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Live template update request

If you would like to make any changes to your template that is currently live on the Marketplace, please submit your request to do so by filling in this form.

Before submitting your request, please take note of the following:

Any requests to update and/or make changes to a live template will be reviewed by our team in accordance with our requirements and best practices

Template price changes are permitted once a month, at the start of a new billing cycle

About you

*This info is pre-filled from your last submission

Profile image*

Template details

This field is mandatory.

Select what you'd like to change

Select the fields you would like to make changes in


Avoid using "template", "Wix”, or "Wix Studio" as part of your template name.

Template name must be between 4 and 20 characters long. 

Enter a valid email address.

Provide a description of your template for clients, with details such as pages, features and functionality.

Recommended length is 400 characters, max length is 1,940 characters.

Template description (400 characters minimum)

This field is mandatory.

Template cost (for single use)

This field is mandatory.

This field is mandatory.

This field is mandatory.

Note: If you used Velo (custom code) or your own Blocks (custom apps) in this template, buyers will be asked to approve access to their site data. In this case, if you have your own privacy policy or terms of use, add the URL here and we’ll include it.

This field is mandatory.

This field is mandatory.

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To submit your template, open this page on desktop

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