I am 100% certain this can't be done all within Wix/Velo but I am confused on where to go for help to get this to work. I'm not even sure what to google at this point. Any insight would be extremely helpful!
I have a series of files on an external domain that are like templates, and inside the files are unique keywords that need to be replaced with the information gathered from the Wix user's input/collection. With the Wix user input, I can combine my static files with their input and make a unique file specifically for the user.
I want the Wix user to add data to my Wix collection.
At the end of the data entry process, they should be able to download a customized zip file that contains a series of customized files.
Would this require coding on the remote domain and push the member collection as variables via an API to the remote domain?
From the Wix side, can I create a way to have an API Get data from the remote domain and insert the zip URL into the Wix user collection (assuming that zip would be hosted on the remote domain)?
I am just confused on which technologies I could/should be using for this? ANY insight is so gratefully accepted at this point!
I think I got it.
I would set up an API URL Endpoint that is triggered on a member interaction/event that posts the request to my second domain (not a Wix site).
I would need to have somebody build a json catch for the API that triggers an event on the secondary domain that would do all of the manipulating/processing.
Then on the secondary domain, create an API call to my Wix site and Post the Zip Package's URL into the member's collection.
This video helped add a lot of clarity to the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yCBplV3MPQ