Here is the flow and the issue:
Product=> Education Program
Options needed=> 10 (+1 - all classes) different classes with different themes under the same program.
Option#2 needed=> Member/Non Member
Issue: Wix Product Options feature doesn't allow selecting multiple option values. The admin needs to see which of the 10 classes the person signs up to. Creating 11 different products for the same Program is a bad user experience as the user needs to land in the same product page and be able to select classes.
I need either:
1) A code that enables a dropdown/check box list of the classes which also calculates the fee each time a class is added as well as a discount feature when the member option is selected.
Appreciate your help.
You can have multiple dropdown in a products. Toggle "manage variants" in the product manager (Wix dashboard) to control the price of each combination.
Was this ever solved or is there a workaround?