Find the domain owner and registration details for a website.
whois data
Find domain registration details
Info on the domain you want
Find out more about a domain name you want. Just enter the name in the Wix WHOIS search for details.
Find a domain owner
Get registration details for any domain name. View essential data, like domain ownership and contact info.
Check domain expiration dates
Know when the domain you want will be available. Find out the exact date a domain expires so you know when to buy it.
Domain tools to build your online presence

Find the right domain name
Stand out online with a memorable domain name using keywords related to your profession, business or brand. Choose from 84 top-level domain extensions like .com, .org or .net.
1. What is the WHOIS domain database and why is it important?
The WHOIS domain database lists all registered domains and makes it easy for you to find website owners. The system helps people identify who is responsible for a domain.
You can use WHOIS search to quickly find out if a domain you’re interested in purchasing is available and which registrar is managing it. If you’re selling a domain, WHOIS lookup displays your contact details making it easier for buyers to reach out and connect with you.
Moreover, this database is used to protect domain registrants and for legal purposes (i.e., trademark disputes). WHOIS lookup is used to fix server issues, reduce spam, track cyber activity and prevent fraud or phishing attacks.
2. How can I protect my privacy on WHOIS?
As part of ICANN’s agreements and policy, registrants listed in the WHOIS database are protected from potential spam. However, some individuals or businesses express concern and do not wish to have their personal contact details made publicly available. If you’d like to keep your information private, Wix offers Private Domain Registration to safeguard your online identity. This ensures your name, address, email and phone number remain confidential and secure.
3. Who oversees the WHOIS domain database?
International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) oversees everything related to a WHOIS lookup.
ICANN is an independent, private, non-profit organization committed to "enforcing its existing policy relating to WHOIS... to maintain timely, unrestricted and public access to accurate and complete WHOIS information, including domain name registrant, technical, billing and administrative contact information."
Since 1999, other companies started offering and maintaining registries of top-level domains (TLDs). ICANN continues to work with domain registries and registrars, like Wix, to update and implement new policies related to WHOIS services.
4. How does the WHOIS domain name lookup tool work?
Wix’s WHOIS lookup tool gives you the ability to search the WHOIS database and instantly find domain registration details. With a WHOIS search, you’ll be able to find and view publicly available information about a domain and its domain owner.
Just enter the domain you want to look up to find domain registration details, including: domain availability, domain owner, creation date, expiration date, registrar and more.
5. How accurate is the WHOIS lookup tool?
Data collected across domain registrars vary. Additionally, domain owners’ contact details can always change. To ensure accuracy, registrars like Wix periodically ask domain owners to review and update their WHOIS domain registration details.
Keep in mind, in accordance with ICANN policies, some domain registration data may only be visible to those that have received prior approval.
6. What information appears in a WHOIS search result?
When you complete a WHOIS search with Wix, you’ll be able to retrieve the following data: domain information, specific dates (i.e., creation and expiration dates), domain owner’s contact information, domain registrar’s information, DNSSEC information, server details and contact details for reporting abuses.
7. According to the WHOIS search, the domain name I want is already taken. What can I do?
You still have some options, including:
1) Wait for the domain to expire and then try to purchase it for yourself; 2) Contact the current domain owner and make an offer to buy it from them; 3) Hire a third-party to contact the domain owner, handle negotiations and broker an agreement to purchase and transfer the domain to you; or 4) Consider pivoting your original choice and find a new domain name.
8. How can I update my WHOIS domain contact information?
Quickly update your WHOIS domain contact information right from your Wix dashboard. Select your domain and click Edit Contact Info to view and update your personal details. You can do this at any time.
To comply with ICANN regulations and ensure you receive important communications, keep your contact details up to date.