It’s the most wonderful time of the year, with those holiday photoshoots and gay happy meetings. Stores are redecorating their display windows with snowmen and fake trees. Children and snowy landscapes can be spotted taking over every other photography website. And all around the world, thousands of people are trying to find the perfect gift for their loved ones.
Gifts are hard. And gifts for photographers are even harder. Especially if you are not a shutterbug yourself. So much depends on the type of work they do and on their personal preferences for equipment. Luckily, there are a few things that any photographer could benefit from, regardless of their style and skill level.
These are some of the best and most useful gifts for photographers, suitable for all budgets:
Smartphone lens
As the popularity of smartphone photography skyrockets, attachable mobile lenses have become a valued accessory for amateurs and professionals across all genres.

Camera bag
Since nature and outdoor spaces are positioned to be one of the biggest photography trends of 2024, a way to carry all gear around should be considered one of the best gifts for photographers of 2024.

Portable printer
No matter the type of photography they specialize in, all shutterbugs enjoy seeing their work printed. This little device will make this possible on the go, which is why it’s especially valuable for photographers working with strangers in fields like street photography.

Access to online classes
Is there any gift better than the gift of knowledge? Make the shutterbugs in your life happy by getting them access to online photography classes they can take without any time or location restraints.

100 Photographs: The Most Influential Images of All Time - TIME
When in doubt, go with photography books. This collection of the most powerful images of the last centuries by TIME magazine is sure to boost photography inspiration, regardless of the genre your loved one specializes in.

Premium editing software
There are numerous free photo editing software programs available, but most don't come anywhere near premium editors in terms of tools and features. Any photographer would be ecstatic to receive a yearly membership to Adobe Creative Cloud Photography.

Camera cleaning kit
“Take care of your equipment” might just be one of the most valuable photography tips for beginners. Help them keep their gear good as new with this cleaning kit.

Remote shutter release
This nifty tool helps avoid any unwanted movement when shooting long exposure photography. Not having to rely on the camera timer will surely have a huge, positive impact on any photographer’s work.

Prime lens
Of all the different types of camera lenses, prime glasses are considered those of the highest quality. Plus, you can find standard prime lenses, such as crowd favorites 50mm and 35mm, at very affordable prices.

Lightweight tripod
Tripods are without a doubt the most popular of all camera accessories. As photography genres keep moving towards an outdoor approach, smaller lightweight alternatives are making their way into the must-have gear list.

Action camera
Initially created for sport lovers, the smallest of all types of cameras has become incredibly popular across all genres, thanks to its professional-level capabilities both in video and photography.

Foldable reflector
These pocketable reflective surfaces might not look like much, but can make all the difference in the world for any portrait photography enthusiast.

Memory card case
One of the main advantages of digital photography is that we no longer have to carry a suitcase full of film rolls on our landscape or travel photography projects. On the downside, memory cards are much easier to misplace than bulky film. Help your loved ones keep their work and memories safe with one of these sturdy cases.

External flash
If your shutterbug friend calls themselves a natural light photographer, it’s time for them to experiment with artificial lighting. On top of allowing them to master a new skill, it will help them challenge their current photography style and evolve their work.

Understanding Exposure - Bryan Peterson
The photography exposure triangle is one of the most (if not the most) important skills to master for beginners in the field. This technical guide by Bryan Peterson is widely considered the best published book on the topic.

Instant camera
Ever since they first hit the shelves, self-developing film cameras have been the go-to choice for shutterbugs looking to bring their creative photography ideas to life.

Light meter
Photography is all about light. Because of this, being able to understand how to perfectly capture light will make a huge difference in any type of work, from portrait to landscape photography.

When the muses visit, pencil down those thoughts before it’s too late. A pocket-sized notebook is the perfect stage for new photoshoot ideas, composition sketches, and note-keeping for writing a photography blog.

External hard drive
One thing that photographers never ever have enough of is space to store their files. Because of this, you simply can’t go wrong with an external hard drive. Plus, it might give them that little push they need to finally organize their photo library.

Digital photo frame
Turn any living room into an ever-evolving fine art photography exhibition with a digital frame that showcases your very best work.

Folding light box
This affordable gift for photographers might look simple, but it will actually serve as the perfect stage for professional-level product photography results.

Stabilizing gimbal
What if we told you that certain gifts for photographers are actually portals into a different discipline? Help your shutterbug friends make the jump from photography to videography with a stabilizing gimbal.

Premium website subscription
Show your support for your loved one’s work by getting them a professional photographer website premium subscription. On top of looking their best on the web, they’ll also be able to sell photos online and let people book their services.
Shortcut keyboard skin
If you’re looking for gifts for photographers that are as useful as they are affordable, look no further. A shortcut keyboard skin for Lightroom or Photoshop will help your beloved shutterbugs improve the speed and efficiency of their processing efforts.

Business card holder
Yes, business cards are still very much a thing. In fact, they’re one of the most popular networking tips for photographers. Give your friend’s career a little push by ensuring that they always have a tangible asset to make potential customers and partners remember them.

Camera drone
It’s no secret that aerial photography has become one of the most popular genres in the industry, nor that pretty much any media creator would love to get their hands on a drone.

Disposable camera
Take a trip down memory lane with a disposable film photography camera. In addition to reminiscing about simpler times, you’ll also be working on your patience and creative skills.

Photo event
One of the best ways to improve your photography skills is to learn from the experiences of others. If there are any conferences or exhibitions nearby, they can make for the perfect gift for the photographers in your life.

Portable power bank
In recent years, phones have become an absolute must across nearly all careers. Photography apps now play such an important role in photoshoots, that portable chargers have become a staple piece of equipment in every photographer’s camera bag.

White balance card
Unless you’re familiar with photography terms, this product probably won’t make much sense. But trust us on this one, it’s an incredibly useful gift for photographers across all fields.

Last updated March 31, 2024.