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Forum Posts

May 15, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Dear Wix Code support, I'm unable to see the Sandbox/Live Collection selection on my database after a long holiday break. Is there some issue with my database? Used to see the selection of the database collection (Sandbox/Live) on the top right corner but now disappeared. Need to Sync my live database urgently. Something I need to change? Thanks for your help again.
HELP - Unable to see the Sandbox/Live Collection selection content media
Feb 16, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Please help to assist as still unable to display the image thru Lightbox. Not sure if it is coding issues or database issue? Successfully displayed the search dataset table results with all the fields (incl one photo column) from the database. However when trying to implement user select the cell from the result dataset table, not unable to display the click selected image of the dataset table via Lightbox. Many thanks for helping me out on this issue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import wixData from 'wix-data'; ...... ...... export function searchButton_onClick() { $w('#dataset1').onReady(function () { wixData.query('WixRunningEventsDB') ...... ...... import wixWindow from 'wix-window'; export function table1_cellSelect(event) { $w('#dataset1').setCurrentItemIndex(event.itemIndex) .then(() => { wixWindow.openLightbox('ImagePhoto', $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()); }); }
Display table image via Lightbox content media
Feb 03, 2018
In Coding with Velo
Dear Wix code experts, I'm trying to create the member dashboard (please refer to the diagram attached below) and need some advice and sample wix code to achieved the desire results. Current status is completed the user login screen and created member database. Having issue of how to connect the member login email (using this member email as member ID) to search the database based on the category selection and output only the matching members photos from the database into a member gallery (see diagram). Once member select the photo from the member gallery a new screen will pop up with larger version of the photo (understand this could be done using Lightbox but not sure how to code the transfer of the fields from Database to lightbox). Greatly appreciated your time and effort in helping out on this. Kind regards Ming
Member dashboard with Gallery content media


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