Go to Wix.com from your desktop to try it out.
Go to Wix.com from your desktop to try it out.
Go to Wix.com from your desktop to try out VideoBox today.
Turn Your Videos into Extraordinary Visuals
Create your VideoBox by changing the shape, setting the behavior of your video and adding a pattern overlay. Use a free video from Wix or add your own.
Play with All
the Possibilities
Go to Wix.com from your desktop to try it out.
Go to Wix.com from your desktop to try it out.
Go to Wix.com from your desktop to try it out.
Go to Wix.com from your desktop to try it out.
See How Other Designers Are Using VideoBox
Danny Casale, Animator & Artist
How to Make This VideoBox:
1. Go to Add, Strip, Classic and Change Strip Background
2. Go to Add, Video and select a Baguette VideoBox
3. Resize the VideoBox to 1100 x 589
4. Click Change Video, upload a video and Add to Page
5. Click Behaviors and set it to: Automatically, No Pause, Loops
6. Go to Sound and do not enable sound
7. Click Design and pick a cover image
8. No pattern overlay, contour, border or shadow
Jed Mikolaites, Graphic Designer & Animator
How to Make This VideoBox:
1. Upload an image of a website browser & resize to 969 x 520
2. Go to Add, Video and select a Portrait VideoBox
3. Place VideoBox on top of the image, hold shift and resize to 906 x 480
4. Click Change Video, upload a video and Add to Page
5. Click Behaviors and set it to: Automatically, Clicking, Loops
6. Go to the Sound tab and Enable Sound
7. No pattern overlay, contour, border or shadow

Ariel Noltimier Strauss, Animator & Art Director
How to Make This VideoBox:
1. Go to Add, Strip, Classic
2. Add, Video and select a Rhombus VideoBox and resize to 596 x 297
3. Click Change Video and upload your own
4. Click Behaviors and set it to: On Click, Pause on Clicking, Loops
5. Go to Sound tab and Enable Sound
6. Click Design, go to Cover Image and upload a GIF
7. Go to Border, select a color, and set Opacity to 100% & Width to 15
8. No pattern overlay, contour, border or shadow
9. Select Big Play Button, click Design, pick a color and reduce opacity to 84%

Discover More Design Features for Your Website
HD Video
Create, manage and customize your own branded video channels.
Video Background
Make your website a cinematic experience with a page, strip or column video background.
Scroll Effects
Add dimension to your website with parallax, reveal, zoom-in or fade-in.