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EST. 2013

Welcome to Alstroemeria

Recruitment CLOSED

We apologize for the inconvenience

Alstroemeria Epilogue

An in-depth reflection of Alstroemeria Guild

Alstroemeria Discord

Open for all your questioning needs

Farewell to Alstroemeria

May 23, 2013 to September 12, 2017

Chief Executive Officer, Ruiha



"Alstroemeria was a learning experience for me as a first time guild leader. It has been my utmost pleasure to see the guild and everyone here learn and grow. As the staff will be shifting onto bigger priorities in real life, we have unanimously decided to discontinue all operations. We do this to give everyone a new beginning and a breath of fresh air. I will always remember those who have served under our staff. I'll never forget everything you've done and all the lessons we've learned together to make Alstroemeria a real home for its members. As for our members, it was a great pleasure to be able to meet each and every one of you and being able to learn more about you and be able to help out in any way I could. I will miss you and I truly wish you the best in your future endeavors."

Sincerely and with lots of love,

 - Ruiha, Guild Founder

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