I have a VPS running Ubuntu 20.04. I installed the External Database Adapter from official github link for velo-external-db using Docker and I'm able to run the service but I get a message that says it can't connect to my MySQL database. How do I configure velo-external-db to connect and set my secret key. I'm not using Google Cloud or the others listed with detailed instructions.
Can you tell me how to set the configuration?
I have tested the Wix Velo External Database Adapter and it works on a KVM VPS Running Ubuntu 20.04, Nginx and MySQL 8.
The reverse proxy using Nginx worked listening on port 443 for port 8080. I installed an SSL certificate. I also had to set the CLOUD_VENDOR=aws. Lastly, I had to install MySQL 8 because MariaDB gave an error message when connecting to wix. I also had to set a MySQL User with mysql_native_password. Perhaps there are other solutions but this worked for me.
CREATE USER 'mysql_username'@'%'IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'mysql_user_password';
I had to set my database to receive outside connections and then I tested to make sure I could connect with HeidiSQL before I proceed to check the velo adapters connection.
I ran the docker with this command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e CLOUD_VENDOR=aws -e TYPE=mysql -e SECRET_KEY=yoursecret -e HOST=external_ip_of_mysql_database -e USER=mysql_username -e PASSWORD=mysql_user_password -e DB=name_of_your_database docker_image_id
I finally have this set up.
Thanks for your help.