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How to make money as a teenager in 15 ways

How to make money as a teenager

When you start making money early, you get to try different things and figure out what you like and are good at. This can help you choose what job you might want in the future. Also, making money teaches you stuff like managing your time, dealing with customers and handling money – things that will be super helpful later in life.

Making money as a teen can also help you learn about responsibility, hard work and not giving up. It shows you how working hard pays off and helps you learn to stick to things, even when they get tough.

15 ways to make money as a teenager

In this part, we'll go through 15 ways for teenagers to start a business and start making cash. We'll explain what each one business idea for teens involves, why it's good for this age group and how to make the most out of it.

01. Babysitting

Starting a babysitting business is a classic way for teenagers to earn money. It involves taking care of children while their parents are away. This is a great option because it allows you to work flexible hours and build valuable skills in responsibility and childcare. This also makes it a good way to make money as a student because it can be arranged around study hours and classes.

02. Dog walking

If you love animals, dog walking can be a fun and profitable way to make money. It involves taking dogs for walks and ensuring they get their daily exercise. This is an excellent choice because it allows you to spend time outdoors and interact with furry friends.

how to make money as a teenager - dog walking

03. Lawn mowing

Many people are willing to pay for someone else to take care of their lawn. If you have access to a lawnmower and enjoy working outdoors, lawn mowing can be a lucrative business idea. Consider offering additional services like weed trimming or leaf raking to maximize your earnings.

how to make money as a teenager - lawn care

04. Tutoring

If you excel in certain subjects, tutoring can be an excellent way to make money while helping others succeed academically. You can offer your services in subjects like math, science, or English either online or in person as a great business idea for students.

make money as a teenager - tutoring

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05. Freelance writing

If you have strong writing skills, freelance writing can be a great way to earn money from the comfort of your own home. Many websites and blogs are looking for content writers who can create engaging articles on various topics.

how to make money as a teenager - freelance writing

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06. Graphic design

If you have a creative eye and skills in graphic design, consider offering your services to local businesses or online platforms. You can create logos, social media graphics, or client website designs.

In order to get started with this idea, you'll need to create an online portfolio to collect and showcase your design work.

how to make money as a teenager - graphic design

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07. Photography

If you have a passion for photography and own a decent camera, you can turn your hobby into a profitable photography business. Offer your services for events like weddings, birthdays, or family photoshoots.

Learn more:

how to make money as a teenager - photography

08. Social media management

Teenagers are often adept at navigating social media platforms. If you have a good understanding of how to grow an online presence and engage with audiences, consider offering social media management services to small businesses or influencers.

make money as a teenager - social media management

Expert tip from Lilach Goldis, Social Media Manager at Wix,

"If the message isn't straightforward and easy to understand, people tend to scroll past. When you have something genuine to share, it often translates into winning content."

09. Car washing

Many people are willing to pay for someone else to wash and detail their cars. This can be a profitable venture if you provide high-quality service and offer additional services like interior cleaning or waxing.

10. Arts and crafts

If you're skilled in arts and crafts, consider selling your crafts online or at local craft fairs. You can make jewelry, paintings, pottery or any other handmade items that appeal to potential customers.

how to make money as a teenager - arts and crafts

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11. Event planning

If you enjoy organizing and coordinating events, event planning can be a lucrative business idea. Offer your services for party planning, weddings or corporate events and ensure everything runs smoothly.

how to make money as a teenager - event planning

12. Virtual assistance

Many professionals and entrepreneurs need help managing their administrative tasks remotely. As a virtual assistant, you can provide services like email management, scheduling appointments or data entry.

13. YouTube channel

If you're comfortable in front of the camera and have something interesting to share with the world, starting a YouTube channel can be a fun way to make money as a teenager. Create engaging videos on topics that interest you and monetize your channel through ads or sponsorships.

how to make money as a teenager - youtube channel

14. Online surveys

While less profitable than some other options on this list, completing online surveys can still provide some extra cash. Sign up for reputable survey websites and spend your free time answering surveys to earn rewards or cash. This can be an easy way to make money online.

15. Selling products online

If you have a knack for finding unique or in-demand items, consider selling them online through an online store or eCommerce website. You can search for thrift store finds, create your products or even dropship items from suppliers. Starting an eCommerce business can be a great way to make money from home.

how to make money as a teenager - online store, sell products

Getting started with making money as a teenager

A crucial step in making money as a teenager is making a website to run and advertise your business idea. We'll guide you through getting started in making money as a teen.

Identify your passion and skills

The first step in making money as a teenager is to identify your passion and skills. Think about what you enjoy doing or what you're good at. This could be anything from baking to graphic design to tutoring. By focusing on something you love or excel in, you'll have more motivation and enthusiasm for your business.

Research and validate your idea

Once you've identified your passion or skill, it's important to research and validate your business idea for teens. Look into the market demand for your product or service. Are there potential customers who would be interested in what you have to offer? Conduct surveys, talk to potential customers, or do some online research to gather data that supports the viability of your idea.

Looking for specific business ideas to start? Consider these:

make money as a teenager - choose business ideas

Create a business plan

A well-thought-out business plan is essential for any successful venture. Outline your goals, target audience, marketing strategies, pricing structure and financial projections. This will help you stay organized and focused on achieving your objectives.

make money as a teenager - create a business plan

Register your business

Depending on the type of business you want to start, you may need to register your business with the appropriate authorities. Check with local government agencies or consult with professionals to ensure that you comply with all legal requirements.

make money as a teenager - register a business

Examples of business models to start include:

Build your website

Having an online presence is crucial for reaching a wider audience and promoting your business effectively. Start by choosing a domain name that reflects your brand identity and is easy for people to remember. Then, select a reliable web hosting provider and build your website using a user-friendly platform like Wix. Make sure your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate and provides all the necessary information about your business.

how to make money as a teenager - build a website

Promote your website

Once your website is up and running, it's time to promote it to attract customers. Utilize social media platforms, create engaging content and optimize your website for search engines. Consider implementing digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC) or email marketing to drive traffic to your website.

how to make money as a teenager - promote your website

Provide excellent customer service

Customer satisfaction is key to the success of any business. Always strive to provide excellent customer service by being responsive, addressing customer concerns promptly and going the extra mile to exceed their expectations. Happy customers are more likely to recommend your business to others and become repeat customers.

Making money as a teenager FAQ

Can I legally work as a teenager?

Yes, teenagers can legally work in many countries but there are often restrictions on the types of jobs and the number of hours they can work. It's important to familiarize yourself with the labor laws in your country or state to ensure you comply with all regulations.

How can I balance work and school?

How can I make my business idea profitable?

Do I need a website to make money as a teenager?

How can I stay motivated and overcome challenges as a teenage entrepreneur?

Looking for more ways to make money? Check out these ideas

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