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Shelly Peleg

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you found your way to a creative career.

I’m a freelance illustrator, I live in Madrid and I draw for projects all over the world.

Sorry but I'm another case that claims to have always drawn, I never had any doubts

about wanting to study Fine Arts. I also studied a specialization in Design and this

allowed me to work designing wine labels and restaurant menus when I moved to

Madrid. I really loved it, but I still spent my free time drawing without commissions.

I decided to start publishing some of these drawings and the first professional

commissions started to arrive. I was combining it for a while with my work as a designer,

until I could become 100% independent :)

How did you find your medium and style, and who and what influenced you?

It's amazing but drawing without thinking about publishing, in the privacy of your desk, is

a fabulous tool for self-knowledge. It brings you face to face with yourself, and this practice over time makes your own voice bloom, powerful and true to who you are.

I have always been very influenced by outsider art, as well as by the whole tradition of

animation and illustration from Eastern Europe. I was lucky to have been studying for a

year in Slovakia and this definitely opened my mind and fed my references.

What subjects are you most fascinated with? 

Food has always had a certain relevance in my work on other subjects, but I am also

very inspired by nature, animals and the everyday objects that surround us.

What illustration trend are you either loving or hating at the moment?

I love to see more and more illustrators leaving the screen aside and doing final

illustrations completely offline. I do digital illustration on most of my commissions but

when I have more time and can afford it, I try to do it directly on paper, it certainly

elevates the experience.

I also miss a little more formal risk in editorial or commercial projects, I understand that they are aimed at a wide audience but no less intelligent or with low visual culture.

How do you create characters, what inspires them, how do you use colour?

I like to approach the characters from a total initial freedom. I don't have a specific way

of making eyes, noses or mouths. Their shape and stroke always respond to the tone of

the project and the character's personality.

On the other hand, I like to work with color in a very intuitive way. It is a less rational

process in which I listen a lot to my unconscious. I have a base palette that I feel

comfortable with, but it changes over time and includes new colors that I find


If you had to pick a favourite project, which one are you most proud of and why?

I feel very proud of one of the last projects I did for Barcelona City Council. Despite

being an institutional campaign, in which the tone must be for all audiences, I feel that I

have been able to make the most of a graphic system based mainly on line drawing and


Describe your dream project.

An illustrated book that doesn't need words.

What’s next for you?

I'm working on a small but exciting project. It's about illustrating a textile piece, it's

something very punctual but it makes me very excited to see it finished.

Soon I will also release a calendar with wax illustrations that I've been working on for the

last few months.

Rapid Fire Round - Quick answers! And add a few words if you like :)

Morning person or night owl?

Let's say not an early bird.

Favorite word


Lunch or dinner?


A celebrity you’d like to have a drink with


If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?

Past, 70s, 80s or 90s

Sweet or savory?

Both and together!

Are you a thinker or doer?

I usually think by doing.

Go-to karaoke song

Pantera en libertad by Mónica Naranjo

City break or beach holiday?

Mountain holiday

What superpower would you like to have?

Mind reading

Thank you Silvia!


Illustrator Spotlight with Moritz Wienert

Illustrator Spotlight: Maya Ish-Shalom

Illustrator Spotlight: Anil Rinat

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