JavaScript SDK

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The Wix JavaScript SDK allows you access to Wix business solutions and site data from JavaScript code. For example, you can use the @wix/stores package to interact with the Wix Stores product catalog and handle site orders.

Where the JavaScript SDK can be used

  • Wix sites: Add custom functionality to Wix sites.
  • Wix apps: Develop apps that can be installed on Wix sites.
  • Wix Headless: Take advantage of Wix functionality from any app or site you create, on any platform.

What is included in the JavaScript SDK

The JavaScript SDK includes:


Call Wix APIs to integrate custom functionality, including:


Wix apps can subscribe to webhooks to respond to specific app and site events. The SDK streamlines webhook integration by providing methods to register a callback function as an event handler. For more information, see Handle Events With Webhooks.

Service plugins

Service plugins allow your Wix app to extend the functionality of a Wix site by injecting custom logic into existing app flows or introducing entirely new flows. Learn how to add a Wix-hosted service plugin with the CLI or implement a self-hosted service plugin.

Learn how to build with the JavaScript SDK

Develop Websites
Customize a Wix site's functionality by create an interactive UI, working with data-driven content, and integrating with Wix business solutions and 3rd-party services.
Build Wix Apps
Develop an app for Wix's App Market, enabling users to extend their site's functionality.
Create Headless Experiences
Integrate Wix's powerful business solutions with your own frontend using any tech stack.

Not writing JavaScript code? Check out our REST API as an alternative to using the JavaScript SDK for self-hosted Wix app and Headless development.

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