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Ido (Wix)
Velo Team
Velo Team
Jan 16, 2020
In Tips, Tutorials, Examples
Ido (Wix)
Velo Team
Velo Team
Feb 18, 2018
In Tips, Tutorials, Examples
Hi, Sometimes, when trying to populate dynamic pages, repeaters or standalone images a flicker will occur. Both while moving from edit to preview mode and even sometimes on live sites. For example, lets say we wish to change an image by code and then show it, we will need to select a 'placeholder' image from the media manager. Then we will write this line of code in the onReady function: $w.onReady(function () { $w('#dog').src = ''; $w('#dog').show(); }); And we will get this result: This happened since we had to choose a placeholder image, so I chose a cat. You can see that when I click the preview button you can still see the cat for a split second To overcome this issue, there is no need to change your code, simply upload a blank placeholder image and use it for every image that the code interacts with and viola, no more flicker! Download placeholder image here Right click and save image as. Side by side comparison Placeholder image used on the left, while the cat image it used on the right, note the captions (Cat/no cat) after I click the preview button Good luck!
Dealing with Blinking Images content media

Ido (Wix)

Forum Moderator
Velo Team
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