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How to work with Breakpoints

Learn what Breakpoints are and how to work with them to make your site look good on every screen size.

In this tutorial, we’ll go over Breakpoints. A Breakpoint represents a range of viewport sizes where you can adjust a website’s layout or style. Each breakpoint has a starting point, an end point and a range in between.

There are three Breakpoints in the Wix Studio Editor: Desktop, tablet and mobile.

Any changes you make to your design or layout on higher Breakpoints will cascade down to smaller ones, but not the other way around. That's called the cascading rule. But, if you make a change on a lower Breakpoint manually, it’s called an override.

Some edits are considered Global changes, which affect every Breakpoint, including structural changes like adding and removing elements, applying the Pinned position and reparenting elements.


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