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Transform the Way You Design with Videos

Go to from your desktop to try it out.

Turn Your Videos into Extraordinary Visuals

Create your VideoBox by changing the shape, setting the behavior of your video and adding a pattern overlay. Use a free video from Wix or add your own.

Play with All

the Possibilities


Set the Behavior

Decide how your video plays, pauses and ends. With 16 different play modes, you’re in control from start to finish.

Shape Your Videos

Choose a VideoBox and make it any shape you want. Just hold shift and drag the corners or type in your contour dimensions. With shadow tools you can make your VideoBox float right above the page.

Go to from your desktop to try out VideoBox today.

Make It a Work of Art

Create unique visual effects to show off your work or design an original piece right on site. Discover 60 pattern overlays to add to your VideoBox, from distortion to grids and lines. You can add a cover image before your video plays and create a smooth fade out transition.

Play in Slo-Mo

Captured your video at a high frame rate? You can play it in slo-mo and make any moment significant.

Now It’s Your Turn 

See what you can create with VideoBox today.

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