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Forum Posts

Apr 26, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I'm trying a really simple if/else conditional statements to show a different button by the result of the dropdown selection. I really don't know why this isn't working. $w.onReady(function () { $w('#destination').onChange(() => { if ($w('#destination').value === 'outbound' && $w('#status').value === 'citizen') { $w('#button91').show(); } else if($w('#destination').value === 'inbound') { $w('#button92').show(); } else { $w('#button91').disable(); $w('#button92').disable(); } }); }); I tested it by selecting Destination to be outbound, Status as citizen but button91 doesn't show at all. I tried the second option to be displayed as well, but it did not work either (inbound). I'm using these codes in a lightbox with a slideshow. So when user clicks a button, lightbox opens and the questions are in each slideshow. At the end of this slideshow I'd like to show the final answer(button91 or 92). Please help :(
Jan 22, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Hi, I'm very new to Wix code and I'd like to create a set of input fields dynamically by a button action, something like below: Each time a user clicks Add button, this group of fields appear and name its individual input field by order. Next time user clicks Add button, each individual field in group 2 has like name2, dob2, and so on. I think I can make the group of input fields appear when Add is clicked, however, how can I name each field or next group of input fields according to its created order? #input1, #input2, #input3... Can someone kindly guide me as specific as possible? Thanks in advance
Add/remove user input fields content media


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