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Travel Photography: 27 Breathtaking Pictures to Feed Your Wanderlust

Jonathan Sitbon

Indian woman with a baby in a train station by Wix photographer Gaelle Lunven

“To stay is to exist. But to travel is to live”, once said by the French poet Gustave Nadaud. The 9 photographers you’ll discover in this showcase clearly understood this very well. Wanting to live their life to the fullest, they left their comfort zones and hit the road. Destination: The unknown. From West Bengal to the Upper West Side, they went around the globe and came back with the most beautiful fragments of their journeys engraved in their films. After publishing them on their Wix photography website, they share these pictures with us today.

There, we’ll say no more. We’d rather let you look for yourself. Whether you’re taking an office break, commuting in a crowded bus, or just chilling on your sofa, this sample of the best of travel photography will take you to a short – but very much needed – retreat in dreamland. Enjoy!

Lost somewhere between down and under, Australia and New Zealand certainly deserve the (tedious) hours of flight to reach them. Not convinced enough? Check out the breathtaking travel photos brought to you by David Rochas. Worked in a masterly fashion, each picture enhances a specific shade: the green of the wild bushes, the gold of the desert or the matte black of the pebbles sleeping in the ocean. A true symphony of color.

Picture of Oceania taken by Wix photographer David Rochas

Beautiful desert of Australia by Wix Photographer David Rochas

Lush vegetation of Australia by Wix Photographer David Rochas

Hiking? Too exhausting. Car? Too polluting. Train? Too confined. When Joshua Jensen-Nagle travels, it’s by helicopter. This acclaimed Canadian photographer wanted to show the world through the unusual angle of the bird’s eye view, the busiest beaches. His large-scale and romantic European vistas were covered in a bunch of prestigious outlets and exhibitions. Yet, the brightness of the colours and the freshness of the waters shouldn’t fool you: the overall feeling is a nostalgic, and somehow disturbing one. Just like when looking at a Bruegel painting or a Where’s Wally? picture, we can’t help but wonder: is there such a thing as individuality?

Aerial picture of Miami beach by Wix Photographer Joshua Jensen-Nagle

Aerial picture of Montauk beach by Wix Photographer Joshua Jensen-Nagle

Aerial picture of the beach of Rio de Janeiro by Wix Photographer Joshua Jensen-Nagle

When it comes to travels, there are two kinds of people: those who put a couple of t-shirts in their bag before heading to the airport (8 minutes before boarding); and those who plan every second of their trip like a presidential tour. There is no doubt that Albert Dros belongs to the last category. Well, if you’re a travel photographer who wants to capture an erupting volcano just in front of the Milky Way, you will have some preparation to do. From calling the weather station every day, to checking the volcano activity, to booking a 30 hour plane trip: nothing was left to chance. Nothing but the result, whose beauty exceeded any possible expectation…

Erupting volcano in front of the Milky Way by Wix photographer Albert Dros

Beautiful green lights with plane by Wix photographer Albert Dros

Gorgeous Cinque Terre by Wix photographer Albert Dros

No need to be Dr. House to tell that Gaelle Lunven has a serious travel addiction. India, Chili or Yemen… The young photographer regularly heads to the other side of the world, with her only companions being: camera and lenses. The landscapes, people and fauna may change, but the signature remains. And what a signature it is! We are struck by the quality of the portraits she takes of ordinary individuals she meets. She gives them a distinct shade of enchantment, gravity and grace. Almost like in a movie.

Indian woman with a baby in a train station by Wix photographer Gaelle Lunven

Yemenite kids on a beach by Wix photographer Gaelle Lunven

Black and white travel photography of New York by Wix Photographer Gaelle Lunven

Nikk is not only a Wix photographer. He’s also one of the winners of the super prestigious Wix/Condé Nast photography contest of 2016. He started travel photography to document and show the wonders of the world to his family and friends. A humble approach that is not short of boldness. This young fellow will go everywhere his feet can possibly take him, no matter how high, crazy or crazy high the spot is.

Aerial picture of San Francisco bridges with shoes by Wix photographer Nikk La

Green lights in winter with car by Wix photographer Nikk La

Man climbing a mountain surrounded by clouds by Wix photographer Nikk La

Pierik Falco could easily be named as the Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Italy, Mongolia, Ecuador… Few countries are not  on the list of this compulsive traveler. Comfortable in every environment, this travel photographer has an obvious fondness for marine landscapes and anything involving water. Maybe a remnant of his PhD in Hydrogeology, that this professor of physics completed while traveling our big blue planet?

Portugal coast with lighthouse by Wix photographer Pierik Falco

Bridge to the ocean in Chili by Wix photographer Pierik Falco

Birds in front of the ocean by Wix photographer Pierik Falco

“Beauty is intensified, and perhaps only exists, by reason of contrast”, wrote the painter Walter J. Philips. The demonstration of this daring theory is brought to life by Remy Brand’s sumptuous photos of the Arctic. The fur of a fox, the coat of the adventurers or the rays of the sun: on the white canvas offered by the endless snow, every drop of colour spatters like a splash of life.

Fox in the snow in the Arctic by Wix photographer Remy Brand

Two travelers sitting on a bloc of ice in the Arctic by Wix photographer Remy Brand

Traveler with red coat facing a cliff in the Arctic by Wix photographer Remy Brand

Iceland might really be the number one destination for travel photography nowadays. It could be the fault of its much lusted green lights. Or it could be the surprising hot geysers. Or its untouched landscapes. Or a bit of all these reasons. But not everyone succeeds in capturing the wild beauty of this country like Martin did. There are no frills here only a magnificent landscape, served by a great photographer.

Sumptuous wild iceland landscape by Wix photographer Martin Erwann

Horses running in the Iceland countryside by Wix photographer Martin Erwann

Glacier in Iceland by Wix photographer Martin Erwann

Roberto Vamos operates as an expert in Environmental Policies for different NGOs and schools. He is also an accomplished photographer, who mastered the black and white technique like very few others are able to. His bichromatic shots of the countries he visited are so sophisticated they look like ancient etchings. Vamos’ photographs happen when space travel meet time travel.

Hot air balloon in black and white by Wix photographer Roberto Vamos

Portrait in black and white of an African child by Wix photographer Roberto Vamos

Crowded swimming pool shot in black and white by Wix photographer Roberto Vamos

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