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How to talk to your clients about AI usage

Navigating AI skepticism requires education and collaboration to build client trust.

Design by Ashger Zamana

Profile picture of Ido Lechner


4 min read

For all the hype surrounding artificial intelligence, there’s still a ton of skepticism, including on the client side.

Your client might think, we’re hiring a human—if we wanted to use AI we could do it ourselves, right?

Wrong. AI is a copilot, not an autopilot, and it's already baked into some of the best agency tools and platforms like Wix Studio. That means that as an agency that uses AI, the plane and the trusted captain in the cockpit are a package deal. 

“There’s still a need for human control; that’s not going away any time soon,” says Kevin Indig, growth advisor at HIMS, Dropbox and Reddit. “Instead, I see AI used as a way to create dirty first drafts and as a thought partner.” 


In the hands of true creative professionals that “dirty first draft” quickly transforms into an asset for clients. Scale production up at the speed and volume that AI affords, and you’re ready to take flight. 

The truth is, clients aren’t just hiring agencies for their output, they’re hiring agencies for their input, too. See also: how to write a good AI prompt. In other words, you’re your clients’ thought partner, and AI is yours.

Let’s talk about the best ways to ease your clients' nerves around AI and get the green light to start using it for their business. 

Innovate with built in AI tools

01. Educate your clients 

We already know that AI isn’t replacing creative labor any time soon, but that doesn’t actually mean we know how to use it effectively. That’s especially true for skeptical clients, who hire you not just to execute a creative project, but to help guide their own thinking and decision making along the way. 

When communicating with clients, acknowledge the drawbacks but highlight the benefits. They might say that AI isn’t creative, that it cheapens content and online communication, or that there’s data privacy issues. They may point to dependency on AI tools, or cite times when they’ve encountered factual errors.

All of their concerns are valid, so own them and offer a path forward. Have policies in place in terms of what client information you’re allowed to share with AI, and what’s absolutely off the table. Let them know that the tool is your engine, not your navigation.

“As a rule of thumb, we always have a few rounds of human edits with all AI outputs; nothing is published raw,” says Indig. “That includes strategic and editorial changes as well as a fact-checking process because the AI will hallucinate or sometimes just get things factually wrong.”

It’s also an opportunity to demonstrate how you do plan to use AI for their business. Be sure to check out Wix Studio’s AI capabilities for the full suite of AI tools our platform offers.

02. Collaborate with your clients

"What do you create when you can create anything?" asks Indig. 

He recommends including your clients in the AI process. Show them how powerful AI can be in their hands, guided by your expertise. Offer workshops or training sessions to help them understand how AI can be used to enhance their projects and drive results. This collaborative approach not only demystifies AI but also empowers clients, making them feel more in control and confident about the technology.

For example, if you're using AI to generate initial content drafts, let your clients see how these drafts evolve through human editing and creative input. Share your Zoom screen when using Gen AI tools like Midjourney or Wix Studio’s AI tools to detail how you craft images from scratch. This transparency can help build trust and showcase the value of combining AI efficiency with human creativity.

03. Demonstrate ROI

The best way to talk your talk is to walk it. In other words, past successes serve as indicators for your clients that you know what you’re doing when it comes to AI.

“People quickly form opinions about AI tools without ever trying them. I recommend approaching it buffet style and digging into everything to see what tastes best,” says Indig.

Experience compounds. Share detailed case studies highlighting how AI has driven significant ROI for previous clients. Include metrics and qualitative feedback to provide a comprehensive view of AI’s impact. For instance, show how AI-driven content strategies have led to increased engagement and conversions for similar businesses. Highlighting tangible benefits can help overcome resistance and illustrate AI's potential value.

Ultimately, you want to reach a point where clients aren’t skeptical if you’re using AI; rather, they’re skeptical if you aren’t.

04. Build a custom plan for clients

Each client is unique, and therefore their AI strategy should be as well. Customize your approach based on their specific needs and goals by conducting a thorough assessment to identify areas where AI can provide the most value. This tailored plan not only demonstrates your commitment to their success but also ensures that the AI implementation aligns perfectly with their business objectives.

By presenting a detailed, client-specific AI roadmap, you can address their unique concerns and showcase how AI will be an integral part of their growth strategy. This personalized approach helps clients see the direct relevance and benefits of AI for their business.

Be certain to position your work as strategic rather than just tactical. You never want your client to think AI’ed work is worth less than fully human-created content; raise the bar with a higher volume output without sacrificing quality.

05. Take security measures 

One of the most pressing concerns clients have about AI is the security of their data. Ensuring that client data is protected when using AI tools is paramount. Here’s how you can address and mitigate these concerns:

  • Craft data privacy policies

  • Ensure data regulations compliance

  • Vet all of your AI tools

  • Always be transparent with data usage

  • Make human oversight non-negotiable

  • Conduct regular security audits

By taking these security measures, you can help clients feel more comfortable with AI and confident that their data is in safe hands. Remember, building trust is a continuous process, and by proactively addressing security concerns, you can foster a positive relationship with your clients and help them embrace the benefits of AI.

From there, you can deliver unmatched value to your clients.

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