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Custom Product Price

Custom Product Price

Let customers choose a price





August 4, 2020

Girl Enjoying her Drink


Anchor 1
Hire a Developer

Example Description

In this example we allow site visitors to enter a custom price for a product. Then we create the product and add the product to the cart. This example is useful for processing donations.

Example Code

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This code solution can be complicated.

How We Built It


Page Elements

On the Home page we added the following elements:

  • Two text inputs for the customer’s name and the custom price

  • An ‘Add to Cart’ button



In the backend customProduct.jsw module, we do the following:

  1. Import the Wix Stores Backend module.

  2. Add a function for creating a product.

  3. Add a function for adding media to a product.


On the Home page, we do the following:

  1. Import the backend functions.

  2. When the Add to Cart button is clicked, create a new custom product as follows:

  3. Set the product name based on the name entered by the customer in the text input.

  4. Set the product price based on the price entered by the customer in the text input.

  5. Set the product type as physical.

  6. Create the product using the backend function.

  7. Add media to the product using the product ID returned from the createProduct() function and an image of our choice.

  8. Add the product to the cart. 

APIs We Used

Non-code example.

Non-code example.

Non-code example.

Non-code example.

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This website was designed with Velo by Wix

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