Example Link: https://www.wix.com/corvid/example/dark-mode
Create a switch input that takes your site content to the dark side.
Change your background and text elements for night time reading by placing them inside box containers and adding a few lines of code on your Site code tab.
You can also utilize the wix-storage module to save this configuration on all of your site or application pages, even after visitors close their browser.
Challenge yourself:
Experiment with different color schemes for your visitors
Enable “dark mode” by default during nighttime hours
Share your creations and ideas wtih us!
@Lior Wiseman
Can we look at possibly changing the hex colour value to a different colour that is websafe as some users are now reporting that the colour is coming back as an invalid value.
I have opened the tutorial and tested it myself and the #323232 works fine for myself, however #333333 is the nearest web safe colour.
Hey hey,
I can't get my head round why editing text on the example site breaks the dark mode - text stops changing to white if I have more than one paragraph. It just can't seem to handle line-breaks.
If you copy-paste this comment into the text on the example site you'll see that it just stops working. This is equally true if you just make new text boxes, or edit existing ones by writing random text.
Any input?
is there a tutorial or step by steps how to install this on our sites?
I have been trying to follow the Wix API to include the header, footer, and background but was unsuccessful. How do we include those?