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4 common web app development challenges and how to overcome them

These are the four challenges developers most frequently encounter when building web apps (plus their solutions).

Design by Ron Mizrahi

Profile picture of Steve Kirk


6 min read

Web app development isn’t just a matter of creative coding. It's about creating an engaging, responsive and secure app that resonates with your clients’ audience.

That’s easier said than done, though. 

With over a billion websites live on the internet, the sheer quantity of web applications that exist out there is unfathomable. To cut through the noise, developers must navigate a complex maze of challenges to ensure a top-tier experience - things like cross-platform compatibility and maintaining high security standards. 

These considerations can make or break the user experience, and determine how well received your web app is (or whether or not people discover it at all).

With that in mind, let’s pin down the most common web app development challenges and discuss actionable, real-world solutions.

Back up, what’s the difference between a website, a web app and an app?

Before we get into it, let’s align on some of the terminology just so we’re on the same (web)page:

  • A website is a collection of web pages that are linked together and accessed through a web browser. These pages are mostly static or informational, consisting of text, images, videos and other multimedia content. Examples of websites include blogs, news sites, portfolio sites and company websites.

  • A web app is a software application accessed via a web browser that provides interactive and dynamic user experiences, often featuring functionalities similar to those found in native mobile or desktop apps. Examples of popular web apps include Slack, Zoom and Spotify.

  • Standalone apps, like those found in the Wix App Market, are designed to extend the capabilities of existing websites or web apps by providing specific functionalities, such as chatbots, payment gateways or social media integrations.

What are the main web app development challenges?

The journey of web app development is filled with complexities that require both creativity and technical expertise. These obstacles can range from technical difficulties to design issues, each with its own impact on the final product.

Why are these challenges significant? For starters, they can affect how your web app operates, how secure it is from threats and how well it scales as your user base grows. 

Let's break down some of the main challenges:

the four main web app development challenges: compatibility, performance, security and scalability

01. You're running into platform compatibility issues

Your web application needs to function seamlessly across different browsers and devices. This means ensuring that your code is compatible with various operating systems and screen sizes.

One way of tackling this is to use frameworks and libraries that are designed for cross-platform compatibility. Test your application on multiple devices and browsers to identify any issues early on. Some cross-device compatibility tips:

  • Use responsive design techniques so your web app looks great on any screen size.

  • Test extensively on different platforms during the development phase.

  • Employ progressive enhancement strategies to support older browsers while still taking advantage of modern features where available.

02. Your web app doesn't pass the performance check

Your clients and their website visitors expect fast loading times and smooth interactions. Performance issues can lead to frustration and high bounce rates. To improve web app performance:

  • Optimize images

  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files

  • Leverage browser caching

  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) to speed up load times for users around the globe

03. You need better security compliance

With cyber threats on the rise, protecting user data and ensuring the integrity of your web application is paramount.

Make sure you implement HTTPS to secure data transmission, use secure coding practices, regularly update software dependencies and conduct security audits. To secure your web apps:

  • Regularly update and patch all software components

  • Use strong authentication and authorization mechanisms

  • Encrypt sensitive data both at rest and in transit

04. Your web app isn't scalable

As your business grows, so does the number of users. Your web app must be able to handle increased traffic without compromising performance.

Design your architecture with scalability in mind. Use cloud services that allow you to scale resources according to demand, such as serverless architectures or scalable database solutions. Some best practices to ensure your web app is scalable:

  • Opt for a microservices architecture to break down your application into smaller, manageable pieces

  • Use load balancers to distribute traffic evenly across servers

  • Implement efficient caching strategies to reduce database load

Each of these challenges requires a strategic approach to ensure that your web application not only meets but exceeds user expectations. In the following sections, we'll explore each challenge in more detail and provide practical solutions to help you overcome them.

Tactics for overcoming web app development challenges

For those new to developing web apps, the array of challenges can seem overwhelming. But with the right guidance and resources, beginners can tackle these obstacles head-on and set themselves up for success. Here’s how.

  • Web development concepts seem daunting: Before diving into complex projects, ensure you have a solid understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the building blocks of web development.

  • You don’t know where to start: Begin with simple projects that allow you to apply your knowledge. As you gain confidence, gradually take on more complex tasks. Check out low code no code tools for ways of working that reduce complexity.

  • You aren’t leveraging your resources: Take advantage of online tutorials, forums, and communities such as the Devs on Wix Discord. Websites like Stack Overflow and GitHub can provide invaluable support as you learn. 

  • Coding feels overly technical: Web app development is as much about solving problems as it is about writing code. Hone your creative problem-solving skills by tackling small bugs before moving on to larger issues.

  • You don’t work with version control: Understanding how to use version control systems like Git can save you from many headaches by tracking changes and enabling collaboration.

  • You haven’t switched over to responsive design yet: Responsive design ensures your projects work well on all devices by practicing responsive design from the start.

  • Security isn’t top of mind: Even at the beginning stages, be aware of security best practices to protect your applications from vulnerabilities.

FYI: You can do it all with Wix Studio, an intuitive platform that allows agencies and enterprises to design exceptional sites at pace, with full-stack business solutions, multi-site management and built-in AI features.

Using problem solving for web app development challenges

When it comes to website app development problems, encountering obstacles is a given, but the ability to effectively solve them is what sets successful developers apart. It’s no secret your devs are going to run into an array of technical issues as they bring your clients’ web apps to life, so fostering their problem solving mindset and processes is a necessary step in developing web apps for clients.

Some of the ways your devs problem-solve include:

Debugging effectively to get to the root of the problem

Bugs are inevitable. The key to resolving them lies in systematic debugging. Break down your code, test individual components and use debugging tools such as Chrome DevTools, Testsigma or Airbrake to isolate and fix issues.

Be patient and methodical when it comes to troubleshooting. Use browser developer tools and debugging software to help identify the root cause of problems, such as typos in the code, inconsistent API calls, memory leaks and so forth.

Create a process for handling user input errors

User input can be unpredictable and may lead to unexpected application behavior or security vulnerabilities.Implement robust form validation on both the client and server sides and sanitize data to prevent SQL injection attacks and other security threats. These are all things that should be well documented within your agency that you share with your employees and train them on.

Put your UX hat on

Users expect fast-loading web pages, and failing to meet these expectations can result in lost traffic. Optimize media files, leverage browser caching, minimize HTTP requests and use asynchronous loading for scripts when possible.

Problem-solving in web development means fixing what's broken, anticipating potential issues and implementing proactive solutions. By honing your problem-solving skills, you can ensure that your web applications are robust, efficient and user-friendly.

A computer with code overlayed on top of a wireframe

Web app development best practices and how to apply them

Adhering to best practices in web development helps you create high-quality web applications and streamlines the development process, making it more efficient and less prone to errors.

Here are some industry best practices that can significantly improve outcomes when facing website app development challenges:

  • Write clean and maintainable code: Organize your code with clear naming conventions and consistent formatting. Commenting in your code (which is when you sprinkle in short notes in your code) is also crucial for future maintenance and team collaboration.

  • Follow the DRY principle: "Don't Repeat Yourself" is a fundamental practice aimed at reducing repetition of software patterns. Reuse code where possible to keep your codebase concise and efficient.

  • Prioritize accessibility: Make your web applications accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Use semantic HTML and follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

  • Implement responsive design: Ensure that your web application provides an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices by following responsive design principles.

  • Focus on user experience: A good user experience leads to higher engagement. Pay attention to load times, navigation, readability, and interactive elements.

  • Test thoroughly: Implement a comprehensive testing strategy that includes unit tests, integration tests and user acceptance testing to catch issues before they reach production.

  • Stay up-to-date with technologies: The web development landscape is constantly evolving. Keep learning new languages, frameworks and tools in various forums, content hubs and online coding courses to stay relevant in the field. In particular, low code no code tools are a great way to reduce project complexity.

A checklist of all the web app development best practices

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