Every single day presents new challenges and expectations in life. It can be a lot to take on, for anyone. As a small business owner or someone learning how to become an entrepreneur, these daily surprises are something you know far too well. After you’ve created your business website, your responsibilities only continue from taking on a leadership role to problem solving and many other unexpected surprises that come with the nature of your busy role.
These motivational quotes are here to give you an extra push and empower your inner strength as you build on your professional growth. Use them as a pick me up to keep striving towards your goals and dreams.
Whether you're looking to create a free website, start a business or just make it through the day and enjoy your weekend - we've got a quote for every occasion.
Motivational quotes
Looking for a boost of inspiration? This collection of motivational quotes spans every aspect of life—offering wisdom for success, encouragement for tough days and positivity to energize your spirit:
Deep motivational quotes
Deep motivational quotes have the power to change perspectives, build resilience and push limits. They remind us that growth often comes through challenges and perseverance can turn setbacks into stepping stones. The right words at the right time can replace self-doubt with confidence and transform fear into drive. Real motivation isn’t about quick bursts of inspiration—it’s about words that stick with you and shape actions and mindsets over time.
Deep motivational quotes examples
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
- Nelson Mandela -
If you believe it will work, you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't, you will see obstacles.
- Wayne Dyer -
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
- Theodore Roosevelt -
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
- Pablo Picasso -
Do one thing every day that scares you.
- Eleanor Roosevelt -

Quotes for success - professional and personal
Success quotes are a great way to inspire growth, resilience and achievement. At work, accomplishments come from perseverance, adaptability and learning. Quotes about discipline, strategy and effort remind us that progress takes time. In life, success is about mindset, self-control and emotional strength. Words encouraging belief, patience and risk-taking can help you push past obstacles and embrace opportunities.
Examples of quotes for success
I didn't get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.
- Estée Lauder -
If you can dream it, you can do it.
- Walt Disney -
Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
- Will Rogers -
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
- Winston Churchill -

Quotes for work and professional life
Work and professional life quotes remind us of what drives success—discipline, persistence and growth. They inspire initiative, adaptability and a strong work ethic. Some focus on leadership and teamwork, showing how collaboration fuels success. Others highlight resilience, encouraging us to learn from setbacks and keep improving. The right words can spark productivity and a commitment to lifelong learning.
Examples of quotes for work
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
- Mahatma Gandhi -
Earn your leadership every day.
- Michael Jordan -
It's not just about being better. It's about being different. You need to give people a reason to choose your business.
- Tom Abbott -
The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.
- Eric Hoffer -
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
- John F. Kennedy -

Quotes for the team
Team quotes inspire connection, motivation and a shared drive for success. They emphasize collaboration, trust and how teams achieve more together. Motivational quotes remind us that challenges are easier to overcome when everyone contributes their strengths toward a common goal. Leadership quotes encourage accountability, communication and respect. In business, sports or any group effort, the right quotes can strengthen relationships and create an environment where everyone feels supported and focused on shared success.
Great team quotes
The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.
- John Maxwell -
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
- Helen Keller -
The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.
- Babe Ruth -
It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
- Harry Truman -
I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot: together we can do great things.
- Mother Teresa -

Inspirational quotes to make a difference
Inspirational quotes have the power to motivate, uplift and bring clarity during tough times. They show us that challenges can be opportunities in disguise and perseverance leads to growth. Some quotes push us to take action, encouraging us to move forward even when the path feels unclear. Others build resilience, reminding us that failure isn’t the opposite of success but a step toward it. Focused on self-belief, hard work or the courage to follow dreams, these quotes remind us that greatness comes from effort, patience and staying committed to progress.
Inspirational quotes examples
It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.
- Charles Darwin -
The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs -
Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
- Maya Angelou -
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
- Joseph Campbell -
A year from now you may wish you had started today.
- Karen Lamb -

Positive quotes for life
Positive quotes remind us that attitude shapes experience and perspective influences reality. They inspire gratitude, resilience and the belief that even during tough times, there’s something to learn and appreciate. Optimism isn’t about ignoring challenges—it’s about facing them with confidence that better days are ahead. Encouraging words help us embrace change, focus on progress over perfection and find joy in the little things.
Positive quotes examples
Don't count the days, make the days count.
- Muhammad Ali -
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
- Albert Einstein -
Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
- Farrah Gray -
It is important to look at death because it is a part of life. It is a sad thing, melancholy but romantic at the same time. It is the end of a cycle - everything has to end. The cycle of life is positive because it gives room for new things.
- Alexander McQueen -
You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
- Maya Angelou -

Quotes to start your day
Morning quotes can set the tone for a productive and positive day. They’re a great reminder that every morning is a new chance to learn, grow and take action. Motivational words can spark energy, push past hesitation and build confidence to tackle the day ahead. Some quotes focus on gratitude, helping you appreciate the present, while others inspire discipline and perseverance to keep going.
Examples of quotes to start the day
I would rather die of passion than of boredom.
- Vincent van Gogh -
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible!"
- Audrey Hepburn -
If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.
- Oprah Winfrey -
Nothing lasts forever. Not even your troubles.
- Arnold H Glasgow -
The only place you find success before work is in the dictionary.
- May V. Smith -
Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.
- George Weinberg -

Daily quotes to rely on
Daily quotes are an awesome way to stay motivated, reflect and find encouragement to keep a positive mindset. They help us focus on our goals, turn challenges into opportunities to grow and start each day with gratitude and purpose. Some inspire action, pushing us to keep going and make progress, while others remind us to prioritize self-care, balance and mindfulness.
Daily quotes examples
Just decide; what's it's gonna be, who you're gonna be and how you're gonna do it, and then from that point, the universe will get out of your way.
- Will Smith -
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
- Steve Jobs -
Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
- John F. Kennedy -
I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.
- Abraham Lincoln -
It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
- J. K. Rowling -
Go until you fail, then keep going.
- Jason Feifer -
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
- Albert Einstein -

Short quotes that matter
Short quotes pack a punch, delivering big ideas in just a few words. They’re easy to remember and can offer a quick boost of clarity, motivation or perspective. Some focus on perseverance, showing us that progress comes through consistent effort. Others build confidence, helping us believe in ourselves during uncertain times. A simple phrase can change your mindset, turning doubt into action or hesitation into courage.
Short quotes examples
Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
- Steve Jobs -
Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese.
- Billie Burke -
There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
- Aristotle -
If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.
- Katherine Hepburn -
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
- Walt Disney -
Tough times never last, but tough people do.
- Robert H. Shuller -

Monday motivational quotes
Monday motivational quotes are a great way to remind yourself that a new week means fresh opportunities for growth, success and progress. They push you to take action and start the week with a proactive mindset instead of dreading it. Some focus on perseverance, showing how small efforts on Monday can build momentum for the rest of the week. Others highlight attitude, proving how energy and optimism can turn challenges into achievements.
Examples of Monday motivational quotes
Remember why you started.
- Unknown -
Be so good they can't ignore you.
- Steve Martin -
Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
- Warren Buffett -
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.
- Christopher Robin -
Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
- George Addair -

Encouraging quotes
Encouraging quotes bring motivation, strength and reassurance during tough times. They remind us that setbacks are temporary, growth comes through perseverance and every step forward—big or small—counts. Some quotes boost confidence, showing us our abilities and potential can overcome any obstacle. Others offer comfort, teaching us that failure isn’t the end but a stepping stone to success.
Encouraging quotes examples
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.
- C.S. Lewis -
If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.
- Unknown -
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
- Paulo Coelho -
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.
- Amelia Earhart -
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt -

Motivational quotes for business
Motivational quotes for business can inspire perseverance, innovation and strategic thinking. Success in business isn’t just about talent—it’s about resilience, adaptability and taking action during uncertain times. Some quotes focus on hard work and how consistent effort leads to long-term results. Others explore leadership, decision-making and the courage to take risks. Business is a journey of learning and growth, and the right words can remind us that setbacks are lessons, failures are stepping stones and every effort moves you closer to success.
Examples of motivational quotes for business leaders
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
- Pele -
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau -
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
I’m not terribly interested in beauty. What touches me is someone who understands herself.
- Vivienne Westwood -
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
- Maya Angelou -

Famous motivational quotes
Motivational quotes fuel ambition, remind us to stay resilient and spark inspiration when determination fades. People turn to them in moments of doubt, using them to push through challenges, refocus energy or start the day with purpose. Spoken by leaders, innovators and visionaries, these timeless words carry the wisdom of experience and the power to shift perspectives instantly. They remind us that success is a journey, and failure is simply a step toward growth. Framed on office walls, repeated as mantras or shared in conversations, famous quotes endure because they capture universal truths.
Famous motivational quotes examples
Power’s not given to you. You have to take it.
- Beyoncé -
Beware of monotony; it’s the mother of all the deadly sins.
- Edith Wharton -
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
- Jane Goodall -
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did.
- Mark Twain -
It is never too late to be what you might have been.
- George Eliot -

Motivational quotes for everyone
Motivational quotes can inspire anyone, reminding us that perseverance, courage and self-belief build success. Facing personal challenges or professional setbacks? The right words can shift your mindset and spark new motivation. Some quotes focus on resilience, showing that obstacles don’t last forever and growth comes with persistence. Others highlight positivity, encouraging us to embrace the journey and find strength with every step forward.
Best examples of motivational quotes for every situation
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it but that it is too low and we reach it.
- Michelangelo -
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
- George Bernard Shaw -
You can fall, but you can rise also.
- Angelique Kidjo -
You can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t sustain you. What is fundamentally beautiful is compassion for yourself and those around you. That kind of beauty inflames the heart and enchants the soul.
- Lupita Nyong’o -
Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?
- Frida Kahlo -

Personal motivational quotes
Motivational quotes are a great way to inspire and uplift, especially during tough times. They remind us of strength, resilience and the importance of chasing our dreams and goals. These quotes can help shift your mindset and give you the boost you need to stay focused, positive and determined when facing challenges.
Examples of personal motivational quotes
When you can’t find someone to follow, you have to find a way to lead by example.
- Roxanne Gay -
When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision—then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
- Audre Lorde -
I shall plant my hands in the garden. And I will grow.
- Forough Farrokhzad -
I realized that I don’t have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect and beautiful journey of my life.
- Kerry Washington -
You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.
- Michelle Obama -
It's a philosophy of life. A practice. If you do this, something will change, what will change is that you will change, your life will change, and if you can change you, you can perhaps change the world.
- Vivienne Westwood -

Motivational quotes that stick
Motivational quotes that stick can create lasting change and ignite passion within us. They work because they offer simple yet powerful reminders of our potential and purpose. Quotes about pushing through adversity, believing in yourself or embracing hard work often become principles we live by. Their impact isn’t just a quick boost—they shape how we think and help us push forward when challenges arise. Phrases like "Believe you can and you're halfway there" or "Great things never come from comfort zones" can become mantras that fuel perseverance and remind us success comes from consistent effort and self-belief.
Examples of Motivational quotes that stick
Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.
- Mae Jemison -
It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.
- Lena Horne -
If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.
- Toni Morrison -
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
- Haruki Murakami -
Luck has nothing to do with it.
- Serena Williams -

Motivational quotes for the self
Motivational quotes encourage us to trust our abilities, embrace our journey and keep moving forward. They remind us we have the power to shape our lives and that believing in ourselves is often the first step to success. Quotes like "You are stronger than you think" and "Believe in yourself and all that you are" inspire self-empowerment by silencing doubts and fostering a mindset of possibility. These simple reminders can help us recognize our worth, tackle challenges and stay focused on our goals.
Examples of motivational quotes for the self
Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
- Pablo Picasso -
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.
- Ernest Hemingway -
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
- Coco Chanel -
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
- Vincent Van Gogh -
One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.
- Lewis Carroll -
You shouldn't dream your film, you should make it!
- Steven Spielberg -

Motivational quotes for self-empowerment
Motivational quotes for self-empowerment can help you take charge of your life, recognize your strengths and confidently pursue your goals. Quotes like "You are the author of your own story" and "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today" remind us we have the power to shape our future. They encourage us to tackle challenges, step out of our comfort zones and aim high. Embracing self-empowerment lets you take risks, make bold decisions and trust your abilities.
Examples of motivational quotes for self-empowerment
Nothing will work unless you do.
- Maya Angelou -
Decide whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying.
- Amelia Earhart -
Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.
- Julia Child -
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
- Thomas Edison -
Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.
- Ella Fitzgerald -

Motivational quotes that inspire
Motivational quotes have a way of sparking energy and pushing us to chase our dreams. They remind us that success comes from perseverance, resilience and believing in ourselves. From Eleanor Roosevelt's "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" to Wayne Gretzky's "You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take," these quotes encourage bold action and remind us that the journey to success is always worth it.
Examples of motivational quotes that inspire
Love the life you live. Live the life you love.
- Bob Marley -
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
- Helen Keller -
You must do the things you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt -
Smile and the world smiles with you.
- Stanley Gordon West -
If you know exactly what you're going to do, what's the good in doing it?
- Picasso -

Motivational quotes to share
Shared at the right moment, motivational quotes can give someone the encouragement they need to push through challenges or tough days. They remind us that progress matters more than perfection and that every effort counts. Sharing these words creates a ripple effect of positivity, building an environment where everyone feels empowered to chase their goals and dreams. Simple and meaningful, motivational quotes are an easy way to spread hope and inspiration.
Examples of motivational quotes to share
I will not be "famous," "great." I will go on adventuring, changing, opening my mind and my eyes.
- Virginia Woolf -
If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.
- Haruki Murakami -
I'm not trying to do something different, I'm trying to do the same thing but in a different way.
- Vivienne Westwood -
There is no better designer than nature.
- Alexander McQueen -
Every birthday is a gift. Every day is a gift.
- Aretha Franklin -

Motivational quotes to live by
Motivational quotes help us stay resilient, focused and committed to our goals, even during tough times. These quotes act as daily reminders to take responsibility for our actions and keep pushing for personal growth, no matter the obstacles. By holding onto these words of wisdom, we see life as an ongoing journey where perseverance, courage and self-belief help us overcome challenges and reach success. Living by these quotes encourages a positive outlook and determination, so we can tackle each day with purpose and energy.
Examples of motivational quotes to live by
The reality is: sometimes you lose. And you’re never too good to lose. You’re never too big to lose. You’re never too smart to lose. It happens.
- Beyoncé -
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
- Sun Tzu -
I am a person who believes in asking questions, in not conforming for the sake of conforming. I am deeply dissatisfied – about so many things, about injustice, about the way the world works – and in some ways, my dissatisfaction drives my storytelling.
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie -

Motivational quotes for students
Motivational quotes help students stay focused on their goals while reminding them that success comes from effort and persistence. These quotes encourage a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities to grow. By taking these messages to heart, students are reminded of their unlimited potential and that setbacks are just stepping stones toward bigger achievements. Motivational quotes also highlight the importance of dedication, discipline and self-belief as students work toward their academic and personal goals.
Examples of motivational quotes for students
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
- Nelson Mandela-
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt-
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
- Steve Jobs-
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
- Albert Schweitzer -
Believe you can and you're halfway there
- Theodore Roosevelt -
Motivational quotes FAQ
How do you uplift someone with words?
To uplift someone with words, focus on their strengths, show belief in their potential, and offer encouragement during tough times. A thoughtful, genuine message can make them feel valued and supported, boosting their confidence and hope.