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5 Photoshoot Ideas to Build up your Photography Portfolio

Wix Team

5 Photoshoot Ideas to Build up your Photography Portfolio

If you’re a photographer, you’re likely busy shooting, editing, developing and perhaps curating showings of your work. With a never ending list of things to do and ways to seek inspiration, this is our friendly reminder about all the business you can attract from having a portfolio website. Having a stunning online portfolio allows you to share that hard work, connect with new colleagues, make sales, and find gigs.

For those in need of new techniques and a muse or two to spice up your site, we’ve got just the thing. Check out these fresh photography ideas that will give you a stand out showcase.

Long Exposure

This technique is often used for capturing images in the dark but can be applied to so much more. By using long exposure you are able to show the passing of time within one photo. Play with dynamic movements, streaks in the sky, or even use a sparkler for added effect.

Long exposure photography

Long exposure photography

Macro Photography

With so many image-based social media platforms and mobile cameras getting better and better, often an amateur considers themselves a photographer. We know better! Put your skills and equipment to the test by capturing the tiniest of details and show viewers something they can’t see with the naked eye.

micro photography:

micro photography

micro photography

Double Exposure Portraits

Superimposing a portrait within a landscape leads to breathtaking and uniquely artistic images. Many photographers combine multiple exposure, photo editing and Photoshop to execute this effect. No matter what process you choose, the results are captivating and thought-provoking.

Double Exposure portraits

Double Exposure portraits

Double Exposure portraits

Underwater Photography

Take your viewers to a new world by submerging your subjects. The release from gravity and other worldly effects makes for a bewitching image. Play with where to place your camera in relation to the seam between water and sky to find the perfect shot.

Underwater Photography

Underwater Photography

Underwater Photography

Optical Illusions

This brain bending photography does not require any editing but you will certainly need to set your stage carefully. We have seen how fun this style can work in visual art (think M.C. Eshcher, Dali and Duchamp) and now it is brought to life in photography. Play around with your own visual trickery and leave your audience staring for hours.

Optical illusions

Optical illusions

Optical illusions

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