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Blueberry Pie

Recipe originally published by


1 can blueberry filling

100 grams plain flour
30 grams brown sugar
40 grams soft butter
Dash of salt

Mix all crust ingredients together with your fingertips and store in the fridge for later use.


Sift flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Mix well. Add cold butter and rub with your fingertips till the mixture becomes sandy. Add ice water and knead the mixture to form the dough. Add flour or water to create the ideal consistency. Shape dough into balls and wrap it with foil. Store in freezer for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, take out the dough from the freezer.

My Personal Take on This Recipe

Love blueberries? Nothing beats this easy recipe. The buttery, flaky crust and scrumptious filling made this pie a summer dinner party hit.

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