To become a successful professional photographer, you’ll have to take advantage of every single opportunity you encounter. As H. Jackson Brown Jr., said “Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.” Creating a beautiful photography website puts your work out into the world. Sharing your photos on social media grows your exposure. But you might be ignoring the biggest opportunity of all: converting viewers into clients. Ideally, most of those who see your work should end up contracting you. This is where a great photography services page comes into play.
What makes this page so important? Why can’t you just add your contact information? If someone is really interested they will reach out, right? Here’s the thing, being interested in your work is not the same as being interested in your business. Few people are likely to contact you without knowing which kind of services you actually provide. Especially when there are so many other photographers out there waiting to be hired. But let’s not think about how many people visited your site and left empty-handed. Instead, get ready to take some notes on how to create your very own photography services page.
Find your words
Concentrate on selling the experience, not the price tag. It doesn’t matter if you are a food, newborn, or event photographer. Explain why they should hire you instead of a neighbor who says they can do it for a third of the price. By that, we don’t mean you should literally talk about how good you are. That’s up to your clients to decide based on your portfolio.
You should write about your services as if you were explaining your passion to a friend. Rather than as if you were trying to sell your car on Facebook. Think of the kind of person you’re talking to and adapt your message to their tone. Just like you wouldn’t talk about cakes the same way you talk about babies. Even if both are really sweet.
It’s all about telling a story. For example, more and more photographers say “investment” instead of “price” or “fee”. It may seem like a minimal change, but it has a huge psychological impact on the client. They should feel like they’re investing in preserving memories. Rather than paying for some files or prints. Remember: you’re selling an experience, not a price tag.

Let’s get down to business
Now that we know ‘how’, let’s talk about the ‘what’. There are three main things potential clients want to know when they click on your photography services page: what are your services, what do they include, and how much do they cost.
For each service, offer a short description of the shooting itself and the final product. As we already mentioned, you should be selling the experience rather than simply stating the facts. “I’ll take pictures of your baby for two hours and print 20 of them” just won’t do it. Tell them why they should want this service first. After that, you can be more straightforward when stating the images or products that will be provided.
You might not be able to provide a set price for a service, or simply don’t feel comfortable enough to do so. In this case, you may write a “base” price for your listing. This will allow you to explain the additional features to clients before setting a final price.
Other than these three pieces of information, anything else will depend on your specific needs. For example, you might want to say how long the photo session is. Or clarify if the shooting will take place indoors or outdoors. In any case, make sure visitors know that they can contact you with any questions before contracting you.
Seal the deal
They liked your work, they liked your offering, don’t let them get away! Make sure anyone who is actually interested in hiring you can easily do so. With Wix Bookings, clients can effortlessly book a service from within your portfolio. Available 24/7, this tool will allow you to maximize every business opportunity that comes your way.
The bookings app will allow you to easily display your services and show your availability. This way, clients can simply select their preferred date a time instead of having to contact you and wait for an answer. On top of that, the platform can also accept secure payments and deposits. Or you can allow clients to book for free and pay in person. Each service has its own unique URL. This allows you to share it directly to relevant clients, or use it in social and email campaigns.
But wait, it gets even better. Your Google calendar will automatically sync whenever someone books an appointment. And if you add an event to your personal calendar, this time will be blocked from your Bookings calendar.
A good practice to bring new clients is to set a free introductory/consultation meeting, which you can set for 15-30 min, in person or even a as a call. This is especially interesting for those services which you are not able to provide a set price for.

Nice additions
The features mentioned so far will give you a beautiful and fully functional photography services page. But there are some more tools you can use to take it to the next level. They may not have a huge effect on the number of clients you attract. However, don’t you want to offer your clients the best possible experience?
Contact information
Needless to say, your full contact information should be somewhere in your site. It might seem obvious, but not including visible contact information is one of the most common portfolio mistakes. You don’t necessarily need to include all of it again on your services page. However, you should include an email or contact form for clients to easily reach out with any questions they might have.
FAQ section
This is the place to get wild with all those facts we recommended not to include on the services’ descriptions. Creating a killer FAQ page will allow you to go into more detail about your services. Which could ultimately lead to more real-time bookings. In addition to answering the most common questions you get from clients, here are some other content ideas:
Explain how your photo shoots work. “How many outfits should I bring?” “What about props?”
Ease any doubts that may arise. “Will my baby be cold in your studio?” “Can we move the shooting inside if it rains?”
Offer a general view into the work process. “How long before should we book for our wedding photos?” “How much time will pass until I get the final images?”
Think ahead. “What happens if I’m not happy with the result?”
Work examples
A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially if you are a photographer trying to get hired. Clients want to see the kind of work they’ll be paying for before they do so. In most cases, your portfolio will have done all the talking before you get to this point. But depending on the type of services you offer, visitors might be confused on which images fall under which category. To avoid this, simply include a photo of each service on the page.
Customer testimonials
Being recommended by happy clients is the best marketing a photographer can ask for. Adding a testimonials sections to your photography services page can give potential clients the final push they needed. Ask your customers for feedback upon receiving the final images. Or simply add a comments section to your website and encourage them to write their thoughts about your work.