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Analyze your SEO competitors with the SE Ranking app on Wix

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Competitor analysis is one of the most foundational SEO tasks I can think of. After all, your competition influences how hard you’ll need to work to show up at the top of search results.

That is why when SE Ranking approached us to build an app for the Wix App Market, we were all-in on the idea of creating a tool that would help you understand the competitive landscape on Google—without having to leave Wix.

Your competitors on the Google search engine results page (SERP) might not be who you think they are. As a matter of fact, your organic search competitors are often different from your competitors in real life (or on platforms like social media or YouTube).

With that, let’s explore how the SE Ranking app helps you survey the competition on Google’s search results so that you can make better SEO and content decisions.

Table of contents:

How to get started with the SE Ranking app in Wix

You can access the SE Ranking app within the Wix App Market, found in your Wix dashboard. The app is categorized under Marketing > SEO. Alternatively, you can search for it by name via the app market’s search field (and if you’re reading this post, you can access the SE Ranking app directly from here).

A screenshot of the SE Ranking app within the Wix app market, with a red box around the breadcrumb navigation “home > marketing > SEO > SE ranking”
The SE Ranking app can be found within the Wix App Market under Marketing > SEO.

Once you install the app (installation is done on a per-site basis, not at the account level) you’ll see an entry point to it in the site’s dashboard.

The SE Ranking app in the left-hand navigation menu of the Wix dashboard

The SE Ranking app in Wix uses a “freemium” model. For each site you connect, the app grants you 10 lifetime data requests for each of the two tools within the app (i.e., competitive research and keyword research).

SE Ranking SEO competitor analysis tool overview

As mentioned above, the SE Ranking app within Wix contains both a competitive research tool and a keyword research tool. Let’s start by first looking at the competitive analysis tool.

The competitive research tool in the SE ranking app in Wix, showing a search field with options for domain (with subdomains), domain only, or URL, and geographic filtering options.
Start using the SE Ranking app by entering a URL into the search field

To get started, enter a URL into the tool’s search field. Here, you have the option to analyze the entire domain, an individual URL, etc. You can also select regions to analyze the URL according to.

Running an analysis presents you with a wealth of data, trends, and insights. I suggest you explore the tool firsthand, as there are too many data points and filtering options to include here.

Competitor overview data

Analyzing a website with the SE Ranking app presents you with an overview that includes:

  • The estimated organic traffic to the site

  • The number of ranking keywords the site has

  • The estimated amount of paid traffic to the site

  • The number of backlinks the site has

Note: Before we go any further, I want to note that the data any third-party SEO tool presents is an estimation. Remember, the figures you see are not an exact reflection of the site’s performance, but rather a best estimate. Personally, I look at third-party data for the trends or to get an idea of the general orientation of the data landscape.

The data in this section helps you understand the general state of the site’s performance.

A screenshot of the overview section of the SE ranking app, showing organic traffic, keywords, traffic cost, referring domains, backlinks, and so on.
The “Overview” section of the SE Ranking app gives you top-level competitive insights.

Beneath the initial overview, you can reference trends data in order to qualify the aggregated data shown. This way, you can understand whether your competitor’s traffic, keyword rankings, etc. are on an upward or downward trend.

A chart showing ranking organic and paid keywords from July 2019 to the present, with paid keywords staying at 0 and organic keywords rising to about 45 thousand in January 2023.
The SE Ranking app within Wix shows a trend-based outline of a domain's organic performance.

International SEO competitor insights

Scrolling past the overview section, you can dive into a competitor’s organic performance according to regions or specific markets.

A table showing organic traffic share, traffic, and keywords for a given site in the USA, UK, Canada, India, Australia, etc.
The “Traffic distribution by country” section offers a global breakdown of a competitor’s organic performance.

This data gives you insight into the site’s per-market organic search performance, according to the site’s estimated:

  • Organic traffic market share

  • Amount of organic traffic

  • Total number of ranking keywords

You can also toggle to see the same data for the site’s paid efforts on the Google SERP.

In a nutshell, you’ll have a bit of data to better understand where your competitor is both focusing and succeeding across the globe.

To that end, click on the “Compare” button at the bottom of the “Traffic distribution by country” table to select the specific markets you want to analyze more deeply.

The “Traffic distribution by country” table in the SE Ranking app in Wix, showing 5 drop-down fields to compare data for different countries.
Use the compare feature of the “Traffic distribution by country” table to select the location you want to explore.

To illustrate the table of data shown above, the SE Ranking app gives you an organic traffic trends chart. This can provide you with an immediate understanding of which markets your competitors are gaining or losing momentum in.

Seeing a competitor slowly losing organic traffic in a specific market might be worth exploring, as it could mean there is potential for you to break into that market.

A trends chart showing the number of organic keywords over time for a given competitor in four different countries.
The trends chart for the “Traffic distribution by country” data helps you isolate a competitor’s global performance over time.

The app also shows you a similar trends chart that highlights the number of ranking keywords your competitor has in a specific market over time. There is also a chart for the organic traffic cost over time per market. This means you’ll have a sense of how much you would have to spend in paid ads to receive the same amount of traffic your competitor pulls in organically.

Exploring competitor keyword performance

The SE Ranking app within Wix can help you understand what specific keywords drive your competitor’s organic traffic.

The initial table gives you insight into which of your competitor’s keywords are improving (or declining) as well as what new keywords they have captured (and which ones they’ve lost).

This data is contextualized with metrics such as:

The organic keywords table in SE ranking, showing keywords, search volume, position, competition level, and cost-per-click for the given keyword. There’s a tab for improved keywords, decreased keywords, new keywords, and lost keywords as well.
Use the SE Ranking app to see what keywords drive your competition’s organic traffic.

Click the “View detailed report” button to dive into your competitor’s ranking keywords.

The expanded reporting in the SE ranking app that appears after the user selects “view detailed report”
Use the detailed reporting to see expanded metrics on your competitor’s most important keywords.

You can access more keywords and focus your competitor research by using any of the available filtering options.

Pro tip: One thing you may want to do is set a filter to remove any keywords that contain the brand’s name. This way you’ll have a better sense of how the competitor is ranking for non-branded keywords.

The filtering options in SE ranking, including keywords to include/exclude, search intent, traffic share, word count, position, traffic, search volume, etc.
The filters within the SE Ranking app allow you to refine your competitor analysis.

Another way to filter these keywords is by SERP feature. The app tells you the total number of keywords that your competitor ranks for that brings up a given SERP feature on the Google result page.

You can use these to see top-level trends around keyword intent. For example, if there is an unusually large number of keywords that bring up a local pack, you know your competition is most likely targeting local markets.

SERP feature filters, such as reviews, images, people also ask, knowledge graph, FAQ, etc.

Select a particular SERP feature to bring up keywords for which the SERP contains that feature.

For example, when selecting “Video” (for Google’s video box) I was served with the following keywords:

A table showing keywords that all have a SERP that contains a video box, as designated by a YouTube icon. There are also columns for keyword difficulty, search volume, and search intent.

In such a case, you might try to overtake your competitors by creating content that ranks for those keyword(s) and by creating videos that could be shown in the video box on the SERP.

Discovering additional SERP competitors

One of the most significant things the app enables you to do is discover additional organic competitors.

If this is your goal, you can enter your own domain into the tool’s initial search field and pull data for your own site. You would then see who your organic competitors are in the “Organic competitors” section.

The initial competitor research (as shown in the example below) focuses on keyword competition via:

  • The total number of keywords each competitor ranks for within the top 100 positions on the Google results page

  • The number of keywords unique to the domain being analyzed, unique to the competitor being viewed, and the number of keywords both domains rank for (see the hover-over in the image below)

The organic competitors section of the SE ranking app, showing a column for competitor domains, overlap, DT, and total keywords.
Run your own domain through the SE Ranking app to discover who your competitors are on the Google SERP.

The data on the number of “common” keywords (i.e., the number of keywords where the domain being analyzed and the competitor being viewed both rank) is another reason why you might want to analyze your own domain.

If you analyze your own domain, you can discover who your competitors are and see which competitors are ranking for the very keywords you also rank for. Strong keyword overlap might mean that the competitor in question is potentially attracting visitors away from your site.

Click on “View retailed report” within the organic competitors report section to get a more detailed look at your competitors’ performance.

Here, you can reference a trends chart to help you identify which of your competitors are falling off the SERP and which are gaining momentum and acquiring more traffic from Google over time.

A traffic chart for the last 30 months, showing estimated traffic for two different domains.
Use trends data to isolate which of your competitors are on the rise or on the decline.

You can toggle between metrics and see trends for:

  • Total traffic

  • Number of ranking keywords

  • Traffic cost

  • Backlinks

The table that follows the trends graph shows you your top 10 competitors on the SERP, as well as:

  • The number of keywords both you and your competitors rank for

  • The number of keywords your competitors rank for, but your domain doesn’t

  • Total number of keywords (along with traffic and traffic cost)

The SE Ranking app showing a table of competitor data that enables you to explore areas of keyword competition on the Google SERP

You can use filters here, as well, to refine your result and to discover additional opportunities.

Selecting a keyword data point for a specific competitor will show you data similar to the “Organic competitor” comparison section of the app. Here, you’ll see visuals that help you compare your keyword and traffic performance to that of your competitors (you can analyze two competitors simultaneously in this report).

A visual competitive comparison of organic performance as seen in the Wix SE Ranking app

The table that accompanies the visuals indicates the specific keywords that are unique to your competitor, that both your domain and the competition rankings for, etc.

A table showing common keywords between a given website and two competitors.
See the specific keywords that you are competing over, along with where you rank relative to the competition.

The table includes metrics such as ranking position, keyword difficulty, and search volume, so that you can decide which keywords you want to focus on.

For example, if you see a competitor is ranking above you for a keyword that is relatively easy to rank for and has a high search volume, you may want to prioritize it.

While there are a plethora of other report sections to explore in the SE Ranking app, the last bit of organic data I’d like to highlight is the “Top pages in organic search”table.

The “top pages in organic search” table, showing columns for URL, traffic share, and total traffic.
Use the SE Ranking app to isolate the pages that drive your competition’s organic search strategy.

Here, you can see which of your competitors’ pages matter most to them (or which of your pages is the most important to your organic efforts).

The data shows which pages receive the most traffic (both in raw numbers and as a percentage of overall traffic). Click the “View detailed report” button to dive deeper into the performance of your competitor’s pages—or your own pages, for that matter.

Say, for example, you know that both you and your competitors are targeting local event keywords. You could filter the results to show your competitors’ pages that contain the word “event” in the URL. That would be a quick way to see which of your competitor’s event pages are the most valuable to their success.

A search field showing a filter and URLs, with traffic share, total traffic, keyword totals, etc.
Filter to see specific types of pages, which could help you discover where your competitors are focusing their efforts.

Paid performance competitor insights

The SE Ranking app within Wix also helps take a pulse on how your competitors are behaving on the paid SERP—specifically, how they are leveraging Google Ads to supplement their organic success and compete with you.

For example, the “Paid keywords”table gives you information on which keywords your competitor is targeting with Google Ads. Moreover, you’ll be able to see which of these keywords have seen a performance improvement (or decline) as well as what new keywords they are buying.

The paid keywords table in SE ranking, showing columns for keyword, search volume, position, competition, and CPC.
Use the SE Ranking app to understand the competitive landscape on the paid side of the Google SERP.

To better contextualize this data, the SE Ranking app also tells you where your competitor’s ads are appearing. Are they showing at the top of the SERP (potentially posing a bigger challenge to your rankings) or at the bottom (where they will be seen by fewer users)?

The “distribution of paid keyword rankings” chart, showing a breakdown of keywords that a competitor appears in position 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-11 for.
Contextualize your competitor’s Google Ads performance by seeing where their ads appear on the SERP.

Like with the organic research shown earlier, you can use the SE Ranking app to discover who you are competing against when buying Google Ads. Here, too, you’ll see information related to which competitors you overlap with.

A table showing paid competitors, overlap, DT, and total keywords.
Use the SE Ranking app in the Wix marketplace to discover paid competitors on the Google results page.

You can also use this table to dive into more detail about paid keyword overlap with your competitors.

In addition, the app shows you which pages are connected to your competitor’s ads and how much of the paid traffic share they receive. This can be very helpful when you’re creating landing pages for your own ad campaigns, as you can look to see what works for your competitors.

The “top pages in paid search” table, showing columns for URL, traffic share, and total traffic.
Use the SE Ranking app to discover what pages your competitors are using as part of their Google Ads campaigns.

Lastly, the SE Ranking app can tell you which keywords are triggering your competitor’s ads on the SERP, with metrics on how many ads they are running for the keyword, CPC, and beyond.

The “most popular keyword ads” table, showing columns for keyword, traffic, traffic share, ad count, search volume, competition, cpc, etc.
See which keywords are triggering the largest number of competitor ads on the SERP.

Performing keyword research with the SE Ranking tool in Wix

You can also use the SE Ranking keyword research tool built into the app to qualify and explore a focus keyword discovered when analyzing your competitors.

The overview section of the report gives you a top-level summary of the keyword’s organic opportunity for a given country, and includes information on the keyword’s:

  • Ranking difficulty

  • Search volume and search volume trends

  • Regional volume

  • CPC

  • User intent

The overview section of the keyword research tool in the SE ranking app, showing difficulty, search volume, CPC, and global volume.
The keyword research section of the SE Ranking app helps you qualify potential keyword performance on Google.

The following section helps you expand on the seed keyword initially searched for by showing you similar keywords, related keywords, and questions that utilize the seed keyword.

The keyword ideas section of the SE ranking app, showing similar keywords, related keywords, and questions.
Use keyword suggestions in the SE Ranking app to find potential keywords to optimize for.

You can dive deeper into the initial results and see an expanded list for each keyword type. Here, you can filter your results and see expanded metrics, such as the SERP features that appear on the page for a given keyword.

The keyword suggestions report in the SE ranking app, showing keyword suggestions for questions.
The detailed keyword research report in the SE Ranking app offers a set of keyword metrics to help you isolate potential focus keywords.

Pro tip: What’s interesting here is that if you click on a given keyword, you can see the search volume trends over time. This is a great way to spot any potential seasonality related to the keyword.

A chart showing estimated search volume trends for each month for the keyword “watch wrestling”
Use the search volume trends for a specific keyword result within the app to spot keyword seasonality.

You can also click on “Organic results”to see the top-ranking URLs for the keyword, along with which URLs have seen a ranking increase or decrease.

The organic results section for a keyword suggestion in the SE ranking app, showing the top five URLs for that keyword, and estimates for traffic, traffic cost, etc.
The SE Ranking app enables you to see the top ranking results for a keyword and which URLs have seen a ranking increase/decrease.

Lastly, you can see which domains are running a Google Ads campaign that targets a similar keyword.

The SE Ranking app keyword research insights indicate the domain running the most ads for the keyword in question

Don’t jump to conclusions about who your competitors are

Who are your competitors? It depends.

Your brick-and-mortar competitors may not be who you’re competing against on the Google SERP. So, it’s best not to jump to conclusions about who they are (or aren’t).

Instead, dive into the data and see who is actually giving you a run for your money in the search results. It’s easy to chase after every potential competitor and ranking opportunity, but no one has unlimited resources and being strategic in what you prioritize can make all the difference.

The data within the SE Ranking app helps you understand who to focus on, what to focus on, and when to focus on it.


mordy oberstein

Mordy is the Head of SEO Branding at Wix. Concurrently he also serves as a communications advisor for Semrush. Dedicated to SEO education, Mordy is one of the organizers of SEOchat and a popular industry author and speaker. Twitter | Linkedin

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