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Lilly Smith


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Lilly’s articles

80 articles

Why the best web experiences won’t look anything like what Big Tech built

Why the best web experiences won’t look anything like what Big Tech built

How 'work in progress' content took over the internet

How 'work in progress' content took over the internet

Why is type inspired by '70s era candy so big right now?

Why is type inspired by '70s era candy so big right now?

The ultimate guide to the metaverse

The ultimate guide to the metaverse

What’s next for the Bookstagram aesthetic?

What’s next for the Bookstagram aesthetic?

Fashion’s online innovators will inspire you to push your digital designs into the future

Fashion’s online innovators will inspire you to push your digital designs into the future

The big ideas that will change web design in 2023

The big ideas that will change web design in 2023

These design principles are made to break the internet, in a good way

These design principles are made to break the internet, in a good way

Cutout collages are making an online comeback

Cutout collages are making an online comeback

Loewe's 8-bit hoodie was peak videogame core. But digital fashion is turning away from gamer tropes

Loewe's 8-bit hoodie was peak videogame core. But digital fashion is turning away from gamer tropes

4 ways to take your next website from blah to bold with Lottie animations

4 ways to take your next website from blah to bold with Lottie animations

Level designers build virtual worlds. What does it take to be one?

Level designers build virtual worlds. What does it take to be one?

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