how important unpaid channels are for high-growth companies, serving as a valuable lesson for other ecommerce leaders.
“The first point is probably what any great marketer wants to hear, which is we really just stopped paying Facebook and Google all this money...turns out it was the talent of the marketers that was driving most of the business. We're certainly not off of paid marketing. And it is definitely going to go back into the hands of Google and Facebook, but with a lot more efficiency, because we were able to take that moment to build much more in-depth attribution models and systems to really understand the impact of different channels. To truly understand our baseline, what comes to us on an organic basis, what comes in a word-of-mouth basis. And I think we just reminded ourselves how important the organic, unpaid half of marketing is.”
Listen to the full episode below to get the inside track from Tellerman on how Modsy tapped into consumer desires and thrived during lockdown, or check out Modsy to learn exactly what it can do for your home decor.
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