Good For:
Bookstores, libraries and publishers
Invite visitors to access your world with this informative and interactive template design. Easily upload images of your latest additions, update your upcoming events calendar, advocate for donations and volunteers, and build a diverse online community of supporters
Good For:
IT, computers, hi tech and technology
Offer your tech expertise in this modern yet functional tech forum website template. With Wix Forums, it has never been easier to create a community and start engaging with your site visitors. Start editing now to customize categories and watch as your online community grows.
Good For:
Choirs, community groups, schools and personal
Give your choir or musical organization an online presence with this friendly website template. Customize the full-screen background to express the spirit of your group and add text to promote upcoming performances.Craft a vibrant website in harmony with your sound!
Good For:
Churches, religious communities, and faith-based organizations
Your institution provides a home for local worshipers and deserves a website that exudes the values you stand by. This template is perfect for bringing your community together online by promoting your values, sharing sermons and music, and publicizing upcoming events.
Good For:
Lifestyle, hospitality services, small businesses
Perfect for nonprofits and charities, this template features an earthy design and neutral colors. Add text to describe your projects, goals, and vision. Upload photos to introduce team members and capture the energy of your organization. Start editing to spread the word! Use the Blog page to keep your followers up to date on your latest activities.
Good For:
Moms, parents-to-be, community leaders, and doulas
This simple yet stunning template is perfect for busy moms who are looking to connect with parents just like themselves. Whether you have a skill you'd like to share or are seeking parenting tips and advice, take advantage of this easy-to-edit template for all of your needs. Simply click edit to get started!
Good For:
Summer camps, religious organizations and faith-based programs
Customize this fun and engaging template to combine your camp's activities with its religious values, faith studies and retreats. Easily personalize the text and link your Instagram account to showcase the best parts of camp-life for parents, children and prospective attendees. Also, take advantage of the ability to edit the registration form and donation page to keep your community connected and involved.
Good For:
Farms, seasonal businesses and holiday markets
Spread the holiday cheer with a website full of fun and festive vibes. With plenty of space to share your activities and offerings, and an Instagram feed ready to easily sync with your social account, this template has everything you need to get started.
Good For:
business, elderly, home, real estate
Welcome seniors to your assisted living facility with this warm and friendly template. Add text to introduce your staff members, special services, and accommodation options. Upload photos to give visitors a glimpse of the unique lifestyle available at your establishment.
Good For:
Community organizers, discussion boards and local groups
Create and foster your community with a friendly online space where members can start discussions and ask questions. This template plants the seeds of your successful site with a Wix Forum that makes it easy for users to connect and engage with each other. Keep things organized by customizing your forum categories, then watch as your website blossoms.
Good For:
Religious organizations, bloggers and faith-based organizations
Inspire your online community with this bright and calming template design. Start by sharing your story and showcasing your ideas with a Wix Blog. Engage with your followers on another level by starting your own Wix Podcast. Click 'Edit' to start!
Good For:
Online gamers, video bloggers, and eSports enthusiasts
Every serious gamer deserves a seriously immersive forum, and this template has everything you need to get started. Wix Forum is the perfect space for your site members to share interesting posts and discuss the latest gaming news, while Wix Events lets you organize upcoming meetups and manage live events like a pro. Don't be a noob, create your forum site today!