I’m trying to test the Create Discount Endpoint for WiX Restaurants and I get a 404 Error: Entity not found for the catalogID. Can’t discover why. The catalogID exists. Permissions seem correct.
I’m expecting this code to work and a WiX Restaurants Discount to be created.
Can you help me?
I setup a marketplace app for testing.
I ensure the Permissions are set to Manage Catalog.
I added the marketplace app to the site.
I List Catalogs to get the CatalogID.
I go to https://dev.wix.com/api/rest/wix-restaurants/catalogs/discounts/create-discount
I click (Try it Out). Guess this is like Postman to test the API.
I generate a test token for site instead of using oAuth token.
I insert the catalogID of: 85ed1698-006e-4c6b-83b5-4d8968b0c439
I include this in the body code, as shown below.
"discount": {
"name": "Hot Dog Discount",
"description": "10% Off Hot Dog Pickup Discount",
"active": true,
"percentage": "10.00",
"type": "OFF_ITEM",
"sectionIds": {
"values": [
This endpoint is in Developer Preview. Please contact support: https://devforum.wix.com/kb/en