After you have said the above title 5 times fast, take a look at some ways to customize button behavior on your site using Velo.
How do I prevent a button from being clicked multiple times?
You can call the disable() function inside the button's onClick() event handler. Subsequent clicks on the button will not be registered and the button's onClick() event handler will not be called. (Your site visitors' mice will thank you!)
You can call the enable() function to allow the button to be clicked again.
Is the onClick() event handler called even when a button is disabled?
You can call the enable() function to allow the button to be clicked again.
How do I change the label of the button after it is clicked?
In the button's button's onClick() event handler, reset the button's text using the label() property.
For example, if the myButton's label is initially "Push me!," the following code snippet changes the label after the button is clicked:
$w("#myButton").onClick( () => {
$w("#myButton").label = "Hey! Who are you pushing around!?!?";