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Forum Posts

Feb 10, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hi mates, I need some help! :) I would like to use a very little code to search a database by using a 'user text field' ("input") in combination with a 'search button' ("iconButton1_click") and an export of the results to a 'repeater' ("repeater1"). Database ("MGL-III") and repeater are working fine on the site but 'the search'-code doesn´t. Nothing happens while using text field and button. Can you help? This is the little code I am "using" right now: import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function iconButton1_click(event) { function search() { wixData.query('MGL-III') .contains('kurztext', $w("#input").value) .or(wixData.query('MGL-III').eq('title', $w("#input").value)) .find() .then(res => { $w('#repeater1').data = res.items; }); } } Thank you guys very much in advance! Nice regards from the Baltic Sea-area :) André


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