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Arthur Valatin
Jul 31, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I was wondering if it is possible (and how) to change the size of texts on view port enter using code. This should make my website modern. Thanks! Arthur
Arthur Valatin
Jul 24, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I am having a simple but hard to solve problem. I have a website that allows users to add their own content and store it is their collection. I allow them to login through a login button. The problem is that the user needs to click another "refresh" button to show their content. I wonder if it is possible to do this automatically after login. My refresh button code(found it in this post): function NotLoggedIn() { //hide/show content } function Normal() { //hide/show content } $w("#button94").onClick (() =>{ if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) { Normal() } else { NotLoggedIn() } }) $w.onReady(function() { if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) { Normal() } else { NotLoggedIn() } }) Arthur
How to refresh content on login content media
Arthur Valatin
May 08, 2021
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I have a video player on a dynamic page. I know already how to do this: $w("#myDataset").onReady(() { $w("#myVideoPlayer").play(); }) But---> The video player doesn't automatically play after the page is refreshed or entered through an external link. I need help, please.
Arthur Valatin
Apr 17, 2021
In Coding with Velo
How to code this?
Typing Loop content media
Arthur Valatin
Dec 12, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I had the loadMore() function working but it isn't now. export function box1_viewportEnter(event) { $w("#dataset1").loadMore() .then( () => { console.log("Done loading more data"); } ); } Please help!
Arthur Valatin
Aug 17, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I have been frustrated about the limit of storage Wix gives me for storing photos in the media manager(only 500MB). That is why I thought I should host the photos some ware else. Maybe Google photos or instagram or some other similar service. I am new to working with external databases. I do know Wix allows me to create external databases other than Normal databases. I found this article here: But, I am having truble understanding what I need to do. The article is a bit complex. Could someone help me with it? I am sorry but, the photos I am dealing with are high quality & the size is big(about 3MB~10MB each) and I can't host much of them(the number of photos with grow every year). This(external database idea) was @russian-dima's idea & I couldn't think of any better alternatives. Please help me!😫 Thanks
Arthur Valatin
Aug 09, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I was wanting social sharing icons for my dynamic pages. Wix only has a Facebook sharing button, & it wasn't really customizable (in design). Is it possible to create this???: Facebook share button twitter share button Thanks
Arthur Valatin
Aug 07, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello, I created a custom form using code (no datasets) & I managed to send an email to the USER who submitted the form. However, I wasn't able to send an email notification to ME. I tried the same method as sending the email to the USER, but that didn't work. Here is the code I used to send the email to the user (which works): if(wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) { const userId =; wixUsers.emailUser("email",userId, { variables: { "photo": $w("#textBox1").value } }) But, I also tried sending it to ME (which doesn't work ) : wixUsers.emailUser("email",, { variables: { "photo": $w("#textBox1").value } }) This didn't work. Is there a solution??? Thanks Note: isn't my real email address
Arthur Valatin
Jul 16, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I was using @Yisrael (Wix)'s example to make an autosuggest dropdown for my search bar. I found it on his site (I think it is his). There was a bit in the code that got an error message when I used his example on my website. The autosuggest dropdown is working fine with the error code. The only thing missing is when someone hovers over a suggestion or use the arrow keys to pic a suggestion, the color stays the same. I want make it high lighted. That is why I need this code correct. The code is very long, so I will only show the bit where the error message is. export function word_itemReady($item, itemData, index) { $item('#text89').text = itemData.title; if (index === currIndex) { $item("#wordBox").style.backgroundColor = HL_COLOR; } else { $item("#wordBox").style.bachgroundColor = REG_COLOR; } $item('#wordBox').onClick(() => { $w('#input1').value = itemData.title; $w('#word').collapse(); }); } I got the error message on the ".style" on both line 4 & line 6. I just can't find the issue. I would be very grateful if someone could help. ~Thanks~ Arthur😀
Arthur Valatin
Jul 15, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello. I have a search bar to search my database. I was wondering if it would be possible to show photos that have "Editors choice" in the database at the top of the search results. Maybe "sorting" is the best word to describe what I want to do. ~Thanks!~ Arthur😀
Arthur Valatin
Jul 13, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello. I was looking at wix examples when I came across a new example. . The only problem is I want to make a signature input for my website but can't find a signature input in the user inputs in the editor. I think I can code it, so could someone tell me where to find it? ~Thanks~ Arthur
Arthur Valatin
Jul 11, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I was creating a comment function on a normal page to let people comment on things. I was wondering if it would be possible to create this for a dynamic page. I tried the wix example website. The only problem there is that example was for the wix blog. I tried recoding it but I didn't get fare. I got an error message I got the error message 'getPhoto' does not exist on '#dynamicDataset'. The getPhoto was getPost in the example but as I am not using the blog for this I can't use it. I looked up getBlog in wix documentation. I found it. It was only for the blog. Is there an alternative for getPost for databases? ~Thank you!~ Arthur $w("#dynamicDataset").getPhoto().then(item => { currentPhoto = item loadItemComments() })
Arthur Valatin
Jul 11, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I was using a repeater to display photos. I was making a text element connected to the photo name appear when someone hovers over the repeater. The only thing there is that when someone hovers over the repeater, the text for all items appear. Is it possible to only show the text for the item in the repeater that the user is hovering on? ~Thanks~ Arthur😀
Arthur Valatin
Jul 07, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I was following this wix article to make a light box only show once per user. The article URL: . The code doesn't seem to work fo me. import {local} from 'wix-storage'; import wixWindow from 'wix-window'; $w.onReady(function () { if(!local.getItem("firstTimePopupShown")) {     wixWindow.openLightbox("photo");     local.setItem("firstTimePopupShown","yes"); } }); "photo" in the 5th line is the name of my light box. I would really appreciate it if someone could point out which bit needs fixing. Arthur😀
Arthur Valatin
Jul 06, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I was wondering if it would be possible to create a like button for a photo. I am storing my photos in a database and showing them using a dynamic dataset. Is it possible to create a like button? The reason I want to make this function is that I am using a Wix pro gallery and it is connected to a database meaning the like feature Wix pro gallery has, doesn't work. I also only want to let members like each photo once. ~Thanks~ Arthur 😀
Arthur Valatin
Jul 01, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello! I have a search bar to search my dataset. Is it possible to include the searchValue in the url? Like if I searched "bird" then the url would have "bird" in it. ~Thanks~ Arthur (I've kind of got 2 ways to let people search- clicking the search button & pressing Enter) import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function input1_keyPress(event) { if(event.key ==="Enter") {         console.log("Enter has been pressed") let searchValue = $w("#input1").value; let filter = wixData.filter()         .contains('name',searchValue)         .eq('stat','Published')         .or(wixData.filter().contains('japanese',searchValue))         .eq('stat','Published')         .or(wixData.filter().contains('title',searchValue))         .eq('stat','Published')         $w("#dataset1").setFilter(filter);     } } $w.onReady( function() { }) export function button44_click(event) { let dropdown2 = $w("#dropdown2").value; let dropdown1 = $w("#dropdown3").value; let dropdown = $w("#dropdown4").value; let searchValue = $w("#input1").value; let filter = wixData.filter()     .contains('name', searchValue)     .eq('stat', 'Published')     .or(wixData.filter().contains('japanese',searchValue)     .eq('stat','Published')     .or(wixData.filter().contains('title',searchValue))     .eq('stat','Published')     )     $w("#dataset1").setFilter(filter); }
Arthur Valatin
Jul 01, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello. I have a search bar to search my dataset. I am using the on key press event to trigger the search. The problem is, the search bar searches the dataset before the person presses enter. Is it possible to let the search bar wait till the person presses enter? Also, Can I have a search button as well (using the onClick event). ~Thanks~ Arthur import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady( function() { }) export function input1_keyPress(event) { let searchValue = $w("#input1").value; let filter = wixData.filter()     .contains('name', searchValue)     .eq('stat', 'Published')     .or(wixData.filter().contains('title',searchValue)     .eq('stat','Published')     )     $w("#dataset1").setFilter(filter); }
Arthur Valatin
Jun 27, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello😉! I have a search bar to search inside my dataset. But is it possible to let people search on the search bar on the home page and bring them to the results page and show the results? Also, would it be possible to show the same searchValue someone searched on the home pages' search into the results page search bar? Here is my code for my results page. import wixData from 'wix-data'; $w.onReady( function() { }) export function button36_click(event) { let searchValue = $w("#input1").value; let filter = wixData.filter() .contains('name', searchValue) .eq('stat', 'Published') .or(wixData.filter().contains('title', searchValue) .eq('stat', 'Published') ) $w("#dataset1").setFilter(filter); } Could someone help me,please? ~Thanks~ Arthur😆
Arthur Valatin
Jun 27, 2020
In Coding with Velo
Hello😀. I was wondering if it would be possible to filter a dataset with code. I know I can do this without code, but I made a search bar to search the dataset and I can't filter the dataset without code. Here is my code. import wixData from 'wix-data'; export function button36_click(event, $w) { let searchValue = $w("#input1").value; $w("#dataset1").setFilter(wixData.filter().contains('name', searchValue) .or(wixData.filter().contains('title', searchValue))) } I have a section in my database that has the label "Published". I really only want the items with the "Published" label showing up in my dataset when someone searches with my search bar. Could someone please give me a link to an article? Regards Arthur
Arthur Valatin
Jun 26, 2020
In Coding with Velo
I was wondering if I could set a duration for my animations with code. I really need this feature. Could someone give me a link to an article for this? my code. export function box_click(event) { $w("#boxBig").show('fadeIn'); } Arthur

Arthur Valatin

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