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15 Photography Portfolio Website Templates You’ll Be Inspired By

Judit Ruiz Ricart

15 Photography Portfolio Website Templates You’ll Be Inspired By

The year is 2024. You have more social media accounts that you can count on the fingers of one hand. You update all of them regularly, anywhere from a few times a day to twice a month. It's already a lot of work, on top of actually developing your photography skills, making a living, and having a life. And you're left wondering: why should I put even more time into creating a photography website?

Well, first of all having a website will allow you to bring all those social profiles together under one professional roof. Second, potential clients will likely not come across your social feeds on search engines, but they'll be able to come across your website. And last, but not least, it really doesn't take much time to put together a site to showcase your work.

Don't believe us? Check out this selection of ready-made photography portfolio website templates. They've all been created by experienced designers in order to achieve outstanding results. All you need to do is pick your favorite and customize it with your photos and information.

Get started with these photography website templates.

Yes, we know that “art director” and “photographer” are quite different careers. But when it comes to finding the perfect photography website template for your work, you should pay more attention to the features it includes than you should to the name it was given. And if your photography portfolio is primarily divided into projects rather than categories, this template was made for you.

The home page of this site showcases a representative image for each project on a single centered column, with its name appearing on hover. Once the user clicks on an image, the dedicated page for the project opens, displaying all visual assets as well as a textual description of the story behind it. Furthermore, since your own photography portfolio website is the best place to find freelance photography jobs online, this template includes Wix Bookings, which allows customers to seamlessly hire your services.

Art Director Portfolio Website Template

This one page website template is all you need to make sure the upcoming exhibition of your photography portfolio is a huge success. Its secret? Simplicity. The page is divided into two columns, one with information about the work that will be exhibited and another one with details of the event such as the dates, opening hours, and RSVP.

At the bottom of the template, a CTA encourages visitors to enter their email to receive updates and information about future exhibitions. This is a great asset in the long term, as it will allow you to strengthen your photography email marketing efforts and stay in touch with your audience.

While fine art photography tends to be considered the genre most likely to be exposed in exhibitions, the presence of other fields in galleries has significantly grown in recent years. As such, this photography website template might come in handy sooner than you imagine.

Art Exhibition Website Template

If your dream is to bring together your passion for photography and your love for human connection, you’ve come to the right place. This stunning template will allow you to put together a photography forum in no time.

With this type of website, you’ll be able to build a community of talented photographers with whom you can talk about anything from techniques and tips to the best camera accessories. Moreover, sharing your photography portfolio with others and asking for feedback is one of the best ways to improve your photography skills.

Digital Photography Forum Website Template

They say that an image is worth a thousand words. When it comes to fashion and beauty photography portfolios, this saying could not be more true. This splendid template lets your images do pretty much all the talking, with large sliders dedicated to each of your collections.

The only text is found in the ‘About/Contact’ section, where visitors will be able to learn more about the creative mind behind the camera and reach out if they want to. This photography portfolio website template also includes Wix Chat, which encourages people to easily reach out to you from any page in the site. Additionally, this feature also allows you to be notified when a new visitor reaches your site or someone books your services.

Fashion Portfolio Website Template

There is a common phrase that goes “fashion is a statement, not a style.” The same idea could possibly be applied to photography. This template puts your work front and center, and strengthens the message through a photography quote displayed on the main page. Moreover, by dividing your work into different galleries you’ll be able to ensure each message gets the attention it deserves.

As a fashion photographer, the main goal of your professional photographer website is likely to be generating leads for future photoshoots. To do so, you’ll need a contact page that allows visitors to reach out to you with any questions or requests. Additionally, this template ensures no potential lead is lost by displaying your contact information and social media accounts on a fixed footer across all pages of your site.

Fashion Photographer Website Template

Those whose body of work expands over several types of photography might find it hard to come across a photography portfolio website template that meets their unique needs. Luckily for them, professional designers know just how to bring any style together under a single, sleek site.

This one page photography website template starts with a straightforward statement, immediately following-up with a simple preview of the genres you specialize in. Each of these images opens a new page with a full-screen gallery dedicated to every one of your photography domains. Back in the home section, visitors will be able to read a few lines about who you are, and easily reach out using a contact form at the end of the page.

Life Photographer Portfolio Website Template

When I find myself in times of trouble, this photography portfolio website template comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, keep it minimal. We all probably agree that pictures are the most important part of a photography website. Because of that, this template uses you favorite visual piece as a full-screen home page background.

A minimalist menu sits at the top of the site, displaying the different categories and sections. All pages have a black background and small white text, drawing users’ attention towards the images. As per the diverse photo galleries, a little textbox introducing the images allows you to present your work and offer each project’s story.

Furthermore, if you’re feeling inspired and are thinking about writing a photography blog, this is a great place to do so. This template already includes a blog page ready for you to share your most recent adventures, techniques, or travel photography tips.

Minimal Photos Website Template

There are so many reasons why you might need, or simply want, a photography portfolio website. If your goal is simply to share your beautiful nature photos with the world, this is the template you want to use. All you need to do is add you name, your best work, and a few lines about you. Once that’s set, take care of your photography website SEO and put your portfolio out for everyone to see.

Simplicity truly is one of the strongest elements of this photography portfolio website template, both from a creative and a user experience point of view. Visitors will find it incredibly easy to navigate through your site, all while admiring its structured composition and the added touch of parallax scrolling. Another great feature of this template is the possibility for users to share their favorite pictures of yours on their social media accounts with only a couple clicks.

Nature Photographer Portfolio Website Template

Unless you’ve been living in a WiFi-less cave for the last three or four years, you’ve probably heard about outdoor photographers. Essentially, these shutterbugs photograph anything from product and portrait photography to wildlife and travel videos. In order to bring all of their work together, they develop a personal style based on specific tones, compositions, and subjects.

This photography portfolio website template follows the same idea, bringing several different genres together through a standard layout used across all of the pages. Two other elements play a big role in creating a visually homogenic result: a home page gallery that includes images from all genres, and an “About Me” page where you can explain why your work spans over several fields.

Outdoor Photography Website Template

This photography portfolio website template is the epitome of what people expect the internet to look like nowadays. So much so, that it checks all the boxes on the list of the most popular photography website design trends. Your work is displayed on a large single gallery with wide slots that support photos, video, and even text.

All of it is balanced by a generous amount of white space and placed on an asymmetrical grid that further strengthens the feeling of dynamism this template transmits. Additionally, there are three more pages on the site dedicated to share more about you, showcase clients’ albums, and sell your photos online with the Wix Art Store. Bringing all these pages together, there’s a reserved spot for your name and photography logo on the strip at the top of the site.

See more photography logo ideas for inspiration.

Once upon a time, creating videos required special equipment and a lot of technical knowledge. Nowadays, it’s as easy as holding your phone’s camera shutter for a few seconds. Because of this, video content can now be found literally anywhere, including the top photography trends.

Whether you’ve already joined this creative wave or are simply thinking about trying to take the leap from photography to videography, this photography portfolio website template is for you. This premade site comes with a page dedicated to film work powered by Wix Video. This feature allows you to not only showcase your work in the highest quality but also sell and rent your videos online.

Photography Showcase Website Template

Believe it or not real estate photography is among the most lucrative photography careers, commonly considered the architectural branch of commercial photography. This photography portfolio website template is designed following the same rules that apply to building a house: a solid structure, a section for each purpose, a guest area, and a beautiful appearance.

On top of showcasing everything you’re capable of, it’s important to let visitors know the kind of work they can hire you for. The best way to do so is to create a photography services page with all of the relevant information, such as your contact details, prices, and customer testimonials.

Real Estate Photography Website Template

One of the main challenges you’ll face when displaying still life photography images on your website is to make sure the final result is not dull. In order to do so, you’ll need to do two main things: develop a personal photography style that makes your images truly unique, and use a layout that makes them stand out.

This edgy template is all you need to take care of that second task. Your images are displayed across the site in a seemingly chaotic manner, showing other content from the same series on hover. When clicked on, a new page opens with information about the project and all the images which are part of it. There are only two buttons on the site, one that directs users towards your bio page and one which opens the collapsed menu displaying the different series available on your site.

Still Life Photography Website Template

Street photography and street portraiture are some of the most, if not the most, popular types of photography. Their endless possibilities, accessibility, and low entry barrier make them a blooming field for amateurs and professionals alike. This template offers all the features you might need as a street photographer, from galleries and blog section to a bio and contact pages.

Furthermore, Wix Photo Albums will allow you to create standalone galleries for each of your urban expeditions that perform as mini-sites. Meaning, each of them will have their own URL rather than appear as a section of your main site. For example, if your portfolio’s address is “”, you’ll be able to share your projects as “” or "”

Street Photography Website Template

The home page of your photography website has the power to immediately draw in visitors’ attention and convince them to take the time to browse through your entire portfolio. This outstanding template uses a black background to frame a handpicked selection of your absolute best images, opening users’ appetite for more. Once they enter your site, they’ll be able to admire each of your photos individually as they are displayed on a single centered column surrounded by the same black background.

In recent years, many professionals in the field are using photography as a tool to raise awareness about the challenges our beautiful planet’s fauna is facing. The blog feature that comes with this template offers an excellent space to share your experiences in wildlife photography with others. As the legendary Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin once said, “Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message.”

Wildlife Photography Website Template

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