Some clients couldn’t care less whether you build their website on the back of a napkin or with state-of-the-art technology as long as it matches—or exceeds—their expectations. After all, you’re the expert.
But a lot of clients do care about the website builder you choose. Some are averse to change and the words 'website migration' fill them with fear. Some have preconceptions about specific platforms, while others need extra convincing that the platform you use includes the right functionality to build the site of their dreams.
So, even if you’re excited about Wix Studio’s new AI capabilities, responsive behaviors, intuitive grid and centralized workspace, you might need to explain Wix Studio’s key strengths on their terms. With this in mind, we’ve put together a simple guide so you’ll be ready to highlight Studio’s capabilities based on the prospect you’re pitching to.
Use these ready-to-go pitch templates, built on Wix Studio, for your next client meeting.
1. Clients who put design first
You know the type of client—the one who tells you unequivocally they want a website that wows. Often creative businesses, quirky startups or vibrant brands, these clients judge your work on how it looks.
Wix Studio is packed with advanced design capabilities to deliver the exceptional-looking sites they want. But they won’t want to hear about all the technical stuff—they’ll want to see results.
Emphasize the creative freedom Studio offers your agency and how its out-of-the-box features can help turn ordinary pages into highly engaging experiences, like adding gradients, big scroll effects and masks. You can add character to their sites with the latest motion and effects features and achieve eye-catching interactions using entrance, loop animations and custom cursors.
Also, Studio is built with flexibility in mind, which means you can get super specific and deliver more bespoke designs using custom CSS. Not only do you have the tools to create intricate layouts and complex sites, but you can fully customize design elements like typography and color styles to match your client’s brand.

2. Clients with complex business needs
Whether it’s for a web summit in Dubai or a medical tourism company in Kyoto, Studio’s native professional solutions help you deliver projects for just about any business. Build an online store, create members’ areas, set up chat and subscriptions with solutions that are reliable and secure. Add events, blog, classes, videos and menus for more specific verticals.
From the client’s perspective, a site built on Studio means all the business functionality they need is ready to go, out-of-the-box and in one place. No need for them to get bogged down with messy plugins or 3rd party applications. Instead, they save time and costs and can keep the business ops side of their site simple and streamlined.
You have the option to extend these native business solutions with hundreds of APIs and powerful web apps, so you can customize the functionality of your client sites. You can also integrate with external systems like ERP and CRM so clients can continue to manage their business with ease. Got a client operating across multiple regions? Studio covers over 180 languages, so chances are it supports theirs.
Use this pitch template for clients who want an online store on Wix Studio.

3. Clients obsessed with SEO
Not all clients have the in-house expertise, time or resources to cover SEO. But more and more care about it, because they understand its importance for growth.
Studio’s big selling point here is that SEO is at the platform’s core and baked into everything you or your client do with a website. Wix works closely with leading search engines like Google and Bing to ensure web crawlers can always access your client sites. Its engineers also monitor issues around the clock, which is like your client having its very own technical SEO team.
Plus, the underpinnings of all Wix sites are continuously enhanced to ensure they stay aligned with Google's technical requirements. With the right SEO strategy, your client’s site will be in a great position to secure some prime real estate at the top of Google’s search results. Even after your website handover, built-ins like automatic redirects help client sites stay optimized for long-term growth, so clients won’t have to worry about regular check-ins.
Using data in your pitch reinforces your message, so here’s an impressive stat to share: 40 percent of all traffic to Wix sites comes from organic search. If they still don’t get it, tell them Google does. Here’s what John Mueller, Google Search Advocate, says about Wix’s SEO: “Wix has been doing fantastic stuff for a number of years now. I'm impressed. They've been raising the bar not only for their services, but the industry overall.”
Of course, it’s important not to overpromise. Your client should know that ranking in search is a long-term commitment that requires time, effort and ongoing optimization. You can help their business stay competitive with the latest SEO and content tactics should they need that support, but Wix’s ultra-strong technical foundation is the perfect launching pad for their website.
4. Clients with a ton of content
One of the biggest challenges of delivering content-heavy websites for clients is often not the actual build, but the handover. You want to give your clients the tools and assurance they need to efficiently manage their site and make edits without disrupting the design. (By the way, here are 7 ways Wix Studio empowers agencies to work efficiently at scale.)
Studio’s native, no-code and robust CMS enables your agency to create extensive database collections and seamlessly connect them to your client’s designs. It’s a powerful tool for clients with tons of data running in the background, like property management companies, online stores and educational institutions.
It will depend on the client as to how much control you want to give them. You can assign permissions so they can edit content in collections but not in layouts. This means they can update basic page elements like text, button labels, links and images from an intuitive dashboard or on the go from the Wix app.
Not only does Studio’s CMS give your clients the freedom to manage their sites seamlessly, but it cuts out unnecessary contact with you after the project is complete. It also enables you to create dynamic, content-driven sites without code so you can deliver great sites faster.

5. Clients who prioritize security
The constantly evolving threat of cybersecurity is keeping business owners up at night, which means you’ll be hearing it come up in more of your client meetings, particularly with those who manage large volumes of data.
New research shows that 43 percent of SMBs across key global markets believe security education and support should come from their trusted tech partners, so you need to have your security straight.
Firstly, let them know that Wix is compliant with the highest international security standards and protects the sites and data of 258 million users—from sole traders to large enterprises—so it’s no stranger to top-notch security. With Studio’s fully managed, enterprise-grade security, your client site stays secure 24/7.
Oleg Davydov, Wix Partner and founder of Davydov Consulting, says he covers security in every client pitch because he sees a significant demand for it. “They want peace of mind, and it’s not always enough for someone like us to provide it,” he says.
Davydov explains to clients that it’s not only his agency that offers support, but that Wix provides the foundation. He shares his analogy that generally gets prospects over the line.
“Wix is the art shop, somewhere you don’t buy the picture but the tools; like paper, brushes and paints. We are the artists who can draw it for you. However, once we do, it gets transferred into the Wix art gallery, where they’re responsible for the security of the pictures. Then they get it. It gives them peace of mind, and they trust us.”
6. Clients who want more integrations
Every client has their favorite tech and sacrificing one of their go-to apps for the sake of the web creation platform you choose could make or break your pitch.
The good news for your clients is Studio offers deep, native integrations with platforms like Google, Bing, Amazon, TikTok and Etsy, which are built, maintained and updated in direct partnership with these market-leading companies. That means Studio creates integrations with the actual source themselves rather than using messy third-party plug-ins, so your clients’ apps work smoothly from one place.
The same seamless integration process is applied to leading third-party marketing tools like Klaviyo, OpenAI, Google Merchant, Semrush and SERanking, as well as social apps including Instagram, Meta and TikTok. You can also integrate sites with search engines so clients can take a deep dive into their site performance, organic traffic and indexation status.
Read more about our marketing integrations, and share Wix’s extensive app market with your clients so they can choose from more than 500 apps designed to work in harmony with their sites.
7. Clients with high volumes of traffic
Big-ticket clients like busy eComm sites, online marketplaces, news websites and streaming services need many things from a platform, but they won’t compromise on reliability.
A figure worth sharing with these clients: 4.5 billion. That’s how many requests, along with millions of transactions, Wix handles each day. And if required, it could handle more than double that.
With automatic scalability built into each site and regular stain testing of data centers, your clients can go as viral as they want—Studio can handle it.
Wix’s dedicated data centers are combined with other best-in-class hosting providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Fastly, so the platform uses traffic-shifting technology to ensure your clients’ users get continuous access to their sites.
Your clients can read about how Google Cloud partnered with Wix to optimize the platform’s ability in this Google case study.
Use this template to pitch a Wix Studio website to your next Enterprise client.
8. Clients who think Wix is not for pros
“Wix is only for DIY.”
“Anyone can build on Wix.”
“Why would I pay someone to use Wix when I can do that myself?”
Sound familiar? Well, Studio tackles these misconceptions head-on, because, as we say in the tagline, it’s the web creation platform built for agencies, and designed to help you work better and faster. You can tell clients that means high-quality, responsive sites delivered in a quicker turnaround time through smooth handovers. Get a conversation going in our Community Forum to see how other professionals are pitching Studio to their clients.