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Technical SEO
About the course
Get to know the essentials of technical SEO with this course covering everything from HTTP status codes and URL optimization, to XML sitemaps and how to signal to search engines that a site is secure. Learn how to configure mobile-friendly sites, understand structured data, and conduct comprehensive SEO audits to ensure your website meets industry best practices for technical SEO.
Stay up to date with all that's happening in SEO.
Do I need to watch the course to take the exam?
We highly recommend watching the full course to expand your knowledge and increase your chances of passing the exam.
How many times can I take the exam?
You can take the exam as many times as you want. However, if you fail a test twice, you'll need to wait 3 days before trying again.
How many questions are in the exams and how many do I need to get right?
Each exam has 15 questions and you need 12 correct answers to pass it. You’ll have 25 minutes to complete the exam.
If I complete all exams, do I get a certification?
No, the SEO certification is coming soon. You’ll get a record of completion after each course to show you completed it and passed the exam. You can share this online, with your clients and across your network to illustrate your expertise. Taking the courses is also a great way to prepare for the upcoming certification.
Can I take exams for all courses?
Yes, you'll get a separate record of completion for each course. If you fail an exam, you can keep trying until you pass.
Aleyda Solis
SEO consultant and founder of Orainti
Aleyda Solis is founder of Orainti, a boutique SEO consultancy advising top brands worldwide. An author and speaker, Aleyda shares SEO news and resources in the SEOFOMO newsletter, organizes a SEOFOMO Meetup series and hosts the SEOFOMO Chat Forum. She also gives SEO tips in the Crawling Mondays video series and has created a free SEO Learning Roadmap called

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