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10 Tips for Writing a Professional Photographer ‘About Me’ Page

Jonathan Sitbon

How to Write a Good About Me Page for Photography Website

This post was last updated on November 30, 2023.

Who knows you like nobody else does? Who plays a discreet, yet decisive role in your photography career? No, we’re not talking about your beloved mother. But rather, your 'About Me' page, a widespread but often neglected part of a photography website, or any website for that matter. With the frenzy of selfies on Instagram, any attempt to talk about yourself has become somehow suspicious. It shouldn’t. Actually, when you’re running a business, it’s considered good practice to show your clients who you are, how you work and what your values are. This is especially true when you’re offering a service and don’t necessarily have something tangible, like a product, to show in order to convince potential customers.

When well-conceived and well-written, a bio expresses your personality in such a way that a potential customer will want to choose you – you, and not the next result on Google. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words when you actually need to say something smart and inspiring about yourself. And if you do, you don’t always know how to shape it in a professional way that will get your potential clients excited. This is why we’ve collected the most important guidelines for optimizing your 'About Me' page - both in terms of content and design. Additionally, you’ll be able to get inspired by amazing photographer bios created by Wix users.

10 tips for a great photographer 'About Me' page:

01. Remember that less is more

As one of the most important parts of your portfolio, it is imperative that your photographer 'About Me' page appears on your website menu. This practice is a must regardless of whether your bio has a dedicated page or appears as a strip on your one-page website. In any case, your visitors shouldn’t have to click more than once before finding it.

Simplicity is the key word here, also when it comes to naming your page. The best practice is to go for 'About' or ‘Bio,’ which are the most widespread, and thus the most identifiable. Names like ‘Skills’ or ‘Info’ could be confused with your ‘Services’ page or your ‘Contact’ form, so it’s best to avoid them.

When arriving on your page, visitors should face a clear and informative headline. A single-line phrase like “Meet Henri Quart-Tiers” is perfect for telling your visitors what they should expect to find on the page. You can also go for something along the lines of “Zoom in on Henri Quart-Tiers,” if you want to take the photo metaphor to the next level. In any case, make sure that the tone of this headline and of the first sentences is welcoming and conversational, since you want to intrigue your readers and make them eager to get to know you better.

Pro photographer bio example: Take a look at the quote below to see how Robert Stephens managed to summarize the essence of his work in just a few words.

“Photography is my passion - nature is my refuge. Combine the two, and that is where I am most at peace.”

Pro 'About Me' photographer example: You can also follow Martin Olson’s steps and take a minimalist approach on your entire bio page.

minimalist photographer about me page example

02. Look your best

The fact that an 'About Me' page is mostly made up of text doesn’t mean that you should neglect its design. Just like any other part of your photography website, this section needs to look impeccable and professional. First, make sure all the visual elements are aligned with the atmosphere of the rest of your site, from the header to the footer, colors and fonts.

Speaking of fonts, it’s highly recommended to opt for a basic one in order to keep your typography as clear and legible as possible. Most exotic fonts are hard to read, for your viewers and their browsers alike. For the same reason, avoid exclamation marks and all-caps writing.

Finally, when the design and text are ready, make sure to review the final result on several devices before publishing. Notably, you’ll want your ‘About’ page to be like the rest of your site: fully mobile-friendly. We can’t stress this point enough, since nowadays more than 50% of Internet traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. These users may have small screens, but they have big expectations that you need to meet.

Pro photographer bio example: Most photography website templates include a mobile-friendly, professionally designed 'About Me' page that you can easily customize.

photography about me page on website template

03. Get in front of the lens

You know what they say: the shoemaker’s children always go barefoot. While you can easily capture an alluring silhouette in the street or take a glorifying portrait of any client, you might have a hard time taking self portraits. Sound familiar? Like it or not, you’ll have to conquer your shyness, as people find it easier to trust a service provider after seeing their face.

This is especially true when that person is about to enter an intimate life event like their wedding, the birth of their child or a birthday. So make sure you put an engaging and flattering picture of yourself on the 'About Me' page of your photography website. Black and white or color, in a studio or in front of a landscape… All variations are equally good, as long as the picture conveys your photography style and clearly shows your face – and no, a snapshot of you hiding behind a camera is not an option!

Pro 'About Me' photographer example: The portrait displayed on Edwin A. Edou’s bio page allows visitors to put a face on the person behind the camera as they read his story.

self-portrait on photographer bio

04. Become a movie star

Video has been one of the largest photography trends in recent years, and can also be found on ‘About’ pages. Because it’s animated, a video is naturally more engaging than any other kind of content. Furthermore, if you’re not a natural born writer, telling your story in front of a camera might flow more naturally than typing on a keyboard. The same goes for your visitors, who may prefer watching a video rather than reading a chunk of text. Finally, as a professional photographer you know all about the right angles and lighting to make any subject shine.

There are many different types of content you can include in your ‘About’ page video. One option is to tell your story in an interview format. You can also insert samples of your most remarkable images to get your viewers eager to see more of your portfolio. Another nice addition is to share behind-the-scenes footage of your photoshoots, such as directing a bride as she poses for the camera (if you’re a wedding photographer), climbing a cliff (if you’re a travel photographer), or setting up the lighting in your studio (portrait photographer).

The more you show how you actually operate, the easier it will be for potential customers to imagine themselves working with you. Once you have your script ready, simply switch your camera from the “Photo” to the “Record” mode, and add Wix Video to your portfolio.

Pro photographer bio example: In this beautiful video, Tony Salvagio shares his inspiring story, examples of his work and footage of his shooting sessions - all in just over two minutes.

05. Storify your narrative

There are many different formats you can go for when writing your bio. However, the most recommended, based on today’s internet standards, is the story told in the “I” form. You’ve probably heard about the marketing trend of storytelling, which consists of brands switching from the traditional advertising pattern (“Buy our drinks because they taste better!”) to a more elaborate narrative (“Our unique drinks were created in 1886, in the charming city of Atlanta…”). Why? One theory is that it echoes those warm memories of when, as a kid, your parents used to tell you stories in bed, just before falling into the arms of slumber.

To set you on the right path, make sure your text answers all the following questions: who you are (name, hobbies, etc.), your professional background, where you’re located, what you’ve achieved (prizes, clients, etc.), why you enjoy what you do, and how you can help potential clients. An important tip for this last part: make sure you don’t repeat the same offers as your photography services page, but rather explain what makes you truly unique within a huge market of photographers.

As for the tone you should adopt, try not to sound too rigid. While you shouldn’t write like a teenager on TikTok, your readers must get a sense of your personality. Secondly, don’t brag. Even if you’re a super sought-after photographer, visitors want to read about your current challenges, because they’d like to know that you’re the kind of person who’s always eager to excel in order to satisfy their needs. Finally, don’t write a short novel. Good 'About Me' text should be 150 to 200 words long, broken into a few paragraphs in order to lighten up the page.

Pro photographer bio example: If you don’t feel comfortable crafting a structured narrative, take a look at this original example by KARY Photography, who included a series of random facts on the 'About Me' page of her photography website.

unique photographer bio example

06. Share your passion

There’s no need to sound like a presidential candidate, but presenting your work ethics in the 'About Me' page is always a bonus. This practice shows that you’re not a “mercenary” photographer, executing dirty works for pieces of green paper, but a committed and passionate professional. You’re good at what you do because you love it. And if you love it, it’s because you believe in it.

Don’t resort to super fancy words or jargon that most visitors won’t understand. You can simply share your personal motto, a quote that drives your inspiration, a short paragraph about your life philosophy or a list of your favorite books, countries or meals. In other words: show more of the brilliant and creative person behind the stunning photos on your site.

07. Let your actions speak

“We are what we repeatedly do.” If Aristotle said so, then it must be true. Your achievements should occupy a major part of your 'About Me' page. In which prestigious magazines has your work been featured? Which photography contests have you won? Have you worked for well-known companies? If so, don’t forget to mention it.

You can also put a badge of the recognized professional associations that you belong to. For the same reason, insert a few testimonials from satisfied clients. It’s a great SEO boost and it tells a lot about your credibility, reassuring potential clients that if people have trusted you in the past, they can too.

Pro 'About Me' photographer example: In addition to writing a short paragraph about his vision and professional career, Demas has included a selection of top brands he’s worked with and a list of press coverages on his bio page.

include remarkable clients on your photographer about page

08. Mind the language

Needless to say, spelling and grammar mistakes are an absolute no-no. People are very good at noticing typos, and once they spot one they may quickly lose trust in you as a professional. This is why it is so crucial to double, triple-check every single sentence. To be on the safe side, ask a few friends to go over your copy before hitting the Publish button of your favorite website builder.

While you might be based in a non-English speaking country, the power of Google’s algorithm might bring you visitors from anywhere in the world. With this in mind, it’s recommended to have an English translation of your photographer ‘About Me’ page, especially if you operate in a location that attracts a lot of tourists. Ideally, you should have this copy reviewed by a native English speaker to ensure that there are no mistakes that might harm your brand.

Pro 'About Me' photographer example: Brazillian photographer Marcos Amend has created a multilingual website that allows both his local and global audiences to learn about his story and work.

translate your photographer bio page for visitors all over the world

09. Tell Google who you are

The more (relevant) textual content you put on your photography website, the higher your website is likely to rank in search engines’ results. And your ‘About’ page is no exception. Granted, it rarely appears in search results unless it’s voluntarily searched for. Yet, it still serves your website’s overall SEO. Because of this, you’ll need to add your most notable keyword at least once or twice in your photographer bio, and remember to fill the page’s title and meta description.

  • For the page title, simply follow the regular pattern, which is:

About [Your Name] | Location (optional) | Website or business name


[Your Name] Bio | Location (optional) | Website or business name

  • As for the description, you only have 150-160 characters, so you’ll have to be succinct. Write a brief summary of who you are as a photographer, including your specialties and location.

Need more guidelines? Take a look at this complete SEO guide for photographers.

complete the metadata of your about me page to improve your website's SEO

10. Encourage immediate action

Last, but not least, a professional photographer ‘About Me’ page is not complete without a button that converts your visitors into clients. So don’t forget to add an explicit call-to-action at the end of your section, with a link to the most relevant page on your site. For example, if you mostly work with companies or creative agencies, add a link to your contact form to start talking business. On the other hand, if you’re an event or a wedding photographer, a link to your bookings page is an absolute must.

Pro 'About Me' photographer example: This beautiful online photography portfolio template includes a CTA leading visitors to book a session immediately after reading your bio.

photography website template bio with bookings CTA

Benefits of an 'About Me' page

A well-crafted 'About Me' page on a photographer's website serves as a valuable tool for connecting with potential clients, establishing credibility, and showcasing their unique personality and photographic style. Here are some key benefits of having a strong 'About Me' page:

  1. Establishing credibility: An 'About Me' page provides a platform for photographers to share their professional background, experience, accomplishments, and certifications. This information helps potential clients understand their expertise and the value they bring to their photography services.

  2. Building trust: By sharing their personal story, passions, and inspirations, photographers can create a more personal connection with potential clients. This connection fosters trust and makes clients feel more comfortable working with the photographer.

  3. Showcasing photographic style: An 'About Me' is an opportunity for photographers to articulate their unique photographic style and approach to capturing images. This helps potential clients understand whether the photographer's aesthetic aligns with their desired style for their project.

  4. Differentiating from competitors: In the competitive world of photography, a well-crafted 'About Me' page can set photographers apart from their competitors. By highlighting their personality, experiences, and unique approach, photographers can attract clients who resonate with their brand.

  5. Enhancing SEO: An informative and engaging 'About Me' page can improve a photographer's website's search engine optimization (SEO), potentially increasing organic traffic and attracting more potential clients through search engine results.

  6. Nurturing relationships: An 'About Me' page can serve as a starting point for establishing relationships with potential clients. By sharing their story and personality, photographers can make a positive first impression and encourage further engagement.

  7. Enhancing brand consistency: A cohesive page aligns with the overall brand messaging and tone of the photographer's website. This consistency reinforces the photographer's brand identity and creates a unified experience for visitors.

  8. Building a stronger online presence: A well-written 'About Me' page contributes to a photographer's overall online presence, making them more visible and discoverable to potential clients seeking their services.

  9. Encouraging client inquiries: By showcasing their expertise, style, and personality, photographers can inspire potential clients to reach out and inquire about their services, ultimately leading to more bookings and business opportunities.

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