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Text Microinteractions

Text Microinteractions

Create different microinteractions on 3 text elements using the Wix Animations API.





August 11, 2021

Girl Enjoying her Drink


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Hire a Developer

Example Description

In this example we built a sentence containing 3 text elements that have different microinteractions. When a site visitor hovers over one of these 3 text elements, they will see an animation.

Example Code

Tab 1


Tab 2


Tab 3


This code solution can be complicated.

How We Built It

Page Elements

In our site we added the following page elements:

  • 8 text elements to build the sentence (5 of which we will use to create our microinteractions).

  • 2 images.


In the $w.onReady() function we declare all the elements we want to animate. We then create the individual animation timelines for each of the 3 animations:

  1. Shiver ‘microinteractions’: When the user hovers over the text element “microinteractions”, we create a shiver effect by quickly moving “microinteractions” in all directions and adding a slight rotation.

  2. Slide ‘arrow’: When the user hovers over the text element “text”, we create a bump effect by sliding the arrow horizontally back and forth pushing the text element, “to” backwards, and the text element “text” forward. For extra effect, we use the easeInSine and easeOutSine easing parameters of the wix-animations API. Note that we configure this animation differently for mobile devices.

  3. Show images: When the user hovers over the text element “images”, we create a fade effect by gradually showing 2 image elements. We do this by changing the opacity of the image elements and by using the easeOutQuad easing parameter of the wix-animations API.

The last step is to add onMouseIn() and onMouseOut() event handlers to the 3 text elements. When hovering over the 3 text elements, their animations will play. When hovering off the 3 text elements, their animations will either replay, pause, or reverse depending on the animation.

APIs We Used

Non-code example.

Non-code example.

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