Ladies and gentlemen, please prepare your bookmarking. We’re about to share information that will greatly improve your life (or your social media life, at least).
After you create a website, it can be hugely advantageous to incorporate social media into your marketing efforts. Practically everyone is active on Facebook, Twitter or both, yet not many people are aware that you can use keyboard shortcuts and make your activity on these networks much easier!
Learn how to use these useful shortcuts to make your experiences on Facebook and Twitter just a little easier! Just don't forget to create your Facebook account first.

Facebook marketing can significantly help your business thrive. Once you have a Facebook business page, there are an abundance of Facebook features you can use to advertise.
Once you're set up on the platform, take a look at this index to help you figure out the shortcut structure for your favorite browser:
Internet Explorer for PC: Alt + #, then Enter
Firefox for PC: Shift + Alt + #
Safari for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
Firefox for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
Chrome for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
Chrome for PC: Ctrl + #
Add the following keys to complete:
1 – Facebook’s homepage
2 – Your Timeline
3 – Friends’ list
4 – Inbox
5 – Notifications
6 – Account settings
7 – Privacy settings
8 – About page
9 – Facebook’s terms & conditions
J- Go to next story on News Feed
K – Go to previous story on News Feed
C – Comment on a story
L – like or unlike a story
M – Compose new message
Q – Search for a friend to chat with

On Twitter, you don’t need to use ctrl or command to perform shortcuts. If you want to perform an action on a specific tweet (reply, retweet, etc.), just make sure that you navigated to it and that it’s marked.
. – Load new tweets
/ – Search tweets
J – Go to next tweet
K – Go to previous tweet
Space – Page down
GH – Go to Home
GP – Go to your profile
GL – Go to your Lists
GF – Go to your Favorites
GM – Go to your messages
GU – Go to a person’s profile
GS – Go to your settings
GA – Go to Activity page
GC – Go to Interaction page
N – Write new tweet
R – Reply to tweet
T – Retweet
M – Write direct message
B – Block user
U – Unblock user
Did we miss anything? Comment and add your secret shortcuts.